表格10-Q -------------------- [X]根据1934年证券交易法第13或15(d)条发布的季度报告截至9月30日的季度报告,2001或[_]过渡报告按照13到15节(d)的1934年证券交易法的过渡时期 -------------------- 量子公司委员会文件号0 - 12390特拉华注册依照国家法律的 -------------------- 国税局雇主识别号94 - 2665054 501年梧桐木开车,加利福尼亚州的苗必达95035 (408)894 - 4000 -------------------- 表明通过复选标记注册人(1)是否已经提交所有提交的报告需要13 - 15节(d)的1934年证券交易法,前12个月期间(或短,注册人必须文件这样的报道),(2)在过去90天内一直受到此类申请要求的约束。是X否______ -----截至2001年10月31日交易结束时,Quantum公司发行了155,447,926股未偿付普通股。1量子公司指数
截至9月30日结束的三个月6个月9月30日,10月1日2001年10月1日2000 2001 2000 ------------ ---------- ------------ -----------
产品收入231479美元311887美元456299美元625110美元的版税收入50395 49864 104860 102825 ------------ ---------- ------------ ----------- 总营收收入成本281874 361751 561159 727935 190316 203913 357258 410262 ------------ ---------- ------------ ----------- 毛利润91558 157838 203901 317673的操作费用:研发30,799 31,901 65,271 67,730销售和营销33,752 37,043 73,716 75,813一般和行政26,273 19,046 55,015 37,411购买的过程中研究和开发3299 - 16,499 -特别费用17,439 - 65148 - ------------ ---------- ------------ ----------- 111,562 87,990 275,649 180,954收入(亏损)从operations (20,004) 69,848 (71,748) 136,719 Interest and other income (expense), net (6,078) (655) (5,427) 1,148 ------------ ---------- ------------- ----------- Income (loss) before income taxes (26,082) 69,193 (77,175) 137,867 Income tax provision (benefit) (7,668) 24,908 (17,368) 49,632 ------------ ---------- ------------- ----------- Income (loss) from continuing operations (18,414) 44,285 (59,807) 88,235 Discontinued Operations Net income (loss) from discontinued operations - (8,671) - 7,799 Gain on disposition of HDD group, net of income taxes 3,545 - 122,872 - ------------ ---------- ------------ ----------- Income (loss) from discontinued operations 3,545 (8,671) 122,872 7,799 ------------ ---------- ------------ ----------- Net income (loss) $ (14,869) $ 35,614 $ 63,065 $ 96,034 ============ ========== ============ ===========
从持续经营每股收益(损失):基本(0.12)0.30美元(0.38)0.60美元 ========= ======== ========== =========== 稀释美元(0.12)(0.38)0.57美元0.29美元 ========= ======== ========== =========== 加权平均普通股:基本的155545 146230 155383 148274 ========= ======== ========== =========== 稀释155545 154797 155383 154714 ========= ======== ========== =========== 每股收益(损失)从停止操作:基本的0.02美元(0.11)0.79美元0.10美元 ========= ======== ========== =========== 稀释0.02美元(0.11)0.79美元0.09美元 ========= ======== ========== =========== 加权平均普通股:基本的155545 77336 155383 79390 ========= ======== ========== =========== 稀释155545 77336 155383 85533 ========= ======== ========== =========== 基本每股净收益(损失):美元(0.10)0.41美元 ========= ========== 稀释(0.10)0.41美元 ========= ========== 加权平均普通股:基本的155545 155383 ========= ========== 稀释155545 155383 ========= ==========
每股净收入并未在2001财政年度的三个月和六个月期间列示,因为在该期间没有代表合并后公司的单一类别的股票。亚搏官网app登录入口2001财政年度停止运营的加权平均普通股代表硬盘驱动器组普通股。见合并财务报亚搏官网app登录入口表附注。4 QUANTUM CORPORATION CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED Assets SHEETS (In thousand) (unaudited) September 30, March 31, 2001 2001 ----------- ----------- Assets ------- Current Assets:现金及现金等价物$ 343,665 $ 397,537有价证券407 1,084应收帐款,扣除呆帐备抵额3,544美元和3,227 177,547 208,402存货104 906 130 763递延所得税48 323 48 329其他流动资产125 842 72 592净停止经营流动资产- 501,839 ----------- -----------流动资产总额800,690 1,360 546财产和设备减去无形资产累计折旧120,287美元和113,208 8,689 94,700美元,减去累计摊销270,325 227,501其他资产37,941 32,453从Maxtor公司应收账款95,833 -终止经营的净非流动资产- 184,504 ---------------------- $ 1,293,478 $ 1,899,704 =========== ===========负债和股东权益- ------------------------------------流动负债:应付账款$ 104,929 86,510应计担保46,169 54,771短期债务41,363 -其他应计负债127,075 138,776 ----------- -----------流动负债总额319,536 280,57递延所得税102,807 35,807可转换次级债务287,500股东权益:普通股193,605 751,418留存收益467,672 584,696累计其他综合损失(4,006)(4,854)库存股(73,636)(34,920)----------- -----------股东权益总额583,635 1,296,340 ----------- ----------- $ 1,293,478 $ 1,899,704 =========== ===========见合并财务的附注亚搏官网app登录入口 statements. 5 QUANTUM CORPORATION CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (In thousands) (unaudited)
6个月至2001年9月30日,10月1日2000 --------- ---------
来自经营活动的现金流量:净收入$ 63 065 $ 96 034购买的在制品研究和开发16,499 -折旧19,692 44707摊销18,707 16,609递延所得税7,007(1,231)与股票计划相关的薪酬15,620 10,432股权投资减记4,877 -处置HDD集团的收益(122,872)-资产和负债的变化:应收帐款24,764(9,813)存货25,857(19,929)应付帐款18,419(34162)应付所得税(2,486)29241应计保修(8,602)(2,573)其他资产和负债(66,791)(48,692)--------- ---------经营活动提供的现金净额13,756 80,623 --------- ---------投资活动的现金流:股票投资(19,215)(23,353)投资M4数据(控股)有限公司(14,852)-投资Connex(11,613) -有价证券到期日- 2,032物业和设备投资(21,579)(34,789)--------- ---------投资活动中使用的净现金(67259)(56110)--------- ---------现金流融资活动:长期信贷安排的本金支付-(459)购买库存股(38,716)(240,848)保理收益-发行普通股收益70,000net 38347 24036 --------- ---------筹资活动使用现金净额(369)(147,271)--------- ---------现金及现金等价物减少(53,872)(122,758)期初现金及现金等价物397,537 918,262 --------- ---------期末现金及现金等价物$ 343,665 $ 795,504 ========= =========补充现金流信息披露:本期间支付的现金为:利息$ 7,030 $ 13,485所得税,扣除退税$ 10,139 $ 2,361
见合并财务报亚搏官网app登录入口表附注。附注1:陈述基础---------------------所附未经审计的压缩合并财务报表包括QUANTUM CORPORATION(“QUANTUM”或“公司”)(纽约证券交易所代码:DSS)及其控股子公司的账户。亚搏官网app登录入口所有重要的公司间余额和交易都已取消。亚搏官网app登录入口中期财务报表反映了所有调整,只包括管理部门认为为公平地提出所列期间的结果所必需的正常的经常性调整。这些期间的业务结果不一定表明整个财政年度的预期结果。截至2001年3月31日的合并资产负债表来源于当时的经审计的财务报表,但不包括一般公认会计原则要求的完整财务报表的所有信息和附注。随附的财务报亚搏官网app登录入口表应与Quantum截至2001年3月31日财年的经审计财务报表一起阅读,该财务报表包括在其提交给美国证券交易委员会的年度报告的10-K表格中。直到2002财年开始,Quantum公司通过两个独立的业务组来运营业务:DLT &存储系统组(“DSS”)和硬盘驱动器组(“HDD”),每个业务组都由单独的跟踪普通股代表。2001年3月30日,Quantum的股东批准将HDD集团出售给Maxtor Corporation(“Maxtor”)。2001年4月2日,每一授权股HDD普通股被交换为1.52股Maxtor普通股。 As a result of the disposition of the HDD group, the condensed consolidated financial statements for the three and six-month periods ended October 1, 2000, and related footnotes, have been restated to present the results of the HDD group as discontinued operations. Accordingly, in the condensed consolidated statements of operations, the operating results of the HDD group have been classified as "Income (loss) from discontinued operations, net of income taxes", and in the condensed consolidated balance sheet, the assets and liabilities of the HDD group have been classified as "Net current assets of discontinued operations" and "Net non-current assets of discontinued operations". Note 2: Discontinued Operations ----------------------- On March 30, 2001, Quantum's stockholders approved the disposition of the HDD group to Maxtor. On April 2, 2001, each authorized share of HDD common stock was exchanged for 1.52 shares of Maxtor common stock. The HDD group produced two primary product lines, desktop hard disk drives and high-end hard disk drives. HDD had two separate business units that supported these two product lines. The desktop business unit designed, developed and marketed desktop hard disk drives designed to meet the storage requirements of entry-level to high-end desktop personal computers in home and business environments. The high-end business unit designed, developed and marketed high-end hard disk drives designed to meet the storage requirements of network servers, workstations and storage subsystems. In the first quarter of fiscal year 2002, Quantum recorded a non-cash gain of $119 million on the disposition of the HDD group to Maxtor. This gain, net of tax, is comprised of the proceeds recorded for the exchange of HDD shares for Maxtor shares, less the disposal of the assets and liabilities in conjunction with the disposition of the HDD group to Maxtor, and stock compensation charges for the conversion of unvested DSS options to DSS restricted stock for employees who transferred to Maxtor. In the second quarter of fiscal year 2002, Quantum recorded an additional non-cash gain of $4 million on the disposition of the HDD group for stock compensation charges reversed in the quarter because certain employees transferred to Maxtor but were subsequently terminated by Maxtor during the quarter and did not vest in all the restricted stock previously granted. Quantum has recorded a receivable of $96 million from Maxtor for the portion of the convertible subordinated debt previously attributed to the HDD group and for which Maxtor has agreed to reimburse Quantum both principal and associated interest payments. 7 Note 3: Inventories ----------- Inventories consisted of the following: September 30, March 31, 2001 2001 -------- -------- (In thousands) Materials and purchased parts $ 55,592 $ 73,020 Work in process 28,801 31,098 Finished goods 20,513 26,645 -------- -------- $104,906 $130,763 ======== ======== Note 4: Net Income (Loss) Per Share --------------------------- The following tables set forth the computation of basic and diluted net income (loss) per share:
分子:每股基本和稀释净收益(亏损)的分子-普通股股东可获得的收益(亏损)$(18,414)$ 3,545 $(14,869)$ 44285 $(8,671)========= ========= ======== ======== ==========分母为基本净收入(损失)每股-加权平均股票155,545 155,545 155,545 146,230 77,336稀释证券的影响:-未偿期权--- 8,567 ---------- --------- -------- -------- ----------稀释净收益(损失)每股-调整加权平均股票155,545 155,545 155,545 154,79777336年 ========= ========= ======== ======== ========== 基本每股净收益(损失)(0.12)0.02美元(0.10)0.30美元(0.11美元 ) ========= ========= ======== ======== ========== 稀释后每股净利润(损失)(0.12)0.02美元(0.10)0.29美元(0.11美元 ) ========= ========= ======== ======== ==========
截至6个月截至2001年9月30日2000年10月1日------------------ ---------------续作。阀瓣。运维。量子控制行动。阀瓣。ops。
分子:每股基本和稀释净收益(亏损)的分子-普通股股东可获得的收益(亏损)$(59,807)$122,872 $ 63,065 $ 88235 $ 7799 ========= ======== ======== ======= =======分母:每股基本净收入(亏损)的分母加权平均股票155,383 155,383 155,383 148,274 79,390杰出的选项- - - 6440 6143 --------- -------- -------- ------- ------- 分母摊薄每股净收益(损失),调整后的加权平均股价155383 155383 155383 154714 85533 ========= ======== ======== ======= ======= 基本每股净收益(损失)(0.38)0.79美元0.41美元0.60美元0.10美元 ========= ======== =============== ======= Diluted net income (loss) per share $ (0.38) $ 0.79 $ 0.41 $ 0.57 $ 0.09 ========= ======== ======== ======= =======
截至2000年10月1日止的三个月和六个月综合公司未提交每股净收入,因为没有单一的股票,该期间代表综合公司。亚搏官网app登录入口为持续行动(DSS)的摊薄净收入(亏损)计算,已停止运营(HDD)和昆腾的所有期间呈现出1997年7月颁布的7%可转换次级票据的效果,该股票可转换为6,206,152股股份量子普通股(每1,000美元的股票21.587股),并且在将HDD集团处置到Maxtor之前,可转换为3,103,076股HDD普通股(每1000美元的10.793股股票),因为效果已被阻隔率。购买2780万股普通股票的选项在2001年9月30日未偿还,但由于影响将是反的,但未列入每股截至2001年9月30日的三个月的摊薄净收入计算。- 在这些时期持续运营的报告损失导致。购买1380万股DSS常见股票的选项截至2000年10月1日截至10月1日止三及六个月,但不包括在每股摊薄净收入计算中,因为此类选择的行使价格大于平均市场普通股的价格,因此,效果将是抗阴性的。购买1870万股HDD普通股的选项于2000年10月1日出誉。但是,相应的加权平均突出选择不包括在2000年10月1日止三个月的三个月计算的摊薄净亏损中的计算中,因为效果将是抗阴性的。9次截至2000年10月1日止六个月的购买730万股HDD普通股的选项,但未列入2000年10月1日止六个月的摊薄净收入计算,因为行使价格这些选择大于普通股的平均市场价格,因此,效果将是抗阴性的。 