Operate > Configuration Wizards > Configuring the Cloud Appliance for Replication

Configuring the Cloud Appliance for Replication

TheReplicationwizard provides guided assistance for configuring theQ-Cloud Protectappliance to receive replicated data from an on-site DXi appliance or OpenStorage (OST) server. You can also use this wizard to configure theQ-Cloud Protectappliance to replicate stored data back to a source DXi appliance for failback recovery scenarios.

Source and Target Systems

Sourcessendreplicated data, and targetsreceivereplicated data. TheQ-Cloud Protectappliance can receive data from 1 source, and replicate data back to a single target. Although the cloud appliance is mainly used as a target for replicated data, it can serve as a source in failback recovery scenarios.

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