North America

or +1-720-249-5700


or +49 6131 324 185

Asia Pacific

or +603-7953-3010

For our complete list of Global support contact information, visitQuantum's support contact index

We are active participants in the StorageCARE philosophy. And we are committed to you – our customers, our partners. Our goal is to maintain & improve your customer experience.

- CX & Product Quality Team at Quantum


Commitment,Accountability,Responsiveness, andExpertise

Key Initiatives

We are constantly working to improveour tools, processes, and systems to deliver the best customer experience in the industry. The feedback you provide is instrumental to helping us achieve that goal. Below is a glimpse into our key initiatives that we are focused on now and in the future. Keep the feedback coming, we’re listening!

Support Roadmap


  • Simplified Online Service Request process
  • New Customer Training Platform
  • Cleaner navigation


  • Improved Customer Self Help Tools (Knowledgebase and Smart Guides)
  • Enhanced system reporting and diagnostics for reduced resolution times


  • Personalized Customer Dashboards
  • Common login across support platforms
  • Automated Licensing
  • Elevated support communities

Faces of our commited global support team…

  • Angela Brosseau|Partner Guru

    服务交付专家,Committed to StorageCare Customers

    With StorageCare customers in 100+ countries, Angela works around the clock enabling partners to be ready when you call. She enables our global reach.

  • Charlotte Taylor|Training and Documentation Chieftain

    Committed to improving customer knowledge of Quantum products

    Charlotte’s team partners with the product development teams and keeps their focus on the customer’s experience. They then create documentation, training, videos—whatever the customer needs to do their best work with Quantum solutions.

  • Bruce Jones|Most Excellent Solution Deployment Expert

    Senior Director International Professional Services, Committed to StorageCare Customers

    Works tirelessly to assure Quantum StorNext Solutions are deployed efficiently and effectively to best meet customer work flow requirements.

  • Linda Seitz|Master Project Driver

    Implementation Project Manager, Committed to StorageCare Customers

    With a laser focus on project objectives, Linda drives the solution deployment team to deliver results; completing implementation projects on time and within budget.

What our customers are saying…

  • This potentially complicated transition was made possible by the enthusiasm, cooperation, and willingness of the Quantum StorNext® engineers to make our project a reality… We looked for a long-term partnership with Quantum, not just a product supplier.

    Reinhard Görtner | Vice President, IT & Services, RTL II

  • Quantum’s Custom Engineering developed the pre-stage and archive solution to provide mirrored high availability of content across two separate near-line SANs within our new Broadcast Inventory Management workflow. The integration with Harmonic MAS would not have been achievable without this custom development.

    John Morgan | TBS, Inc. U.S Network

  • Quantum always treats us well, and we have a great relationship with the company… Our systems get pulled into some pretty rugged environments when crews are shooting on remote location, and it’s great to have the rock-solid reliability of Quantum.

    Ben Perry | Operations Manager, Codex

  • I’ve worked with most of the major storage companies for about 10 years and I knew who to go to...With Quantum, I know that if I pick up the phone, there’s somebody on the other end who is going to do something about it, and they’re going to do it now.

    Jamie Peeples | Vice President of Engineering, RLTV
  • RTL II
  • Turner
  • Codex
  • RLTV