Note 5: Common Stock Repurchase ----------------------- During fiscal year 2000, the Board of Directors authorized Quantum to repurchase up to $700 million of its common stock in open market or private transactions. Of the total repurchase authorization, $600 million was authorized for repurchase of either Quantum, DSS or the previously outstanding HDD common stock. An additional $100 million was authorized for repurchase of the previously outstanding HDD common stock. For the six months ended September 30, 2001, Quantum repurchased 3.9 million shares of Quantum common stock for a total purchase price of $39 million. Since the beginning of the stock repurchase authorization through September 30, 2001, Quantum has repurchased a total of 3.9 million shares of Quantum common stock (that was outstanding prior to the issuance of the DSS and HDD common stocks), 33.1 million shares of DSS common stock and 13.5 million shares of HDD common stock for an aggregate total of $605 million. Note 6: Credit Line ----------- In April 2000, Quantum entered into an unsecured senior credit facility, providing a $187.5 million revolving credit line and expiring in April 2003. At Quantum's option, borrowings under the revolving credit line bears interest at either the London interbank offered rate or a base rate, plus a margin determined by a leverage ratio with option periods of one to six months. At September 30, 2001, there was no outstanding balance drawn on the facility. Note 7: Litigation ---------- On August 7, 1998, Quantum was named as one of several defendants in a patent infringement lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division. The plaintiff, Papst Licensing GmbH, owns numerous United States patents which Papst has alleges are infringed by hard disk drive products which were sold by Quantum's Hard Disk Drive unit. In October 1999 the case was transferred to a federal district court in New Orleans, Louisiana, where it has been joined with other lawsuits involving Papst for purposes of coordinated discovery under multi-district litigation rules. The other lawsuits have Maxtor Corporation, Minebea Limited, and IBM as parties. As part of Quantum's disposition of its Hard Disk Drive group to Maxtor Corporation, Maxtor has agreed to assume defense of Papst claims against Quantum's hard disk drive business, and has also agreed to indemnify Quantum in this litigation going forward. Nevertheless, if Maxtor were unable for any reason to indemnify Quantum in accordance with the merger agreement, the outcome of this litigation would be uncertain and Quantum's liability, if Papst prevails and Maxtor cannot indemnify Quantum, could be substantial. On October 1, 2001, Imation Corporation filed suit against Quantum in the U.S. federal district court in St. Paul, Minnesota, alleging price fixing and conspiracy to manipulate the data storage market. On October 3, 2001, Quantum filed suit against Imation in the Superior Court of California in Santa Clara County seeking injunctive relief and damages against Imation. Quantum's suit against Imation charges that Imation misappropriated Quantum's trade secrets and engaged in the use of deceptive and misleading advertising and unfair business practices. On October 30, 2001, the Superior Court of California in Santa Clara County issued a Notice of Ruling in Quantum's case against Imation, granting Quantum's application for a preliminary injunction. The preliminary injunction requires Imation to pay Quantum a royalty should it choose to sell unqualified DLT tape products. On November 7, 2001, the injunction was officially entered. Both cases are still in their early stages. While Quantum intends to vigorously prosecute its claims in the trade secret case and defend itself in the antitrust case, and believes it will prevail in both cases, the outcome of litigation is inherently uncertain and, if Imation was to prevail in either case, the impact to Quantum could be material. Quantum is also subject to other legal proceedings and claims that arise during the ordinary course of its business. While management currently believes that the amount of ultimate liability, if any, with respect to these actions and claims will not materially affect the financial position, results of operations, or liquidity of Quantum, the ultimate 10 outcome of any litigation is uncertain. Were an unfavorable outcome to occur, the impact could be material to Quantum. Note 8: Special Charges --------------- DLTtape Restructuring - --------------------- During the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2000, Quantum recorded a special charge of $40.1 million. The charge was primarily focused on Quantum's DLTtape division and reflected Quantum's strategy to align its DLTtape drive operations with market conditions at that time. These market conditions include slower growth in the mid-range server market and increasing centralization of server backup through automated solutions, both of which have resulted in relatively flat to declining DLTtape drive shipments. The special charge included a reduction of overhead expenses throughout the DLTtape Division and an acceleration of Quantum's low-cost manufacturing strategy, which included moving volume production of certain DLTtape drives from Colorado Springs, Colorado to Penang, Malaysia. The special charge consisted of $13.5 million in facility related costs, $13.9 million for the write-off of investments in optical technology, $7.6 million for severance and benefits for terminated employees, $3.2 million for fixed asset write-offs, primarily related to the transfer of manufacturing to Penang, Malaysia, and $1.9 million in other costs associated with the cost-reduction plan. The facility costs noted above include lease payments for vacant space in a facility in Colorado Springs, Colorado, the write-off of related leasehold improvements and manufacturing equipment, and the write-off of certain leasehold improvements at Quantum's facility in Penang, Malaysia, as this space was converted to Quantum manufacturing. Quantum had vacated the Colorado facility by the end of fiscal year 2001. The write-off of investments reflects Quantum's decision to end its research on certain optical based storage solutions. As a result, Quantum wrote-off an equity investment and technology licenses related to optical technology. In the third quarter of fiscal year 2001, Quantum reversed a $7 million special charge on its income statement. This reversal was primarily due to a downwardly revised estimate of the vacancy period related to a facility in Colorado Springs, Colorado. In connection with the charge, Quantum reduced its workforce by 782 employees. The reduction in force primarily affected employees at Quantum's manufacturing operations in Colorado Springs, Colorado, as well as administrative employees within the DLTtape Division. As of September 30, 2001, 782 employees have been terminated, and all severance and benefits have been paid out. As of September 30, 2001, Quantum had incurred cash expenditures of $11 million associated with employee severance and benefits, facilities and other costs. A summary of this special charge is outlined as follows (in thousands):
特殊费用提供7646美元13500美元13908美元3163美元1866美元40083美元现金支付(956)——(1102)(2058)非现金费用- - (13908)(3163)- (17071 ) -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 平衡3月31日2000 6690 13500——764 20954现金支付(5181)(748)——(68)(5997)非现金费用-(5219)- - - - - - - -(5219)特殊费用效益- (7000)- - - - - - - - (7000 ) -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 平衡3月31日2001 1509 533——696 2738现金支付(1509)(533)——(696)(2738 ) -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 2001年9月30日,平衡 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ========
11 dltape Drive Severance - ----------------------- Quantum公司在2001财年第三季度与dltape Drive部门相关的特别费用为700万美元。这是Quantum决定在其设计和制造业务之间建立紧密联系的结果,以加快其dltape驱动器产品家族未来产品的上市时间。这影响了马萨诸塞州什鲁斯伯里的工程、营销和行政人员,因为这些职位被转移到科罗拉多州博尔德。这项特别费用与受该计划影响的离职员工的遣散费、福利和相关费用有关。量子公司已经在这一领域裁员200人。截至2001年9月30日,已有180名员工被解雇,现金支出为420万美元。剩下的20名员工于2001年10月被解雇。这项特别收费的概要如下(以千计):遣散费及福利特别费用备付金7000美元现金支付(1657美元)---------余额(2001年3月31日)5343美元现金支付(2589美元)---------余额(2001年9月30日)2754美元=========企业结构调整及其他- -------------------------------- 2002年第一季度(1 ~ 3月)Quantum公司在其整体运营方面的特别费用为4800万美元。 These charges are in addition to the DLTtape Restructuring and DLTtape Drive Severance described above. These charges consisted of stock compensation and severance charges related to the disposition of the HDD group, restructuring costs incurred in order to align resources with the requirements of Quantum's ongoing operations, and other cost reduction activities. The total cash portion of these charges is $19 million, of which $9 million has been paid through September 30, 2001. The remaining $10 million of the cash portion of the charges is comprised of severance payments of $5 million, facilities charges of $4 million and cancellation fees of $1 million. The severance charges and contract cancellation fees will be paid in the third and fourth quarters of fiscal year 2002. The facilities charges relate to vacant facilities in Irvine, California, and Boulder, Colorado, and will be paid over the respective lease terms through the third quarter of fiscal year 2006. The charges are described in more detail below. Stock Compensation Charges Stock compensation charges of $17 million were incurred in the first quarter of fiscal year 2002. Of this $17 million, Quantum expensed stock compensation of $15 million related to the conversion of vested HDD options into vested DSS options for employees remaining with Quantum. In addition, Quantum recorded $2 million of stock compensation in connection with certain corporate employees who were terminated at the HDD group disposition date and whose unvested HDD and DSS stock options and HDD restricted stock converted into shares of DSS restricted stock. Corporate Severance Charges Severance charges of $9 million were incurred in the first quarter of fiscal year 2002 for the termination of corporate employees as a result of the disposition of the HDD group. Restructuring and Other Costs Approximately $22 million of special charges were incurred in the first quarter of fiscal year 2002 related to: . Staff reductions and other costs associated with cost saving actions in tape automation system activities ($14 million), which were comprised of severance costs of $2 million; vacant facilities costs of $4 million for facilities in Irvine, California; sales and marketing demonstration equipment and inventory disposals of $7 million; and contract cancellation fees of $1 million. . Vacant facilities costs in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, and Boulder, Colorado ($3 million); . Costs associated with discontinuing solid state storage systems, product development and marketing, which were primarily severance costs and fixed asset write-offs ($2 million); 12 . Other costs ($3 million). A summary of the "Business Restructuring and Other" special charge is outlined as follows (in thousands):
特殊费用提供12319美元7337美元17108美元257美元6764美元3924美元47709美元现金支付(5741)(1933)-(257)(519)(471)(8921)非现金费用(2029)(1015)(17108)- (6245)(2348)(28745 ) -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 平衡9月30日2001年4549美元4389美元 $ - $ - $ - $ 1105 10043美元 ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ========
△将dltape驱动器转移到马来西亚槟城等地- ----------------------------------------------------- 2001年7月,Quantum公司宣布对dltape业务进行追加结构调整。这次重组将导致剩余的磁带驱动器生产从科罗拉多州的科罗拉多斯普林斯转移到马来西亚的槟榔屿。另外还记录了与关闭总部位于瑞士日内瓦的欧洲分销商业务以及向Quantum公司NAS部门被解雇的员工发放遣散费相关的额外特别费用。As a result of these restructurings, Quantum recorded a combined special charge of $17 million in the second quarter of fiscal year 2002. The special charge of $16 million that was recorded related to the transfer of tape drive production from Colorado Springs, Colorado, to Penang, Malaysia, consisted of the following: .370名员工的遣散费和福利费用为900万美元。在这370名员工中,30名员工在2002年第二财政季度被解雇,其余的员工将在接下来的两个财政季度被解雇;.科罗拉多斯普林斯的闲置设施成本为400万美元;.固定资产核销和租赁改善300万美元。 A special charge of $1 million was recorded related to the closure of Quantum's Geneva, Switzerland, sales office, reflecting vacant facilities costs; and for severance charges recorded for 21 engineers that were severed by Quantum's NAS Division. A summary of the "DLTtape drive transfer to Penang, Malaysia, and Other" special charge is outlined as follows (in thousands):
特别收费拨款$ 9,182 $ 4,845 $ 3,412 $ 17,439现金支付(666) - - (666)非现金费用 - - (3,412)(3,412)---------- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2010年9月30日 - 2001年9月30日$ 8,516 $ 4,845 $ - $ 13,361 ========== ========= ========= =========.
