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What This Privacy Policy Covers

This Privacy Policy describes how we treat the personal information of our employees as well as personal information that we receive from visitors of the websites of Quantum Corporation and its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively “Quantum” or “we”), in connection with our products, services, support or marketing activities, or from representatives of our customers, suppliers, and other business partners. By visiting our sites or by using our products, services or support or by selling us products or services, you acknowledge and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to the terms, please do not access our sites or use our products, services or support or sell us products or services.

Links to Non-Quantum Websites and Third Parties

Our sites may provide links to third-party websites for your convenience and information. If you access those links, you will leave our sites. Quantum does not control those sites or their privacy practices, which may differ from Quantum’s. We do not endorse or make any representations about third-party websites. The personal information you choose to give to unrelated third parties is not covered by our Privacy Policy.


在为您提供产品和服务时,我们可以将个人信息转移到数据保护和隐私法规不会提供与欧盟,瑞士或英国相同的保护程度。在那里,我们将您的个人信息转移到这些司法管辖区以外的国家,该国不受欧洲委员会的充分决定的国家,我们将以适当的数据传输机制保护它。当我们将您的个人信息从欧洲联盟,瑞士或英国转移到美国时,我们根据欧盟美国的原则这样做。和瑞士隐私盾牌,以及在标准合同条款后的内部与数据传输协议下。亚搏官网app登录入口了解更多信息,请read hereor contact us based on our contact information below.



我们收集的网络浏览信息包括统计信息,例如在我们的网站上访问的页面,我们网站内访问的唯一URL,人们访问我们网站的域,浏览器类型和IP地址。大多数此信息通过Cookie或其他分析技术收集,例如Google Analytics。我们可以使用cookie识别您的计算机。有关Google Analytics的那种信息的更多信息,请在使用Google Analytics时,如何保护您的隐私,阅读这里


These uses of your personal information are based on one of the following legal bases, as applicable:

We do not and will not sell or rent personal information, including the personal information of minors under 16 years of age. We do not share personal information with nonaffiliated companies except that we may disclose such information to third parties for a business or commercial purpose such as the following:


个人信息的类别,定义by the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018, that we have collected, used, or shared in the last twelve months for the above purposes are described in the following tables. The purposes of collection, sources of information, and categories of third parties with whom the information is shared are also provided below.


Information Category 信息类型 Purposes of Collection 信息来源 第三方收件人
Category A (Identifiers) 通常限于名称和业务联系信息,如商业电子邮件,电话和地址 如上所述,包括:
  1. 完成产品销售和支持义务;
  2. 执行客户服务义务;
  3. 开展营销活动;和
  4. Comply with applicable law
您的客户,服务提供商或销售和营销合作伙伴(包括数据经纪人)直接向我们提供给我们或向我们提供信息亚博棋牌正网 销售,制造,物流,客户服务和营销合作伙伴,以及必要时,执法机构和/或外部法律服务亚博棋牌正网
B类(个人特征) 通常限于名称和业务联系信息,如商业电子邮件,电话和地址 如上所述,包括:
  1. 完成产品销售和支持义务;
  2. 执行客户服务义务;
  3. 开展产品营销活动;和
  4. Comply with applicable law
您的客户,服务提供商或销售和营销合作伙伴(包括数据经纪人)直接向我们提供给我们或向我们提供信息亚博棋牌正网 销售,制造,物流,客户服务和营销合作伙伴,以及必要时,执法机构和/或外部法律服务亚博棋牌正网
d类(商业信息) Generally limited to actual or contemplated purchases of or related to Quantum products 如上所述,包括:
  1. 完成产品销售和支持义务;
  2. 执行客户服务义务;
  3. 开展营销活动;和
  4. Comply with applicable law, including business transaction recordkeeping requirements
您的客户,服务提供商或销售和营销合作伙伴(包括数据经纪人)直接向我们提供给我们或向我们提供信息亚博棋牌正网 销售,制造,物流,客户服务和营销合作伙伴,以及必要时,执法机构和/或外部法律服务亚博棋牌正网
Category F (Internet Activity) Includes information gathered about your interaction with our website, as described in more detail in this privacy policy As described above, including to carry out marketing activities 您的销售和营销合作伙伴直接或向我们提供信息,包括通过使用饼干,像素等亚博棋牌正网 Sales, customer service, and marketing partners, and when necessary, law enforcement agencies and/or external legal services
类别G(地理位置数据) IP address (in many cases, the IP address collected points to a corporate domain rather than an individual user) 如上所述,包括:
  1. 开展营销活动;和
  2. 执行客户服务义务并提高产品性能;
  3. Comply with applicable law
您可以通过使用Cookie,Pixels和Us的信息,包括在产品性能日志中提供的销售和营销合作伙伴直接或向我们提供给我们的信息亚博棋牌正网 Customer service partners, and when necessary, law enforcement agencies and/or external legal services
Category I (Employment Information) Information types also included in other categories listed here, such as business contact information 如上所述,包括:
  1. 完成产品销售和支持义务;
  2. 执行客户服务义务;
  3. 开展营销活动;和
  4. Comply with applicable law
您的客户,服务提供商或销售和营销合作伙伴(包括数据经纪人)直接向我们提供给我们或向我们提供信息亚博棋牌正网 销售,制造,物流,客户服务和营销合作伙伴,以及必要时,执法机构和/或外部法律服务亚博棋牌正网

