承诺和临时意外 |
12个月结束 |
3月31日,2021年 |
承诺和意外情况披露[摘要] | |
承诺和临时意外 | 承诺和临时意外
2016年7月22日,Realtime Data LLC d/b/a IXO(“Realtime Data”)向美国德克萨斯州东区地区法院提起专利侵权诉讼,指控该公司侵犯了美国专利号7,161,506、7,378,992、7亚搏官网app登录入口,415,530、8,643,513、9,054,728和9,116,908。该诉讼已被转移到美国加州北部地区法院进行进一步审理。Realtime Data声称,该公司已将Realtime D亚搏官网app登录入口ata的专利技术纳入其压缩产品和服务。实时数据寻求未指明的金钱损害赔偿和法院认为适当的其他救济。2017年7月31日,地区法院中止了该诉讼的程序,等待与Realtime专利相关的专利审判和上诉委员会在Inter partreview程序中做出裁决。在这些诉讼程序中,506年,992年和513年的专利被认为是不可专利的。此外,2019年7月19日,特拉华州地区法院(United States District Court for the District of Delaware)发布了一项裁决,裁定“728”专利、“530”专利和“908”专利的所有权利要求均不符合美国法典第35条第101条(“特拉华州
行动”)。在上诉时,联邦电路腾出了特拉华州行动的决定,并为法院撤销“阐述其裁决”。抵御加利福尼亚北部北部量子的案件仍然在特拉华州行动的最终结果等待着。On May 4, 2021, the Court in the Delaware Action reaffirmed its earlier ruling and granted defendants’ motions to dismiss under Section 101. The Court also granted Realtime Data 14 days to file amended complaints in certain of the Delaware Actions where they sought leave to do so. On May 19, 2021, Realtime Data filed amended complaints including revised bases for claims of infringement of the same patents. Quantum is currently preparing its response to the amended complaints to be filed in the coming weeks. The Company believes the probability that this lawsuit will have a material adverse effect on our business, operating results or financial condition is remote.
On July 14, 2020, Starboard Value LP, Starboard Value and Opportunity Master Fund Ltd., Starboard Value and Opportunity S LLC, and Starboard Value and Opportunity C LP (collectively, “Starboard”) filed a lawsuit against Quantum Corporation, Quantum’s former CEO and board member Jon Gacek, and former Quantum board member Paul Auvil in the California Superior Court in Santa Clara County. The complaint alleges that between 2012 and 2014, Starboard purchased a large number of shares of Quantum’s common stock, obtained three seats on Quantum’s board of directors and then, in July 2014, entered into an agreement with Quantum whereby Starboard would not seek control of Quantum’s board but would instead support Quantum’s slate of board nominees so long as Quantum met certain performance objectives by the end of fiscal 2015. The complaint further alleges that Quantum did not meet those performance objectives but hid that by improperly recognizing revenue in fiscal 2015, with the alleged objective of entrenching Messrs. Gacek and Auvil and then-current management. Mr. Gacek resigned from the board effective May 1, 2017 and as CEO effective November 7, 2017; Mr. Auvil resigned from the board effective November 8, 2017. The complaint’s accounting allegations largely repeat allegations made in now-concluded shareholder class actions, shareholder derivative actions and SEC investigation, the settlement of which we previously reported in the Company’s Form 10-Q filed with the SEC on January 29, 2020 and Form 10-K filed with the SEC on August 6, 2019 (among other SEC filings). On September 14, 2020, all defendants filed a joint motion to dismiss this action in California on grounds of forum non conveniens and the mandatory Delaware forum selection clauses set forth in the contracts between Starboard and Quantum. On November 19, 2020, Starboard filed a first amended complaint, in which Quantum was not named as a defendant and therefore, in effect Quantum had been dismissed from the California action. The first amended complaint reasserts with only minor modifications the existing claims against Messrs. Gacek and Auvil, and adds a new claim against Messrs. Gacek and Auvil, alleging that they aided and abetted Quantum in committing a fraud on plaintiffs. The amended complaint sought no relief from Quantum. On January 8, 2021, Messrs. Gacek and Auvil moved to dismiss the amended complaint in California on grounds of forum non conveniens and the mandatory Delaware forum selection clauses set forth in the contracts between Starboard and Quantum. On March 11, 2021, the California Superior Court stayed the California action.
2021年4月14日,斯塔博德向特拉华州衡平法院(Delaware Court of Chancery)提起了一项新诉讼,将加切克、奥维尔和量子公司列为被告。新的诉讼在很大程度上重复了加州诉讼的指控,指控针对所有被告的欺诈指控,针对所有被告的欺诈性隐瞒指控,针对所有被告的过失错误陈述指控,针对量子公司的违约指控,针对量子公司违反了善意和公平交易的隐含契约,违反了对盖塞克和奥维尔先生的信托责任。原告请求在审判时确定赔偿金额、诉讼费和律师费,以及法院认为公正或适当的任何其他救济。2021年5月10日,量子公司提出动议,要求驳回这一特拉华州诉讼,盖塞克和奥维尔也是如此。在这个时候,量子无法估计关于这个问题的可能结果的范围。