13 9。综合收益(损失)---------------------------综合资产负债表上其他综合收益(损失)的累计包括外币折算调整。截至2001年9月30日和2000年10月1日的三个月和六个月的综合收入(亏损)扣除税后的总额如下表所示:
(千)三个月结束后六个月结束 ---------------------------------- ------------------------------- 9月30日,10月1日,9月30日2001年10月1日2000 2001 2000 ------------ ------------ -------------- ------------
净收益(损失)(14869)35614美元63065美元96034美元的其他综合收益(损失)的变化未实现投资收益-(8135)-(7940)外币翻译调整498 (1972)848 (2202 ) ----------- ----------- -------------- ------------ 综合收益(损失)(14371)25507美元63913美元85892美元 ====================== ============== ============
注10:过渡费用-------------------根据过渡服务安排,在HDD组处分日或前后被指定终止的某些员工仍在Quantum工作,根据该安排,这些员工继续向Quantum和Maxtor提供过渡服务。这些转换服务的目的是将某些活动从Quantum转移到Maxtor,并且对于正在进行的Quantum活动,在处理HDD组之后将正在进行的活动缩减到适合于Quantum的大小。过渡服务包括与房地产、信息系统和设备、会计、工资、销售和营销、产品支助、库存维护、采购、成本计算、仓库管理、通讯、人力资源和其他类似服务有关的活动。Maxtor将补偿Quantum部分的这些转换服务。Quantum公司在截至2001年9月30日的三个月和六个月的过渡费用中所占的份额为:截至9月30日结束的三个月6个月2001年9月30日,2001年 ------------------ ------------------ ( 数以千计)营收1739美元4262美元研发成本1400 6226销售和营销1267 3856一般,管理3727 10014 --------- --------- 总8133美元24358美元 ========= ========= 注11:---------------------------- Quantum的可报告部门是dltape集团和存储解决方案集团。这些可报告的部分分别管理,他们生产和分配不同的产品与不同的生产过程。dltape组由dltape驱动器和介质组成。存储解决方案组由磁带自动化系统和网络连接存储解决方案组成。 Quantum directly markets its products to computer manufacturers and through a broad range of distributors, resellers and systems integrators. Quantum evaluates segment performance based on operating income (loss) excluding non-recurring gains or losses. Quantum does not allocate interest and other income, interest expense, or taxes to operating segments. Additionally, Quantum does not allocate all assets by operating segment, only inventories and accounts receivable. 14
存储器存储 ------- ------- DLTtape总DLTtape解决方案总解决方案 ------- --------- ----- ------- --------- ----- ( 在数百万)三个月结束 -------------------------- 2000年10月1日2001年9月30日 ------------------- ---------------
收入来自外部客户 .................206 76 282 253 109美元段间收入362美元 ..................11 - 11 30 - 30营业费用...........43 41 /(1)/ 84 48 40 88营业收入(亏损)......26(17) /(2) / 9 75 70(5) 6个月结束 ------------------------ 2000年10月1日2001年9月30日 ------------------- --------------- 收入来自外部客户 .................$ 413 $ 148 $ 561 $ 519 $ 209 $ 728区间收入.........24 - 24 57 - 57营业费用...........89 85 /(3)/ 174 99 82 181营业收入(亏损)......76(42) /(4) / 34 153(16) 137年9月30日,2001年3月31日,2001年 ------------------- -------------- 库存 ..................$ 64 $41 $ 105 $ 87 $ 44 $ 131应收账款,净额..... 113 65 178 139 69 208
/(1)/不包括1700万美元的特殊费用,600万美元的过渡费用,进程中的研究和发展为300万美元。/(2)/不包括上述收费/(1)/和200万美元的转型费用与收入成本相关。/(3)/不包括6500万美元的特别费用,2亿美元的过渡费用,进程中的研究和发展为1600万美元。/(4)/不包括上述费用/(3)/共计500万美元的收入费用。注12:业务组合------------------- M4数据(Holdings)Ltd 2001年4月12日,Quantum完成了M4数据(Holdings)有限公司的收购(M4数据)是一家位于英国的私人数据存储公司。亚搏官网app登录入口M4数据为数据存储市场提供高性能和可扩展的磁带自动化产品。此次收购已被占作为购买,总费用约为5800万美元。根据协议的条款,Quantum在考虑的情况下获得了大约5800万美元的所有未偿还的M4数据库存,其中包括1500万美元的现金收益,应付票据4100万美元,并支付200万美元的收购成本。这些票据于2006年到期,并于2002年4月开始由持有人呼叫。购买协议还包括根据未来收入每年从2002年到2005年每年支付的额外或有审议,这将导致善意的额外拨款。M4数据的行动结果包括在收购日期的财务报表中,并根据收购日期,根据其公允价值录制收购的资产和负债。 Pro forma results of operations have not been presented because the effect of the acquisition was not material to Quantum's financial position or results of operations. 15 The purchase price has been allocated based on the estimated fair value of net tangible and intangible assets acquired and assumed liabilities as well as in-process research and development costs. As of the acquisition date, technological feasibility of the in-process technology has not been established and the technology has no alternative future use. Therefore, Quantum expensed $13 million of the purchase price as in-process research and development in the first quarter of fiscal year 2002. The intangible assets are being amortized on a straight-line basis over periods ranging from three to six years. The following is a summary of the purchase price allocation (in millions): Goodwill ................................................. $ 36 In-process research and development ...................... 13 Core technology .......................................... 12 Existing technology ...................................... 3 Assembled workforce ...................................... 2 Net liabilities acquired ................................. (4) Deferred tax liability ................................... (4) ---- $ 58 ==== The amount of the purchase price allocated to in-process research and development was determined by estimating the stage of development of each in-process research and development project at the date of acquisition, estimating cash flows resulting from the expected revenue generated from such projects, and discounting the net cash flows back to their present value using a discount rate of 34%, which represents a premium to Quantum's cost of capital. The expected revenue assumes a six-year compound annual growth rate of 27.2% during fiscal years 2002 through 2008. Expected revenue from the purchased in-process projects grows from approximately $60 million in 2002 to more than $260 million in 2008. These projections are based on management's estimates of market size and growth, expected trends in technology and the expected timing of new product introductions. Connex Inc. On August 8 2001, Quantum completed the acquisition of certain assets of Connex Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Western Digital Corporation. Connex is a provider of network attached storage products. The acquisition has been accounted for as a purchase at a total cost of approximately $12 million. Under the terms of the agreement, Quantum acquired complementary technology, intellectual property and other assets of Connex for approximately $12 million in cash. Connex's results of operations are included in the financial statements from the date of acquisition, and the assets and liabilities acquired were recorded based on their fair values as of the date of acquisition. Pro forma results of operations have not been presented because the effect of the acquisition was not material to Quantum's financial position or results of operations. The purchase price has been allocated based on the estimated fair value of net tangible and intangible assets acquired and assumed liabilities as well as in-process research and development costs. As of the acquisition date, technological feasibility of the in-process technology has not been established and the technology has no alternative future use. Therefore, Quantum expensed approximately $3 million of the purchase price as in-process research and development in the second quarter of fiscal year 2002. The existing technology is being amortized on a straight-line basis over a period of seven years. The following is a summary of the purchase price allocation (in millions): Existing technology ...................................... $ 5 In-process research and development ...................... 3 Goodwill ................................................. 4 ---- $ 12 ==== The amount of the purchase price allocated to in-process research and development was determined by estimating the stage of development of each in-process research and development project at the date of acquisition, estimating cash 16 flows resulting from the expected revenue generated from such projects, and discounting the net cash flows back to their present value using a 25% discount rate, which represents a premium to Quantum's cost of capital. The expected revenue assumes a six-year compound annual growth rate of 59.8% during fiscal years 2003 through 2008. Expected revenue from the purchased in-process projects grows from approximately $18 million in 2003 to $24 million in 2005, and then, as other new products and technologies are expected to enter the market, declines to $5 million in 2008. These projections are based on management's estimates of market size and growth, expected trends in technology and the expected timing of new product introductions. Note 13: Stock Incentive Plans --------------------- Quantum has Stock Option Plans (the "Plans") under which 8.5 million shares of DSS stock were reserved for future issuance at September 30, 2001, to employees, officers and directors of Quantum. Options under the Plans are granted at prices determined by the Board of Directors, but at not less than the fair market value, and accordingly no compensation accounting has been required at the original date of grant. Options currently expire no later than ten years from the grant date and generally vest ratably over one to four years. Stock Option Summary Information. A summary of activity relating to Quantum's stock option plans follows:
截至2001年9月30日的六个月 ------------------------------- Weighted-Avg股票。(000年代)行使价格 -------------- --------------
未在4月1日,2001年 ........................32669年获得11.91美元 .............................................18550美元11.24取消了 ............................................(13648) 14.02美元行使 ...........................................(9829) 11.55美元 -------------- 突出在2001年9月30日 ...................27742 10.55美元 ============== 可实行的时期的结束 ........................14771 10.59美元 ==============
杰出的选项 ------------------- 流通股在加权平均2001年9月30日,剩余的加权平均价格范围的运动(000年代)合同行使价格 ------------------------ ------ ---------------- --------------
$ 0.01 - $ 8.69 6,808 6.29 $ 6.39 $ 8.72 - $ 9.56 5,953 7.29 $ 9.25 $ 9.65 - $ 12.00 5,816 9.42 $ 9.94 $ 12.02 - $ 16.07 6,896 7.83 $ 13.52 $ 16.13 - $ 24.11 2,269 6.41 $ 18.82 ------27,7427.55 $ 10.55 ======
选择可操作的 ------------------- 流通股在2001年9月30日,加权平均价格范围的运动(000年代)行使价格 ------------------------ ---- --------------
0.01——8.69美元5358 6.30美元8.72美元- 9.56美元3405 9.14 895 9.65美元- 12.00美元10.43美元12.02美元- 16.07美元3190 14.34美元16.13美元,24.11美元1923 18.93 - 14771 10.59美元= = = = = =
志愿员工股票期权交换计划 - - - - - - - - - - - - 译文 ------ 2001年6月4日,Quantum宣布董事会批准批准了一项自愿股票期权交换计划,其中符合条件的员工有机会交流每股每股14美元的某些选项,或更多承诺在2002年1月7日,在Quantum Corporation补充股票期权计划下授予新选择。交易计划的报价于2001年6月4日开始,截至2001年7月3日止17日。17 17本方案符合约260万DSS备选条件,其中0.90万被招标,共计130名员工。注14:其他实体的投资-----------------------------其他实体的投资记录在其他资产中。其他实体的投资(一般不到20%的公司)在成本下汇编减少的削减,因其他临时而被判定的价值下降。由于经济衰退,昆腾分别记录了2001年9月30日止及六个月的其他实体的470万美元和490万美元的减值损失和490万美元。Quantum在未来可能会对这些投资产生额外的费用。注15:最近的会计声明--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quantum通过了第133号财政季度2002年第一个财政季度修订的第133号财务会计标准第133号财务会计标准(“SFA 133”),“核算工具和套期保值活动”。 SFAS 133 establishes new standards of accounting and reporting for derivative instruments and hedging activities, and requires that all derivatives, including foreign currency exchange contracts, be recognized on the balance sheet at fair value. Changes in the fair value of derivatives that do not qualify for hedge treatment, as well as the ineffective portion of any hedges, must be recognized currently in earnings. All of Quantum's derivative financial instruments are recorded at their fair value in prepaid expenses and other assets. The transition adjustment upon adoption of SFAS 133 was not material. Business Combinations and Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets - -------------------------------------------------------------- In July 2001, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued SFAS 141, "Business Combinations," and SFAS 142, "Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets." SFAS 141 supercedes Accounting Principles Board Opinion No. 16 ("APB 16"), "Business Combinations." The most significant changes made by SFAS 141 are: (1) requiring that the purchase method of accounting be used for all business combinations initiated after June 30, 2001, (2) establishing specific criteria for the recognition of intangible assets separately from goodwill, and (3) requiring unallocated negative goodwill to be written off immediately as an extraordinary gain (instead of being deferred and amortized). SFAS 142 supercedes APB 17, "Intangible Assets." SFAS 142 primarily addresses the accounting for goodwill and intangible assets subsequent to their acquisition (i.e., the post-acquisition accounting). The provisions of SFAS 142 will be effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2001, however, certain provisions of this new standard may also apply to any acquisitions concluded subsequent to June 30, 2001. The most significant changes made by SFAS 142 are: (1) goodwill and indefinite lived intangible assets will no longer be amortized, (2) goodwill will be tested for impairment at least annually at the reporting unit level and (3) intangible assets deemed to have an indefinite life will be tested for impairment at least annually. Quantum is required to adopt SFAS 141 and SFAS 142 on a prospective basis as of April 1, 2002, however, certain provisions of these new standards may also apply to any acquisitions concluded subsequent to June 30, 2001. As the Connex acquisition occurred after June 30, 2001, the goodwill of $5 million that was recorded upon acquisition is not being amortized. As a result of implementing these new standards, it is expected that the amortization of goodwill and certain other intangible assets, such as acquired workforce, will cease as of March 31, 2002. Application of the non-amortization provisions of the Statement is expected to result in an increase in net income of approximately $4.9 million ($0.03 per share) per quarter. During fiscal 2003, Quantum will perform the first of the required impairment tests of goodwill as of April 1, 2002 and has not yet determined what the effect of these tests will be on its results of operations and financial position. During August 2001, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued SFAS 144, "Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-lived Assets". SFAS 144 supercedes SFAS 121, "Accounting for the Impairment of Long-lived Assets and Assets to be Disposed of", and the accounting and reporting provisions of Accounting Principles Board Opinion No. 30, "Reporting the Results of Operations - - Reporting the Effects of Disposal of a Segment of a Business, and Extraordinary, Unusual and Infrequently Occurring Events and Transactions". SFAS 144 also amends Accounting Research Bulletin No. 51, "Consolidated Financial Statements", to eliminate the exception to consolidation for a subsidiary for which control is likely to be temporary. Quantum is required to adopt SFAS 144 as of April 1, 2002 and has not yet determined the effect such adoption will have on its results of operations and financial position. 18 Item 2. Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations The following discussion of Quantum's financial condition and results of operations should be read in conjunction with the condensed financial statements and related notes included in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q. This discussion contains, in addition to historical information, forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Forward-looking statements usually contain the words "estimate," "anticipate," "expect" or similar expressions. All forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, projections or estimates concerning Quantum's business, including anticipated gross margins, operating results and expenses, mix of revenue streams, expected revenue from purchased in-process projects, cost savings, stock compensation, and the sufficiency of cash to meet planned expenditures, are inherently uncertain as they are based on various expectations and assumptions concerning future events, and they are subject to numerous known and unknown risks and uncertainties. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date hereof. These forward-looking statements are based on management's current expectations and are subject to certain risks and uncertainties. As a result, Quantum's actual results may differ materially from the forward-looking statements contained herein. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those described herein include, but are not limited to, (1) the amount of orders received and products shipped through the remainder of the year, and any adjustments made at the close of the year; (2) Quantum's ability to timely ship its products; (3) uncertainty regarding the slowdown in IT spending and the corresponding reduction in the demand for DLTtape drives; (4) Quantum's continued receipt of media royalties from Maxell, Fujitsu and other media manufacturers; (5) a continued trend toward centralization of storage; (6) Quantum's ability to maintain anticipated pricing and cost levels; (7) the successful execution of Quantum's strategy to expand its businesses into new directions; (8) Quantum's ability to successfully introduce new products; (9) Quantum's ability to anticipate and capitalize on changes in market demand; (10) acceptance of, and demand for, Quantum's products; (11) Quantum's ability to maintain supplier relationships; (12) Quantum's ability to work with industry leaders to deliver integrated business solutions to customers; (13) the ability of Quantum's competitors to introduce new products that compete successfully with Quantum's products; (14) Quantum's ability to accelerate penetration into the mid range NAS market through its acquisition of Connex; (15) Quantum's ability to maintain majority market share with its Super DLT products; (16) the inherent uncertainty regarding Quantum's litigation with Imation; (17) additional information that my be discovered as the Imation litigation progresses; (18) the impact of state-wide power outages on Quantum's California operations; (19) the economic environment and the continued growth of the storage industry; (20) the ability of Quantum to sustain and/or improve its cash and overall financial position; (21) the economic impact of the events around September 11, 2001; and (22) the general economic environment, as well as those factors discussed in Quantum's Annual Report on Form 10-K, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on June 29, 2001, those discussed in Quantum's other reports and filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission and those discussed under "Trends and Uncertainties" elsewhere in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q. Quantum disclaims any obligation to update information in any forward-looking statement. Business Overview - ----------------- Quantum designs, develops, manufactures, licenses, services, and markets DLTtape and Super DLTtape drives, DLTtape and Super DLTtape media cartridges and storage solutions. Quantum's storage solutions consist of tape automation systems, network attached storage (NAS) solutions and service. Quantum's product families are managed within two business groups, which are the DLT group and the Storage Solutions group, that manage DLT and Super DLT brand products and storage solutions products, respectively. DLT Group - --------- DLTtape and Super DLTtape products are used to back up large amounts of data stored on network servers. Digital Linear Tape, or DLTtape, is Quantum's half-inch tape technology that is a leader for mid-range UNIX and NT system backup and archive applications. DLTtape and Super DLTtape drives store data on DLTtape and Super DLTtape media cartridges, respectively. Historical use of tape drives has shown that drives use many media cartridges per year. This historical use suggests that the installed base of DLTtape and Super DLTtape drives will result in continued demand for DLTtape and Super DLTtape media cartridges. Quantum's DLTtape media cartridges are manufactured and sold by licensed third-party manufacturers. The installed base of DLTtape drives resulted in shipments of approximately 4 million DLTtape media cartridges in the second quarter of fiscal year 2002. Quantum receives a royalty fee on DLTtape and Super DLTtape media cartridges sold by its licensees, which, while resulting in lower revenue than media sold directly by Quantum, generates comparable income from operations. 19 Quantum prefers to have a substantial portion of media cartridge sales occur through its license model because this minimizes Quantum's operational risks and expenses and provides an efficient distribution channel. Currently, approximately 80% of Quantum's media sales occur through this license model. Quantum believes that the large installed base of DLTtape drives and its licensing of DLTtape and Super DLTtape media cartridges give Quantum a unique competitive advantage. Media royalties have been a primary source of earnings for Quantum, and this trend is expected to continue. Storage Solutions Group - ----------------------- Quantum's tape automation systems and network attached storage solutions are part of its storage solutions business. Quantum's tape automation systems, tape libraries and autoloaders, serve the entire tape library data storage market from desktop computers to enterprise class computers. Quantum offers a broad line of tape automation systems, which are used to manage, store and transfer data in enterprise networked computing environments. Quantum is a leading provider of NAS solutions for workgroups. Quantum's NAS solutions consists of NAS appliance products that incorporate hard disk drives and an operating system designed to meet the requirements of entry and workgroup level computing environments, where multiple computer users access shared data files over a local area network. In April 2001, Quantum completed the acquisition of M4 Data (Holdings) Ltd., a privately held data storage company based in the United Kingdom. M4 Data provides high performance and scalable tape automation products for the data storage market. This acquisition enables Quantum to leverage M4 Data's complementary products and technologies to enhance the range of storage solutions offered to customers. On August 8 2001, Quantum completed the acquisition of certain assets of Connex Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Western Digital Corporation. Connex is a provider of network attached storage products. Quantum Technology Ventures - --------------------------- Quantum Technology Ventures ("QTV") is the investment arm of Quantum. QTV is used to explore, develop and invest in new storage technologies and storage businesses. QTV is managed as a wholly owned subsidiary of Quantum Corporation. In March 2001, Quantum committed $50 million of funding to QTV, of which $29 million has been invested in equity investments. Products - -------- Quantum's products include: DLT: --- . Super DLTtape (TM) drives. Tape drive products based on Super DLTtape technology, targeted to serve workgroup, mid-range and enterprise business needs. Native capacity of 110GB (220GB compressed) and a transfer rate of 11MB per second (22MB compressed). . DLTtape drives. The family of DLTtape drives includes performance up to 40GB of native capacity (80GB compressed) and a sustained data transfer rate of 6MB per second (12MB compressed). . Super DLTtape media cartridges. The Super DLTtape media cartridges are designed and formulated specifically for use with Super DLTtape drives. The capacity of a Super DLTtape media cartridge is up to 110GB (220GB compressed). . DLTtape media cartridges. The DLTtape family of half-inch tape media cartridges is designed and formulated specifically for use with DLTtape drives. The capacity of a DLTtape media cartridge is up to 40GB (80GB compressed). Storage Solutions: ----------------- . Tape automation systems. Quantum offers a broad line of DLTtape automation systems, tape libraries and autoloaders that support a wide range of back-up and archival needs from workgroup servers to enterprise-class servers. Quantum's tape automation systems range from its tape autoloaders, which accommodate a single DLTtape drive, to the P7000 series library, which features Prism Library Architecture(TM) and can be configured in multiple units to scale up to 245 terabytes of storage capacity. In addition, Quantum offers WebAdmin(TM), 20 the industry's first Internet browser-based tape library management system, allowing system administrators to monitor widely distributed storage systems at remote locations with point-and-click ease. In early 2001, Quantum introduced modular automation systems with the M1500. The M1500 is a modular library that is rack mountable and available in increments of two drives and 20 cartridges that easily scale up to 20 drives and 200 cartridges. . Network attached storage solutions. Quantum's Snap! Server(tm) family of network attached storage appliances include the Snap Server 1000, Snap Server 2000, Snap Server 4100, and the Snap Server 12000, with storage capacities ranging from 40GB to 960GB. The Snap Server 4100 features rack mount form factor and RAID 0, 1, and 5. The Snap Server 12000 is a 3u rack mount product, with redundant power supplies, fans, and hot-swappable hard drives, also featuring RAID levels 0, 1, and 5. Snap Servers connect directly to a network and can be easily and seamlessly integrated with other network devices. The Snap solution includes a proprietary file system that can simultaneously function in a variety of operating environments, including Apple MacOS, Linux, Microsoft Windows, Novell Netware and UNIX. Employees - --------- At September 30, 2001, Quantum had approximately 3,400 full-time employees. Of this total, approximately 60 have accepted severance packages in conjunction with the disposition of the HDD group to Maxtor and will provide ongoing support for up to the next two fiscal quarters. 21 Results of Continuing Operations - -------------------------------- Revenue Revenue in the three and six months ended September 30, 2001, was $282 million and $561 million, respectively, compared to $362 million and $728 million, respectively, for the corresponding periods in fiscal year 2001. The decrease in revenue for the three and six month periods reflected decreased sales of DLT tape drives and tape automation systems, partially offset by increased Snap servers revenue and sales of DLTtape media. The decrease in DLTtape drive revenue is a result of decreased drive unit sales volume and a decrease in average unit prices. The decline in DLTtape drives unit sales volume and average unit prices reflected market conditions, which include reduced information technology spending, as well as increased competition. The increase in DLTtape media revenue reflected a sales mix shift towards direct sales of Super DLT media. The decrease in tape automation systems reflected a decrease in shipments of tape libraries and autoloaders, which also reflected market conditions. The increase in Snap server revenue reflected increased sales, particularly initial sales of the Snap 12000 product in the second fiscal quarter. The table below summarizes the components of Quantum's revenue in the three and six months ended September 30, 2001, and October 1, 2000. (in millions) Three Months Ended Six Months Ended September 30, October 1, September 30, October 1, 2001 2000 2001 2000 --------- ------ --------- -------- DLTtape drives $ 125 $ 199 $ 264 $ 411 DLTtape media 42 34 69 62 DLTtape royalty 50 50 104 103 Storage solutions 76 109 149 209 Inter-group elimination* (11) (30) (25) (57) ------ ------ ------ ------- Revenue $ 282 $ 362 $ 561 $ 728 ====== ====== ====== ======= * Represents inter-group sales of DLTtape drives for incorporation into tape automation systems. Sales to Quantum's top five customers was 40% of revenue for both the three and six months ended September 30, 2001, compared to 46% and 47% of revenue, respectively, for the corresponding periods in fiscal year 2001. Sales to Compaq were 22% and 21% of revenue in the three and six months ended September 30, 2001, respectively, compared to 17% and 18% of revenue, respectively, for the corresponding periods in fiscal year 2001. Sales to Hewlett-Packard were both 6% of revenue in the three and six months ended September 30, 2001, compared to 13% and 12% of revenue, respectively, for the corresponding periods in fiscal year 2001. Sales to computer equipment manufacturers and distribution channel customers were 49% and 22% of revenue, respectively, in the three months ended September 30, 2001, compared to 59% and 17%, respectively, in the three months ended October 1, 2000. For the six months ended September 30, 2001, sales to computer equipment manufacturers and distribution channel customers were 51% and 18% of revenue, respectively, compared to 61% and 16% of revenue, respectively, in the corresponding periods of fiscal year 2001. The remaining revenue represented media royalty revenue, sales to value added resellers and direct sales. Gross Margin Rate The gross margin rate in the three months ended September 30, 2001, decreased to 32.5% from 43.6% in the three months ended October 1, 2000. The gross margin in the six months ended September 30, 2001, decreased to 36.3% from 43.6% in the corresponding period in fiscal year 2001. Cost of sales included transition costs of $2.5 million and $1.7 million including information systems, facilities, and stock compensation costs, in the first quarter and second quarter of fiscal year 2002, respectively. These transition costs relate to infrastructure and infrastructure support that is transitional and that is being eliminated as a result of the disposition of the HDD group. 