Managing Users
TheManage Userstab allows you to create and manage local authenticated users for use with OST.
After you create the OST user credentials, enter them in the backup application to authenticate OST devices on the media server.
Use theManage Userstab to perform the following tasks:

- From theConfigurationmenu, selectOST > Manage Usersto display theManage Local Userspage.
Figure 1:Manage Local Users Page
- Review the following information about local authenticated users configured on the cloud appliance:
The name of the local authenticated user.
A brief description of the local authenticated user , if available.
To update the list with the latest information, clickRefresh.

To create local OST user credentials, add a local authenticated user. The OST user credentials are required to authenticate OST devices on a media server.

From theManage Local Userspage, clickAddto display theAdd User Credentialwindow.
Figure 2:Add User Credential Window
Enter the following information about the local authenticated user:
User name
Enter the name of the local authenticated user.
New Password
Enter the password for the user.
Confirm New Password
Enter the password again to confirm it.
(Optional) Enter a brief description of the user.
- ClickApply.

From theManage Local Userspage, select the user and clickEditto display theEdit User Credentialswindow.
Figure 3:Edit User Credentials Window
Edit the following information about the local authenticated user, as needed:
New Password
Enter a new password for the local authenticated user.
Confirm New Password
Enter the password again to confirm it.
(Optional) Enter a brief description of the user.
- ClickApply.

From theManage Local Userspage, select the user(s) to delete and click删除.