For individuals who are, were, or have applied to be Quantum employees

Information Category 信息类型 Purposes of Collection 信息来源 第三方收件人
Category A (Identifiers) 一般限制为:
  1. Name and personal contact information such as email, phone, and address; and
  2. Social security, driver’s license, or other identification numbers you provide to us during the hiring process
  1. 进程就业申请和完全招聘决策;
  2. 管理员工并提供相关工资单和福利计划; and
  3. Comply with applicable law
Information you provide directly to us
  1. Payroll processors, employee benefits providers, and tax authorities;
  2. 保险提供者;和
  3. When necessary, law enforcement agencies and/or external legal services
B类(个人特征) 一般限制为:
  1. Name and personal contact information such as email, phone, and address; and
  2. Social security, driver’s license, or other identification numbers you provide to us during the hiring process
  3. 您向我们提供的银行,医疗或健康保险信息,以管理我们的工资单义务或雇员福利计划;和
  4. 在此列出的其他类别中包含的其他类型的个人信息
  1. 进程就业申请和完全招聘决策;
  2. 管理员工并提供相关工资单和福利计划
  3. 执行背景,信用和/或参考检查;和
  4. Comply with applicable law
Information you provide to us directly
  1. Payroll processors, employee benefits providers, and tax authorities;
  2. 保险提供者;
  3. 背景检查,参考和/或消费者报告提供者;和
  4. When necessary, law enforcement agencies and/or external legal services
C类(受保护分类) 通常限于您在招聘过程中向我们提供的年龄,性别,种族和家庭状况信息 如上所述,包括:
  1. 进程就业申请和完全招聘决策;
  2. 管理员工并提供相关工资单和福利计划; and
  3. Comply with applicable law
Information you provide directly to us
  1. Payroll processors, employee benefits providers, and tax authorities;
  2. 保险提供者;和
  3. When necessary, law enforcement agencies and/or external legal services
Category I (Employment Information) 通常限于专业工作历史信息:
  1. You provide to us during the hiring process; and
  2. 可用于职位和招聘互联网网站和社交媒体应用程序的审核
  1. 进程就业申请和完全招聘决策;
  2. 管理员工并提供相关工资单和福利计划; and
  3. Comply with applicable law
Information you provide directly to us or available on hiring-focused internet websites and social media applications
  1. Payroll processors, employee benefits providers, and tax authorities;
  2. 保险提供者;和
  3. When necessary, law enforcement agencies and/or external legal services
Category J (Education Information) 通常限于教育历史信息:
  1. You provide to us during the hiring process; and
  2. 可用于职位和招聘互联网网站和社交媒体应用程序的审核
  1. 进程就业申请和完全招聘决策;
  2. 管理员工并提供相关工资单和福利计划; and
  3. Comply with applicable law
Information you provide directly to us or available on hiring-focused internet websites and social media applications
  1. Payroll processors, employee benefits providers, and tax authorities;
  2. 保险提供者;和
  3. When necessary, law enforcement agencies and/or external legal services








In the process of browsing our sites, some information is collected automatically and may include your internet address and the number and frequency of visits to the sites. This generic information does not identify the visitor, but is used to help us improve the services offered through our sites.

当您查看我们的网站或广告时,我们可能会在您的计算机上存储一些信息。此信息将是“cookie”或类似文件的形式。Cookie是存储在您的硬盘上的小型信息 - 不在我们的网站上 - 帮助您尽可能轻松地导航网站。Cookie可以唯一地标识您的浏览器或您的帐户,但它们不一定能够识别您的个人。Cookie也可用于帮助存储个人信息;例如,您要求我们要“记住”您或者让您登录。Cookie可以帮助我们更好地了解用户如何使用我们的网站,这反过来有助于我们将我们的资源集中在与用户更受欢迎的功能上。如果您宁愿在浏览我们的网站时不接收cookie,您可以在接受cookie之前设置浏览器以警告您。如果您的浏览器允许,您可以在浏览器警告您的状态时拒绝cookie或通常通过在浏览器中关闭它们来拒绝所有cookie;但我们网站的某些部分,包括针对我们注册客户的部分,可能无法在这种情况下正常工作。您可以从浏览器中删除cookie; however, that means that any settings or preferences managed by those cookies will also be deleted and you may need to recreate them. Depending on your mobile device, you may not be able to control tracking technologies through settings.