22 The gross margin declines also reflected a $7 million end-of-life write-down of DLTtape drives and parts in the second quarter of fiscal year 2002. The gross margin rates excluding transition expenses and the end-of-life write-down were 35.6% and 38.3% in the three months and six months ended September 30, 2001, respectively. The remaining gross margin decrease reflected lower DLTtape drive sales volumes and prices. As a result of competitive pressure, Quantum has offered Super DLT at prices below where new DLT generations have historically been introduced and this has resulted in lower gross margin. In addition, media sales mix shifted towards direct sales of Super DLT media and lower media royalties, which resulted in comparable gross margin earnings at a lower gross margin rate. Over the next few fiscal quarters, Quantum expects its gross margin to continue to be in the mid 30% range. Research and Development Expenses Research and development expenses in the three months ended September 30, 2001, were $31 million, or 10.9% of revenue, compared to $32 million, or 8.8% of revenue in the corresponding period of fiscal year 2001. Research and development expenses were $65 million, or 11.6% of revenue, and $68 million, or 9.3% of revenue, in the first six months of the fiscal years 2002 and 2001, respectively. The increase in research and development expenses as a percentage of revenue reflected lower revenue. The decrease in actual research and development expenses reflected staffing reductions and lower costs related to Super DLTtape development. This decrease was partially offset by the addition of M4 Data, and the inclusion of $5 million and $1 million of transition expenses in the first and second quarters of fiscal year 2002, respectively. These expenses involved retention and moving costs for transitional activities related to moving DLTtape engineering from Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, to Boulder, Colorado, and information systems, facilities, and stock compensation costs related to infrastructure and infrastructure support that is transitional and being eliminated as a result of the disposition of the Hard Disk Drive group. Excluding these transition expenses, research and development expenses were $29 million, or 10.4% of revenue, and $59 million, or 10.5% of revenue, for the three and six months ended September 30, 2001, respectively. Sales and Marketing Expenses Sales and marketing expenses in the three months ended September 30, 2001, were $34 million, or 12% of revenue, compared to $37 million, or 10.2% of revenue in the corresponding period of fiscal year 2001. Sales and marketing expenses were $74 million, or 13.1% of revenue, and $76 million, or 10.4% of revenue, in the first six months of the fiscal year 2002 and 2001, respectively. The increase in sales and marketing expenses as a percentage of revenue primarily reflected lower revenue. The decrease in actual sales and marketing expenses reflected staffing reductions and reduced advertising and marketing programs. This decrease was partially offset by the inclusion of $3 million and $1 million of transition expenses in the first and second quarters of fiscal year 2002, respectively. These expenses represent corporate sales, marketing and stock compensation costs related to transitional activities that are being eliminated as a result of the disposition of the HDD group. Excluding transition expenses, sales and marketing expenses were $32 million, or 11.5% of revenue, and $70 million, or 12.4% of revenue for the three and six months ended September 30, 2001, respectively. General and Administrative Expenses General and administrative expenses in the three months ended September 30, 2001, were $26 million, or 9.3% of revenue, compared to $19 million, or 5.3% of revenue in the corresponding period of fiscal year 2001. General and administrative expenses were $55 million, or 9.8% of revenue, and $37 million, or 5.1% of revenue, in the first six months of the fiscal year 2002 and 2001, respectively. The increase in general and administrative expenses as a percentage of revenue reflected both lower revenue and higher expenses. The increase in general and administrative expenses reflected the addition of M4 Data expenses. The acquisition of M4 Data also resulted in a quarterly charge for goodwill amortization of $1.5 million in both the first and second quarters of fiscal year 2002. Also included in the general and administrative expenses were $6 million and $4 million of transition expenses incurred in the first and second quarters of fiscal year 2002, respectively. These expenses represent corporate and stock compensation costs related to transitional activities that are being eliminated as a result of the disposition of the HDD group. Excluding expenses related to transitional activities, general and administrative expenses were $23 million, or 7.9% of revenue, and $45 million, or 8% of revenue for the three and six months ended September 30, 2001, respectively. 23 Purchased In-process Research and Development Expense Quantum expensed purchased in-process research and development of $13 million and $3 million as a result of the acquisition of M4 Data in April 2001 and certain assets of Connex in August 2001, respectively. The amount of the purchase price allocated to in-process research and development related to the acquisition of M4 Data was determined by estimating the stage of development of each in-process research and development project at the date of acquisition, estimating cash flows resulting from the expected revenue generated from such projects, and discounting the net cash flows back to their present value using a discount rate of 34%, which represents a premium to Quantum's cost of capital. The expected revenue assumes a six-year compound annual growth rate of 27.2% during fiscal years 2002 through 2008. Expected revenue from the purchased in-process projects grows from approximately $60 million in 2002 to more than $260 million in 2008. These projections are based on management's estimates of market size and growth, expected trends in technology and the expected timing of new product introductions. The amount of the purchase price allocated to in-process research and development related to the acquisition of certain assets of Connex was determined by estimating the stage of development of each in-process research and development project at the date of acquisition, estimating cash flows resulting from the expected revenue generated from such projects, and discounting the net cash flows back to their present value using a discount rate of 25%, which represents a premium to Quantum's cost of capital. The expected revenue assumes a six-year compound annual growth rate of 59.8% during fiscal years 2003 through 2008. Expected revenue from the purchased in-process projects grows from approximately $18 million in 2003 to $24 million in 2005, and then, as other new products and technologies are expected to enter the market, declines to $5 million in 2008. These projections are based on management's estimates of market size and growth, expected trends in technology and the expected timing of new product introductions. Special Charges DLTtape Restructuring - --------------------- During the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2000, Quantum recorded a special charge of $40.1 million. The charge was primarily focused on Quantum's DLTtape division and reflected Quantum's strategy to align its DLTtape drive operations with market conditions at that time. These conditions include slower growth in the mid-range server market and increasing centralization of server backup through automation solutions, both of which have resulted in relatively flat to declining DLTtape drive shipments. The special charge included a reduction of overhead expenses throughout the DLTtape division and an acceleration of Quantum's low cost manufacturing strategy, which includes moving volume production of certain DLTtape drives from Colorado Springs, Colorado to Penang, Malaysia. The special charge consisted of $13.5 million in facility related costs, $13.9 million for the write-off of investments in optical technology, $7.6 million for severance and benefits for terminated employees, $3.2 million for fixed asset write-offs, primarily related to the transfer of manufacturing to Penang, Malaysia and $1.9 million in other costs associated with the plan. In the third quarter of fiscal year 2001, Quantum reversed $7 million as a special charge benefit on the income statement. This reversal was primarily due to a revised estimate of the vacancy period related to a facility in Colorado Springs, Colorado. During the second fiscal quarter of 2002, this plan was completed, with Quantum having incurred total cash expenditures of $11 million associated with employee severance and benefits, facilities and other costs. DLTtape Drive Severance - ----------------------- Quantum recorded a special charge of $7 million in the third quarter of fiscal year 2001. This was a result of Quantum's decision to establish close proximity between its design and manufacturing operations in order to accelerate time-to-market for future products within its DLTtape drive product family. This has impacted engineering, marketing and administrative employees in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, as these positions were transitioned to Boulder, Colorado. The special charge is related to severance and benefits associated with terminated employees affected by this plan, which will be completed in the next fiscal quarter. 24 Quantum expects to realize annual cost savings from the "DLTtape Restructuring" and "DLTtape Drive Severance" plans of approximately $50 million. Approximately $25 million of the savings are expected in cost of revenue as a result of reduced manufacturing costs, with the remaining amount in operating expenses, primarily research and development, as a result of ending research on certain optical-based storage solutions and a reduction in headcount. Business Restructuring and Other - -------------------------------- In the first quarter of fiscal year 2002, Quantum recorded $48 million of special charges. These charges consisted of stock compensation and severance charges related to the disposition of the HDD group, restructuring costs incurred in order to align resources with the requirements of Quantum's ongoing operations, and other cost reduction activities. The total cash portion of these charges is $19 million, of which $9 million was paid through September 30, 2001. The remaining $10 million of the cash portion of the charges is comprised of severance payments of $5 million, facilities charges of $4 million and contract cancellation fees of $1 million. The severance charges and contract cancellation fees will be paid in the third and fourth quarters of fiscal year 2002. The facilities charges relate to vacant facilities in Irvine, California, and Boulder, Colorado, and will be paid over the respective lease terms through the third quarter of fiscal year 2006. The charges are described in more detail below. Stock Compensation Charges Stock compensation charges of $17 million were incurred in the first quarter of fiscal year 2002. Quantum expensed stock compensation of $15 million that related to the conversion of vested HDD options into vested DSS options for employees remaining with Quantum. In addition, Quantum recorded $2 million of stock compensation in connection with the termination of certain corporate employees terminated at the HDD group disposition date whose unvested HDD and DSS stock options and HDD restricted stock converted into shares of DSS restricted stock. Corporate Severance Charges Severance charges of $9 million were incurred in the first quarter of fiscal year 2002, for the termination of corporate employees as a result of the disposition of the HDD group. Restructuring and Other Costs Approximately $22 million of special charges were incurred in the first quarter of fiscal year 2002 related to: . Staff reductions and other costs associated with cost saving actions in tape automation system activities ($14 million), which were comprised of severance costs of $2 million; vacant facilities costs of $4 million for facilities in Irvine, California; sales and marketing demonstration equipment and inventory disposals of $7 million; and contract cancellation fees of $1 million; . Vacant facilities costs in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, and Boulder, Colorado ($3 million); . Costs associated with discontinuing solid state storage systems, product development and marketing, primarily severance costs and fixed asset write-offs ($2 million); and . Other costs ($3 million). The remaining severance and benefits amount represents approximately 60 transition employees, who will provide services for the next two fiscal quarters. Remaining cash expenditures related to contract cancellation fees will be substantially paid by the end of the third quarter of fiscal year 2002. Amounts related to facilities charges will be paid over the respective lease terms, which end in the third quarter of fiscal year 2006. DLTtape drive transfer to Penang, Malaysia, and Other - ----------------------------------------------------- In July 2001 Quantum announced an additional restructuring of its DLTtape business. This restructuring will result in the transfer of the remaining tape drive production in Colorado Springs, Colorado, to Penang, Malaysia. Additional special charges were recorded related to the severance of employees in Quantum's NAS Division and the closure of European distributor operations based in Geneva, Switzerland. As a result of these restructurings, Quantum recorded a combined special charge of $17 million in the second quarter of fiscal year 2002. The special charge of $16 million that was recorded related to the transfer of tape drive production from Colorado Springs, Colorado, to Penang, Malaysia, consisted of the following: . Severance and benefits costs of $9 million representing severance for 370 employees. Of these 370 employees, 30 employees were severed in the second fiscal quarter of 2002, with the remaining employees to be severed over the next two fiscal quarters; 25 . Vacant facilities costs of $4 million in Colorado Springs, Colorado; . Write-off of fixed assets and leasehold improvements of $3 million. A special charge of $1 million was recorded related to the closure of Quantum's Geneva, Switzerland sales office, reflecting vacant facilities costs, and for severance charges recorded for 21 engineers that were severed by Quantum's NAS Division. Interest Income/Expense and Other Net interest and other income for the three and six months ended September 30, 2001, was $6.1 million expense and $5.4 million expense, respectively, compared to $0.7 million expense and $1.1 million income, respectively, for the corresponding periods in fiscal year 2001. The movement from income to expense reflected write-downs of approximately $4.7 million that were made to equity investments in the second quarter of fiscal year 2002 and also reduced interest income as a result of lower interest rates and higher interest expense associated with the debentures that were issued in connection with the M4 Data acquisition. Income Taxes The tax benefits recorded for the three and six month periods ended September 30, 2001 were $7.7 million and $17.4 million, respectively, and reflects the non-deductibility of purchased in-process research and development. The effective tax rate on income excluding special charges, purchased in-process research and development, investment and inventory write-down, and transition expenses was 34% for the three and six month periods ended September 30, 2001, compared to 36% for the three and six month periods ended October 1, 2000. The decrease in the fiscal 2002 effective tax rate reflects an increased percentage of foreign earnings taxed at less than the U.S. rate and an increased research and development credit. Results of Discontinued Operations - ---------------------------------- In the first quarter of fiscal year 2002, Quantum recorded a non-cash gain of $119 million on the disposition of the HDD group to Maxtor. This gain, net of tax, is comprised of the proceeds recorded for the exchange of HDD shares to Maxtor shares, less the disposal of the assets and liabilities in conjunction with the disposition of the HDD group to Maxtor, and stock compensation charges for the conversion of unvested DSS options to DSS restricted stock for employees that transferred to Maxtor. In the second quarter of fiscal year 2002, Quantum recorded an additional non-cash gain of $4 million on the disposition of the HDD group for stock compensation charges reversed in the quarter because certain employees transferred to Maxtor but were terminated by Maxtor during the quarter and did not vest in all the restricted stock previously granted. The discontinued operations loss of $9 million for the second quarter of fiscal year 2001, and income of $8 million for the six months ended October 1, 2001, represents the results of operations of the HDD group. 26 Net Income - ---------- Net income for the three and six month periods ended September 30, 2001, were impacted by non-recurring items and transition expenses, as discussed above. The total effect of these items on reported earnings is summarized in the following table (in thousands).
截至9月30日结束的三个月6个月2001年9月30日,2001年 ------------------ ------------------
特价收费$ 17,439 $ 65,148库存记录包括7,016份7,016税收转换费用收入1,739 4,262次研发1,400 6,226销售和营销1,267 3,856一般和行政3,727 8,133 10,014 24,358 - - - -------购买的内部研究和3,299 16,499名开发股权投资减记包括在4,670 4,877个其他收入(亏损)所得税影响和(12,590)(31,184)的转型费用上的处理HDD集团(3,545)(122,872)--------------总非经常性的物品和过渡费用,税收24,422 $(36,158)======== =========
不包括非经常性项目和过渡费用的每股摊薄净收入将分别为每股0.06美元,而且分别截至2001年9月30日止及六个月期间每股0.17美元。未来库存补偿和过渡费用 - - - - - - - - - - 助学 -------下表总结了估计的股票补偿和转型费用,以便在未来的财政期间记录与HDD集团的处理到Maxtor相关的财政期间:
2002财年3季度2002年3000美元4000季度2002年2002年度1,000 5001500财政年度2003年2004年2004年2004年2004年1,000 - 2005年度2005年度2005年度500 - 500 - 500 -------- -------总计$ 7,500 $ 1,500 $ 9,000 ======= ======= =======
27股票薪酬费用 - - - - - - - - - - - €------------量子估计它将记录与员工股票相关的另一个750万美元的股票补偿与HDD组处理相关的选项转换到Maxtor。大约400万美元涉及未来的HDD选项转换为剩余量子剩余的员工的未开放的DSS选项。今年百万美元将在这些选项的剩余归属期内摊销,这是最长三年半。350万美元的余额涉及与HDD限制性股票转换为DSS限制股票的股票赔偿,为昆腾剩余的雇员以及将非投资的DSS和HDD选项转换为DSS限制员工的过渡安排。与过渡安排上的雇员有关的大多数股票补偿将在未来六个月内摊销并指控运营。但是,如果员工在股票之前留下归属,则未来的费用将不得不产生,并且前提金额可能会逆转。过渡开支 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 在HDD组处置日期或关于HDD组处置日期或关于终止的某些员工,但谁根据过渡服务安排持续,继续为量子和Maxtor提供转换服务。这些过渡服务涉及将某些活动迁移到来自量子的Maxtor,并且对于量子的量子,Quantum将在处理HDD后继续使用,以便在HDD组处置后更适合于量子的尺寸将这些活动缩放。 These transition services include, but are not limited to, activities related to real estate, information systems and equipment, accounting, payroll, sales and marketing, product support, inventory maintenance, procurement, costing, warehouse management, communications and human resources. Maxtor will reimburse Quantum for a portion of the transition services. Quantum's portion of these transition expenses is expected to be approximately $1 million and $0.5 million in the third and fourth quarters of fiscal year 2002, respectively, excluding stock compensation charges associated with these transition employees. Liquidity and Capital Resources - ------------------------------- Cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities were $344 million at September 30, 2001, compared to $399 million at March 31, 2001. Quantum used cash in the first six months of fiscal year 2002 to purchase $39 million of treasury stock, as discussed below. Other uses of cash included a $34 million payment to Maxtor for tax-related items, $15 million for the cash portion of the M4 Data acquisition, $19 million investment in equity securities, $11 million for the acquisition of certain assets of Connex and $22 million investment in property and equipment. Sources of cash included $38 million proceeds from the issuance of common stock, $51 million reduction in accounts receivable and inventories and $18 million increase in accounts payable. During fiscal year 2000, the Board of Directors authorized Quantum to repurchase up to $700 million of its common stock in open market or private transactions. Of the total repurchase authorization, $600 million was authorized for repurchase of either Quantum, DSS or the previously outstanding HDD common stock. An additional $100 million was authorized for repurchase of the previously outstanding HDD common stock. For the six months ended September 30, 2001, 3.9 million shares of Quantum common stock were repurchased for a total purchase price of $39 million. Since the beginning of the authorization through September 30, 2001, Quantum has repurchased a total of 3.9 million shares of Quantum common stock (that was outstanding prior to the issuance of the DSS and HDD common stocks), 33.1 million shares of DSS common stock and 13.5 million shares of HDD common stock amounting to a combined total of $605 million. Quantum filed a registration statement that became effective on July 24, 1997, pursuant to which Quantum may issue debt or equity securities in one or more series or issuances, up to an aggregate of $450 million. Pursuant to this registration statement, in July 1997, Quantum issued $288 million of 7% convertible subordinated notes. The notes mature on August 1, 2004, and are convertible at the option of the holder at any time prior to maturity, unless previously redeemed, into shares of Quantum common stock and Maxtor common stock. The notes are convertible into 6,206,152 shares of Quantum common stock (or 21.587 shares per $1,000 note), and 4,716,676 shares of Maxtor common stock (or 16.405 shares per $1,000 note). Quantum has recorded a receivable from Maxtor of $96 million for the portion of the debt previously attributed to the HDD group and for which Maxtor has agreed to reimburse Quantum for both principal and associated interest payments. Quantum may redeem the notes at any time. In the event of certain changes involving all or substantially all of Quantum's common stock, the holder would have the option to redeem the notes. 28 Redemption prices range from 107% of the principal to 100% at maturity. The notes are unsecured obligations subordinated in right of payment to all of Quantum's existing and future senior indebtedness. In April 2000, Quantum entered into an unsecured senior credit facility, providing a $187.5 million revolving credit line and expiring in April 2003. At Quantum's option, borrowings under the revolving credit line bears interest at either the London interbank offered rate or a base rate, plus a margin determined by a leverage ratio with option periods of one to six months. At September 30, 2001, there was no outstanding balance drawn on the facility. Notes payable of $41 million were issued as partial consideration for the acquisition of M4 Data in April 2001. These notes are due 2006 and are callable by the holders at their option, beginning April 2002. Quantum believes that its existing capital resources, including the credit facility expiring in April 2003 and any cash generated from operations, will be sufficient to meet all currently planned expenditures and sustain operations for the next 12 months. However, this belief assumes that operating results and cash flow from operations will meet our expectations. In the future, Quantum may seek to raise cash through the issuance of debt or equity securities. Such financing may not be available on terms favorable to Quantum, if at all. 29 Trends and Uncertainties - ------------------------ THE READER SHOULD CAREFULLY CONSIDER THE RISKS DESCRIBED BELOW, TOGETHER WITH ALL OF THE OTHER INFORMATION INCLUDED IN THIS QUARTERLY REPORT ON FORM 10-Q, BEFORE MAKING AN INVESTMENT DECISION. THE RISKS AND UNCERTAINTIES DESCRIBED BELOW ARE NOT THE ONLY ONES FACING QUANTUM. ADDITIONAL RISKS AND UNCERTAINTIES NOT PRESENTLY KNOWN TO QUANTUM OR THAT ARE CURRENTLY DEEMED IMMATERIAL MAY ALSO IMPAIR QUANTUM'S BUSINESS OPERATIONS. THIS QUARTERLY REPORT ON FORM 10-Q CONTAINS "FORWARD-LOOKING" STATEMENTS THAT INVOLVE RISKS AND UNCERTAINTIES. QUANTUM'S ACTUAL RESULTS COULD DIFFER MATERIALLY FROM THOSE ANTICIPATED IN THESE FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS AS A RESULT OF CERTAIN FACTORS, INCLUDING THOSE SET FORTH BELOW AND ELSEWHERE IN THIS QUARTERLY REPORT ON FORM 10-Q. Quantum is exposed to general economic conditions that have resulted in significantly reduced sales levels and if such adverse economic conditions were to continue or worsen, Quantum's business, financial condition and operating results could be adversely impacted. If the economic conditions in the United States worsen or if a wider or global economic slowdown occurs, Quantum may experience a material adverse impact on its business, operating results, and financial condition. Quantum took actions and charges in the first and second quarter of fiscal year 2002 to reduce cost of sales and operating expenses. A prolonged continuation or worsening of sales trends may require additional actions and charges to reduce cost of sales and operating expenses in subsequent quarters of fiscal year 2002. Quantum may be unable to reduce cost of sales and operating expenses at a rate and level consistent with future adverse sales trends or may incur significant special charges associated with such expense reductions that are disproportionate to sales, thereby adversely impacting it's business, financial condition and operating results. The disposition of HDD may be determined not to be tax-free, which would result in Quantum or its stockholders, or both, incurring a substantial tax liability, which could materially and adversely affect Quantum's business, financial condition and results of operations. Maxtor and Quantum have agreed not to request a ruling from the Internal Revenue Service (the "IRS"), or any state tax authority confirming that the structure of the combination of Maxtor with HDD will not result in any federal income tax or state income or franchise tax to Quantum, or the holders of HDD common stock. Instead, Maxtor and Quantum have agreed to effect the disposition and the merger on the basis of an opinion from Ernst & Young LLP, Quantum's tax advisors, and a tax opinion insurance policy issued by a syndicate of major insurance companies covering up to $340 million of tax loss to Quantum caused by the disposition and merger. If the disposition of HDD is determined not to be tax-free and the tax opinion insurance policy does not fully cover the resulting tax liability, Quantum or its stockholders or both could incur substantial tax liability, which could materially and adversely affect Quantum's business, financial condition and results of operations. The tax opinion insurance policy issued in conjunction with the disposition of HDD does not cover all circumstances under which the disposition could become taxable to Quantum, and as a result, Quantum could incur an uninsured tax liability, which could materially and adversely affect Quantum's business, financial condition and results of operations. In addition to customary exclusions from its coverage, the tax opinion insurance policy does not cover any federal or state tax payable by Quantum if the disposition becomes taxable to Quantum as a result of: . A change in relevant tax law; . An acquisition representing a 50% or greater interest in Quantum during the two-year period following the merger, whether or not approved by Quantum's board of directors; or . An acquisition representing a 50% or greater interest in Maxtor during the two-year period following the merger, whether or not approved by Maxtor's board of directors. 30 If any of these events occur, Quantum could incur uninsured tax liability, which could materially and adversely affect Quantum's business, financial condition and results of operations. If Quantum incurs uninsured tax liability as a result of the disposition of HDD, Quantum's financial condition and operating results could be negatively affected. If the disposition of HDD were determined to be taxable to Quantum, Quantum would not be able to recover an amount to cover the tax liability either from Maxtor or under the insurance policy in the following circumstances: . If the tax loss were not covered by the policy because it fell under one of the exclusions from the coverage under the tax opinion insurance policy described above, insurance proceeds would not be available to cover the loss. . If the tax loss were caused by Quantum's own acts or those of a third party that made the disposition taxable (for instance, an acquisition of control of Quantum during the two-year period following the closing), Maxtor would not be obligated to indemnify Quantum for the amount of the tax liability. . If Maxtor were required to reimburse Quantum for the amount of the tax liability according to its indemnification obligations under the HDD disposition, but was not able to pay the reimbursement in full, Quantum would nevertheless be obligated, as the taxpayer, to pay the tax. In any of these circumstances, the tax payments due from Quantum could be substantial. In order to pay the tax, Quantum would have to either deplete its existing cash resources or borrow cash to cover its tax obligation. Quantum's payment of a significant tax prior to payment from Maxtor under Maxtor's indemnification obligations, or in circumstances where Maxtor has no payment obligation, could harm Quantum's business, financial condition and operating results. Because the disposition of HDD would be taxable to Quantum if either Maxtor or Quantum undergoes a change of control, Quantum may be a less attractive acquisition candidate for at least two years after the disposition of HDD, and as a result, Quantum's business and stockholder value could be negatively impacted. Under the federal tax rules applicable to the disposition, if a 50% or greater interest in either Maxtor or Quantum is acquired within two years after the disposition, the disposition would become taxable to Quantum under circumstances not covered by the tax opinion insurance policy and/or under which Maxtor would be required to pay Quantum for the amount of the tax. Neither Maxtor nor Quantum will have control over all the circumstances under which an acquisition could occur. Because of the tax consequence of an acquisition and change of control, Quantum: . May have to forego significant growth and other opportunities; . May not be deemed an attractive acquisition target, reducing opportunities for its stockholders to sell or exchange their shares in attractive transactions which might otherwise be proposed; and . Will be restricted in its ability to initiate a business combination that its board of directors might wish to pursue because it will not be able to structure the transaction as an acquisition, even if that would otherwise be the most attractive structure. The foregoing effects of the restriction on an acquisition of Quantum could have a negative impact on Quantum's business and stockholder value. Quantum's business, financial condition and operating results may be harmed as a result of operating solely as a DLTtape and storage solutions business. Quantum's operations have consisted of the DLTtape and storage solutions group (DSS) and the HDD group. Operating results of DSS alone may be adversely affected by the loss of one or more of the following benefits that HDD had contributed to Quantum: . The ability to leverage the expertise of HDD in areas related to HDD's core competency in hard disk drives; . The opportunity to jointly develop various products, such as online storage solutions; . The ability to reduce the cost of data storage solutions more effectively; . The ability to use the goodwill and brand recognition associated with HDD; 31 . The opportunity to take advantage of a larger market capitalization; . The opportunity to take advantage of the benefits of diversification associated with a single company serving the DLTtape, storage solutions and hard disk drive markets. Maxtor's failure to perform under the indemnification agreement in connection with Quantum's convertible debt would harm Quantum's business, financial condition and operating results. Maxtor has agreed to assume responsibility for payments of up to $95,833,000 of Quantum's convertible debt. If Maxtor fails to indemnify Quantum under the indemnification agreement for Maxtor's portion of the convertible debt, Quantum would have to deplete its existing cash resources or borrow cash to make the payments. As a result, Quantum could experience a material adverse effect on its business and financial performance. Quantum may have contingent