量子places cookies on your browser in part to allow its vendors to collect data about your online activity and show you targeted ads for Quantum products. To learn more about cookies and other automatic data collection tools, please visithttp://www.allaboutcookies.org/

量子has engaged one or more affiliated and unaffiliated third-party service providers to track and analyze usage and volume statistical information from visitors to our sites. The service provider(s) set cookies on behalf of Quantum. Quantum also uses other third-party cookies to track the effectiveness of our sites and to advertise Quantum’s products and services, as well as those of our partners and affiliates. Some of the providers that track visitors to our sites are AdRoll, BrightTalk, Demand Base, Double Click, Drift, Facebook, Google Analytics, LinkedIn, and Marketo.


More information about the specific cookies Quantum uses can be reviewed这里

在我们网站的许多页面上,您将看到链接到昆腾的社交媒体页面的按钮。实现这些按钮需要使用Quantum不控制的站点的脚本。您应该意识到这些网站可能正在收集有关您在互联网周围所做的内容的信息,包括Quantum的网站。如果单击这些按钮中的任何一个,则这些站点将注册该操作,并且可以使用该信息。In some cases, if you are logged into their services (like Google and Facebook), these sites will be registering the fact that you are visiting Quantum, and the specific pages you are on, even if you don’t click on the related button. You should check the privacy policies for of each of these sites to understand how they use your information and how you can make changes.


Some emails that we send you, such as personal correspondence or emails with invoices attached, do not use tracking mechanisms. However, other emails we send might include tracking mechanisms so that we can identify how much traffic those emails send to our site as well as whether an individual user has opened and clicked on the email. If you want to be sure that none of your email activity is tracked, please unsubscribe from Quantum newsletters and marketing correspondence.

Do Not Track Signals





In some locations, you have the right to request access to, correction of, restriction of, and deletion of your personal information, subject to certain limitations. You also have the right to request that we transmit to you or to another controller your personal information that you have provided to us for a contract or with your consent. You can also object to our processing of your personal information in certain cases.

If you are a California resident, you also have the right to request deletion of the personal information we have collected about you, subject to certain limitations. In addition, you have the right to request that we disclose to you:

您可以通过根据下面提供的联系信息与我们联系联系我们,行使任何这些权利。您还可以提交您的请求这里如果您是或是昆腾员工或已申请与我们的就业,或者这里if you have never been an employee or applied for employment with us. However, we may charge a reasonable fee or refuse to act on a request if it is manifestly unfounded or excessive in particular because of its repetitive character. When examining your claim, we will ask that you provide sufficient information to identify yourself (including verifying the identifying information we have) before granting your request. In some cases, we may refuse to act or impose limitations on your rights, for instance if your request is likely to adversely affect the rights and freedoms of Quantum and others, prejudice the execution or enforcement of the law, interfere with pending or future litigation, or infringe applicable law, or if we cannot sufficiently verify your identity. In all cases, you have a right not to receive discriminatory treatment by us for the exercise of the privacy rights conferred by the California Consumer Privacy Act and to file a complaint with a Supervisory Authority.



如果我们决定改变我们的隐私政策,我们将将这些更改发布到本隐私政策,主页和其他我们认为的其他地方,以便您了解我们收集的信息,我们如何使用它,以及在什么情况下 - 如果任何我们披露它。



如果您对我们的隐私政策有任何疑问或建议,请联系我们privacy@quantum.com.or (800) 677-6268, or in writing to Quantum Corporation, attention: Privacy Office, 224 Airport Parkway, Suite 550, San Jose, CA 95110. You may also contact us through any of those methods to request details of the personal information we hold about you or to request corrections, updates, or deletions to your information.


残疾人可以通过联系以替代格式访问此通知privacy@quantum.com.or (800) 677-6268 and requesting that the privacy policy be provided in hard copy or read aloud over the telephone or an internet-based phone call.

Dispute Resolution

If you have an unresolved privacy or data use concern that we have not addressed satisfactorily, please contact our US-based third-party dispute resolution provider (free of charge) athttps://fedback- orborm.truste.com/watchdog/request.