liabilities for some obligations assumed by Maxtor, and Maxtor's failure to perform under these obligations could result in significant costs to Quantum that could have an adverse impact on Quantum's business, financial condition and operating results. Maxtor has agreed to assume responsibility for obligations related to Quantum and HDD, including obligations associated with taxes, real estate, computer equipment, software, litigation, and human resources. If Maxtor fails to perform under these obligations, Quantum may have contingent liability and incur costs that have a material adverse effect on its business, financial condition and operating results. Quantum may experience difficulty attracting and retaining quality employees, which may hurt its ability to operate its business effectively. The ability of Quantum to maintain its competitive technological position will depend, in large part, on its ability to attract and retain highly qualified technical and managerial personnel. The combination of DSS and HDD has resulted in faster growth and greater scale for Quantum. After the disposition of the HDD group, without the benefits of a combined business, Quantum may not experience the same success in attracting and retaining quality employees. Competition for qualified personnel is intense. Lack of success in attracting and retaining qualified employees could lead to lower than expected operating results and delays in the introduction of new products and could have a negative effect on the ability of Quantum to support customers. Historical financial information regarding Quantum's DSS group may not be representative of its future results as a separate company. The historical financial information regarding DSS does not necessarily reflect what its financial position, operating results, and cash flows would have been had it been a separate, stand-alone entity during the periods presented. In addition, the historical information is not necessarily indicative of what its operating results, financial position and cash flows will be in the future. Quantum has not made adjustments to reflect many significant changes that may occur in its cost structure, funding and operations as a result of its separation from HDD, including changes in its employee base, legal structure, costs associated with reduced economies of scale, marketing expense related to establishing a new brand identity, and costs associated with being a public stand-alone company. Competition has increased, and may increasingly intensify, in the tape drive market as a result of competitors introducing tape drive products based on new technology standards and on DLTtape technology, which could materially and adversely affect Quantum's business, financial condition and results of operations. Quantum competes with companies that develop, manufacture, market and sell tape drive products. Quantum's principal competitors include Hewlett-Packard, IBM Corporation, Seagate Technology, Inc., Sony Corporation and Storage Technology Corporation. These competitors are aggressively trying to develop new tape drive technologies to compete more successfully with products based on DLTtape technology. Hewlett-Packard, IBM Corporation and Seagate have formed a consortium to develop and have developed new linear tape drive products. Such products target the high-capacity data back-up market and compete with Quantum's products based on Super DLTtape technology. This competition has resulted in a trend, which is expected to continue, toward lower prices and margins earned on Quantum's DLTtape and 32 Super DLTtape drives. In addition, the proposed merger between Hewlett-Packard and Compaq Corporation would result in a larger competitor in the tape drive market with greater resources and a potentially greater market reach. A combination of the current economic environment, which has resulted in reduced shipments of tape drives, and increased competition, could result in a further deterioration in prices and reduced margin, which could materially and adversely impact Quantum's business, financial condition and results of operations. Competition has increased, and may increasingly intensify, and sales have trended lower in the tape library market as a result of current economic conditions, and, if these trends continue or intensify, Quantum's business, financial condition and operating results may be materially and adversely affected. Quantum's tape library products compete with product offerings of ADIC, Inc., Exabyte, Hewlett-Packard, Overland Data Inc. and StorageTek, who also offer tape automation systems incorporating DLTtape and Super DLTtape technology as well as new linear tape technology. In addition, the proposed merger between Hewlett-Packard and Compaq Corporation would result in a larger competitor in the tape automation market with great resources and a potentially greater market reach. Current economic conditions have been marked by lower information technology investment, particularly for higher priced products, such as high-end tape automation systems. The lower demand has resulted in lower sales as well as increased price competition. If this trend continues or intensifies, and/or if competition intensifies, sales and margins may be further reduced which could have materially and adversely affect Quantum's business, financial condition and results of operations. Competition from alternative storage solutions that compete with Quantum products may increase, and as a result, Quantum's business, financial condition and operating results may be materially and adversely affected. Quantum's products, particularly tape products, including tape drives and automation systems, also compete with other storage technologies, such as hard disk drives. Hard disk drives have experienced a trend toward lower prices while capacity and performance have increased. If hard disk drive costs continue to decline, the competition resulting from hard disk drive based storage solutions may increase. As a result, Quantum's business, financial condition and operating results may be materially and adversely affected. Quantum's operating results depend on new product introductions, which may not be successful, and, as a result, Quantum's business, financial condition and operating results may be materially and adversely affected. To compete effectively, Quantum must improve existing products and introduce new products, such as products based on Super DLTtape technology and network attached storage appliances. Quantum cannot provide assurance that: . It will introduce any of these new products in the time frame Quantum currently forecasts; . It will not experience technical or other difficulties that could prevent or delay the introduction of these new products; . Its new products will achieve market acceptance; . Its new products will be successfully or timely qualified with Quantum's customers by meeting customer performance and quality specifications because a successful and timely customer qualification must occur before customers will place large product orders; or . It will achieve high volume production of these new products in a timely manner, if at all. These risks may be magnified because technological changes, changes in customer requirements and increasing competition could result in declining sales and gross margins on existing products. As a result, Quantum's business, financial condition and operating results may be materially and adversely affected. Reliance on a limited number of third-party suppliers could result in significantly increased costs and delays in the event these suppliers experience shortages or quality problems, and, as a result, Quantum's business, financial condition and operating results may be materially and adversely affected. Quantum depends on a limited number of suppliers for components and sub-assemblies, including recording heads, media cartridges and integrated circuits, all of which are essential to the manufacture of tape drives and tape automation systems. Quantum currently purchases the DLTtape media cartridges it sells primarily from Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd. and from Hitachi Maxell, Ltd. Maxell is also the sole supplier of Super DLTtape media cartridges. Quantum cannot provide 33 assurance that Fuji or Maxell will continue to supply an adequate number of high quality media cartridges in the future. If component shortages occur, or if Quantum experiences quality problems with component suppliers, shipments of products could be significantly delayed and/or costs significantly increased, and as a result, Quantum's business, financial condition and operating results could be materially and adversely affected. In addition, Quantum qualifies only a single source for many components and sub-assemblies, which magnifies the risk of future shortages. Furthermore, Quantum's main supplier of tape heads is located in China. Political instability, trade restrictions, changes in tariff or freight rates or currency fluctuations in China could result in increased costs and delays in shipment of Quantum's products and could materially and adversely impact Quantum's business, financial condition and operating results. Quantum's quarterly operating results could fluctuate significantly, and past quarterly operating results should not be used to predict future performance. Quantum's quarterly operating results have fluctuated significantly in the past and could fluctuate significantly in the future. As a result, Quantum's past quarterly operating results should not be used to predict future performance. Quarterly operating results could be materially and adversely affected by a number of factors, including but not limited to: . An inadequate supply of DLTtape media cartridges; . Customers canceling, reducing, deferring or rescheduling significant orders as a result of excess inventory levels, or weak economic conditions or other factors; . Declines in network server demand; . Failure to complete shipments in the last month of a quarter during which a substantial portion of Quantum's products are typically shipped; or . Increased competition. A majority of Quantum's sales come from a few customers and these customers have no minimum or long-term purchase commitments and the loss of, or a significant change in demand from, one or more key customers could materially and adversely affect Quantum's business, financial condition and operating results. Quantum's sales are concentrated with a few customers. Furthermore, customers are not obligated to purchase any minimum product volume and Quantum's relationships with its customers are terminable at will. Sales to Quantum's top five customers in the six months ended September 30, 2001, represented 40% of total revenue, of which sales to Compaq and Hewlett Packard, two companies that agreed to merge, accounted for 22% and 6% of revenue, respectively. The loss of, or a significant change in demand from, one or more key customers could materially and adversely affect Quantum's business, financial condition and operating results. Unpredictable end-user demand, combined with the computer equipment manufacturer trend toward carrying minimal inventory levels, increases the risk that Quantum will manufacture and custom configure too much or too little inventory for particular customers. Significant excess inventory could result in inventory write-downs and losses, while inventory shortages could adversely impact Quantum's relationship with its customers, either of which could adversely affect Quantum's business, financial condition and operating results. Quantum does not control licensee pricing or licensee sales of DLTtape media cartridges and as a result Quantum's royalty revenue may decline, and, as a result, Quantum's business, financial condition and operating results may be materially and adversely affected. Quantum receives a royalty fee based on sales of DLTtape media cartridges by Fuji and Maxell. Under Quantum's license agreements with Fuji and Maxell, each of the licensees determines the pricing and number of units of DLTtape media cartridges sold by it. In addition, other companies may begin to sell DLTtape media cartridges under license agreements. As a result, Quantum's royalty revenue will vary depending upon the level of sales and prices set by Fuji, Maxell and potentially other licensees. In addition, lower prices set by licensees could require Quantum to lower its prices on direct sales of DLTtape media cartridges, which would adversely impact Quantum's margins on this product. As a result, Quantum's business, financial condition and operating results may be materially and adversely affected. 34 Quantum is currently involved in two lawsuits with Imation; an unfavorable ruling for Quantum in either lawsuit may have a significant adverse impact on Quantum's business, operations and financial results. On October 1, 2001, Imation Corporation filed suit against Quantum in the U.S. federal district court in St. Paul, Minnesota, alleging price fixing and conspiracy to manipulate the data storage market. On October 3, 2001, Quantum filed suit against Imation in the Superior Court of California in Santa Clara County seeking injunctive relief and damages against Imation. Quantum's suit against Imation charges that Imation misappropriated Quantum's trade secrets and engaged in the use of deceptive and misleading advertising and unfair business practices (the "Trade Secret Case"). While Quantum believes that it will prevail in both lawsuits, Quantum anticipates that both lawsuits will require time and resources from management and employees. Consequently, the lawsuits may result in significant litigation costs. In addition, due to the inherent uncertainty of litigation and because additional information may be discovered as the pending litigation progresses, Quantum cannot provide any assurances that it will prevail in either lawsuit. On October 30, 2001, the Superior Court of California in Santa Clara County issued a Notice of Ruling in the Trade Secret Case granting Quantum's application for a preliminary injunction against Imation, requiring Imation to pay Quantum a royalty should it choose to sell unqualified DLTtape products. On November 7, 2001, the injunction was officially entered. At trial, Quantum will seek a permanent injunction prohibiting the sale by Imation of unqualified tape products, as well as damages from Imation. An unfavorable ruling in either case could have a significant adverse impact on Quantum's business, operations and financial results. In addition, in such an instance, Quantum may be subject to additional legal disputes, which could further divert management's attention and resources. Quantum's royalty revenue is dependent on an installed base of tape drives that utilize Super DLTtape and DLTtape media cartridges, and, if the installed base declines, royalty revenue may decline, and, as a result, Quantum's business, financial condition and operating results may be materially and adversely affected. Competition from other tape or storage technologies could result in reduced sales of DLTtape drives and the replacement of currently installed DLTtape drives with drives or other storage products that do not consume DLTtape media. This could cause a decline in the installed base of tape drives that utilize DLTtape media from which Quantum earns a royalty, and a resulting reduction in Quantum's royalty revenue could materially and adversely affect Quantum's business, financial condition and results of operations. Quantum's non-U.S. locations represent a significant and growing portion of its manufacturing and sales operations; Quantum is increasingly exposed to risks associated with conducting its business internationally. Quantum manufactures and sells its products in a number of different markets throughout the world. As a result of its global manufacturing and sales operations, Quantum is subject to a variety of risks that are unique to businesses with international operations of a similar scope, including the following: . Adverse movement of foreign currencies against the U.S. dollar (in which Quantum's results are reported); . Import and export duties and value-added taxes; . Import and export regulation changes that could erode Quantum's profit margins or restrict its exports; . Potential restrictions on the transfer of funds between countries; . Inflexible employee contracts in the event of business downturns; and . The burden and cost of complying with foreign laws. In addition, Quantum has operations in several emerging or developing economies that have a potential for higher risk than in the developed markets. Quantum locations in emerging or developing economies include Malaysia and Singapore. The risks associated with these economies include, but are not limited to, political risks and natural disasters. In particular, Quantum's recent transfer of certain of its manufacturing operations from the United States to Penang, Malaysia has exposed an additional portion of its manufacturing capacity to such political and climactic risks. Political instability or a natural disaster in Malaysia or any other foreign market in which Quantum operates could materially and adversely affect its business, financial condition and results of operations. The Malaysian government adopted currency exchange controls, including controls on its currency, the ringgit, held outside of Malaysia. The Malaysian government has also established a fixed exchange rate for the ringgit against the U.S. dollar. The fixed exchange rate provides a stable rate environment when applied to local expenses denominated 35 in ringgit. The long-term impact of such controls on Quantum is not predictable due to the dynamic economic conditions that are also affecting (and affected by) other economies. Quantum is exposed to fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates; an adverse change in foreign currency exchange rates relative to Quantum's position in such currencies could have a materially adverse impact on Quantum's business, financial condition and results of operations. Quantum does not use derivative financial instruments for speculative purposes. Quantum's policy is to hedge its foreign currency-denominated transactions in a manner that substantially offsets the effects of changes in foreign currency exchange rates. Presently, Quantum uses foreign currency borrowings and foreign currency forward contracts to hedge only those currency exposures associated with certain assets and liabilities denominated in non-functional currencies. Corresponding gains and losses on the underlying transaction generally offset the gains and losses on these foreign currency hedges. As of September 30, 2001, the majority of Quantum's foreign currency hedging contracts were scheduled to mature in approximately one month, and there were no material deferred gains or losses. In addition, Quantum's international operations in some instances act as a natural hedge because both operating expenses and sales are denominated in local currencies. In these instances, although an unfavorable change in the exchange rate of a foreign currency against the U.S. dollar would result in lower sales when translated to U.S. dollars, operating expenses would also be lower in these circumstances. Also, since an insignificant amount of Quantum's net sales for the six-month period ending on September 30, 2001 are denominated in currencies other than U.S. dollars, Quantum does not believe that its total foreign exchange rate exposure is significant. Nevertheless, an increase in the rate at which a foreign currency is exchanged for U.S. dollars would require more of that particular foreign currency to equal a specified amount of U.S. dollars than before such rate increase. In such cases, and if Quantum were to price its products and services in that particular foreign currency, Quantum would receive fewer U.S. dollars than it would have received prior to such rate increase. Likewise, if Quantum were to price its products and services in U.S. dollars while competitors priced their products in a local currency, an increase in the relative strength of the U.S. dollar would result in Quantum's prices being uncompetitive in those markets. Such fluctuations in currency exchange rates could materially and adversely affect Quantum's business, financial condition and results of operations. If Quantum fails to protect its intellectual property or if others use Quantum's proprietary technology without authorization, Quantum's competitive position may suffer. Quantum's future success and ability to compete depends in part upon its proprietary technology. Quantum relies on a combination of copyright, patent, trademark and trade secrets laws and nondisclosure agreements to establish and protect its proprietary technology. Quantum currently holds 96 United States patents and has 74 United States patent applications pending. However, Quantum cannot provide assurance that patents will be issued with respect to pending or future patent applications that Quantum has filed or plans to file or that Quantum's patents will be upheld as valid or will prevent the development of competitive products or that any actions Quantum has taken will adequately protect its intellectual property rights. Quantum generally enters into confidentiality agreements with its employees, consultants, resellers, customers and potential customers, in which Quantum strictly limits access to, and distribution of, its software, and further limits the disclosure and use of its proprietary information. Despite Quantum's efforts to protect its proprietary rights, unauthorized parties may attempt to copy or otherwise obtain or use its products or technology. Quantum's competitors may also independently develop technologies that are substantially equivalent or superior to its technology. In addition, the laws of some foreign countries do not protect Quantum's proprietary rights to the same extent as the laws of the United States. Third party infringement claims could result in substantial liability and significant costs, and, as a result, Quantum's business, financial condition and operating results may be materially and adversely affected. From time to time, third parties allege Quantum's infringement of and need for a license under their patented or other proprietary technology. While management currently believes the amount of ultimate liability, if any, with respect to these actions will not materially affect the financial position, results of operations, or liquidity of Quantum, the ultimate outcome of any litigation is uncertain. Adverse resolution of any third party infringement claim could subject Quantum to substantial liabilities and require it to refrain from manufacturing and selling certain products. In addition, the costs incurred in intellectual property litigation can be substantial, regardless of the outcome. As a result, Quantum's business, financial condition and operating results may be materially and adversely affected. 36 Quantum's sales of network attached storage systems, particularly its Snap product line, which are part of the Storage Solutions group, currently are not profitable and may never be profitable. Quantum has invested, and will continue to invest, in the development and promotion of network attached storage solutions. Sales of these products are currently not profitable and the lack of profitability may continue in the future. Quantum's limited historical financial performance associated with network attached storage solutions makes it difficult to evaluate the success of the product line to date and to assess its future viability. Quantum's operating expenses associated with its network attached storage solution revenue are comparatively high. Therefore, Quantum will need to generate significant network attached storage solution revenues or a significant reduction in related operating expenses to achieve profitability related to this product line. Future revenues are dependent upon, among others, the following factors: . growth of the NAS market, . acceptance of NAS appliances in the entry and mid-range market, . demand for existing Snap products and levels of product and price competition and . expansion of current product offerings and introduction of new technologies. Quantum cannot provide assurance that the network attached storage solution product line will ever be profitable, and if Quantum continues to invest in these products and they continue to be unprofitable, Quantum's business, financial condition and operating results may be materially and adversely affected. Quantum may engage in future acquisitions of companies, technologies or products and the failure to integrate any future acquisitions could harm its business, financial condition and operating results. As a part of Quantum's business strategy, Quantum expects to make additional acquisitions of, or significant investments in, complementary companies, products or technologies. Any future acquisitions would be accompanied by the risks commonly encountered in acquisitions of companies. These risks include: . Difficulties in assimilating the operations and personnel of the acquired companies; . Diversion of management's attention from ongoing business concerns; . The potential inability to maximize Quantum's financial and strategic position through the successful incorporation of acquired technology and rights into its products and services; . Additional expense associated with amortization of acquired intangible assets; . Maintenance of uniform standards, controls, procedures and policies; and . Impairment of existing relationships with employees, suppliers and customers as a result of the integration of new personnel. Quantum cannot provide assurance that it will be able to successfully integrate any business, products, technologies or personnel that it may acquire in the future, and its failure to do so could harm its business, financial condition and operating results. Many of Quantum's facilities are located near known earthquake fault zones, and the occurrence of an earthquake or other natural disaster could cause damage to Quantum's facilities and equipment, which could require Quantum to curtail or cease operations. Many of Quantum's facilities are located in Northern and Southern California, near known earthquake fault zones and are vulnerable to damage from earthquakes. In October 1989, a major earthquake that caused significant property damage and a number of fatalities struck California. Quantum is also vulnerable to damage from other types of disasters, including fire, floods, power loss, communications failures and similar events. If any disaster were to occur, Quantum's ability to operate its business at its facilities could be seriously, or completely, impaired. The insurance Quantum maintains may not be adequate to cover our losses resulting from disasters or other business interruptions. 37 Power outages, which impacted companies with facilities in California during 2001, could become a problem in the future and may adversely affect Quantum's California facilities, and, as a result, Quantum's business, financial condition and operating results may be materially and adversely affected. Quantum conducts operations in the state of California and relies on a continuous power supply to conduct operations. An energy crisis in California could disrupt Quantum's operations and increase expenses. In the event of an acute power shortage, that is, when power reserves for the state of California fall below 1.5%, California has on some occasions implemented, and may in the future implement, rolling blackouts throughout the state. If blackouts interrupt Quantum's power supply, Quantum may be temporarily unable to continue operations at its facilities. Any such interruption in Quantum's ability to continue operations at its facilities could delay the development of products and manufacturing processes. Future interruptions could damage Quantum's reputation and could result in lost revenue, either of which could harm Quantum's business and results of operations. Investments in equity securities currently recorded at cost may be subject to write-downs in the future. Quantum generally records its investments in certain equity securities, particularly venture capital type investments on a cost basis, adjusted for other than temporary impairment. Quantum has incurred impairment losses. These equity investments are mostly in companies that are currently not profitable. Therefore, these investments may be subject to further write-downs in the future due to impairment in the carrying value. Quantum plans to continue to invest in businesses that are not profitable at the time of investment. Currently, Quantum's equity investments have a carrying value of approximately $40 million and Quantum intends to invest an additional $20 million in venture capital type equity securities. In the future, impairment losses associated with these investments may have an adverse impact on Quantum's earnings. Euro Impact Quantum believes that the adoption of a single currency, the Euro, by eleven European countries has not and will not materially affect its business, information systems or consolidated financial position, operating results or cash flows. 38 Item 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk Market Risk Disclosures For financial market risks related to changes in interest rates and foreign currency exchange rates, reference is made to Part II Item 7A, Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk, in Quantum's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended March 31, 2001, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on June 29, 2001. 39 QUANTUM CORPORATION PART II - OTHER INFORMATION Item 1. Legal proceedings The information contained in Note 7 of the Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements is incorporated into this Part II, Item 1 by reference. Item 2. Changes in securities - Not applicable Item 3. Defaults upon senior securities - Not applicable Item 4. Submission of matters to a vote of security holders - Not applicable Item 5. Other information - Not applicable Item 6. Exhibits and reports on Form 8-K. (a) Exhibits. None. -------- (b) Reports on Form 8-K None. ------------------- 40 SIGNATURE Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized. QUANTUM CORPORATION (Registrant) Date: November 13, 2001 By: /s/ Michael J. Lambert ---------------------- Michael J. Lambert Executive Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer 41