附表14A根据1934年《证券交易法》(修订号?)第14(a)节由注册人提交的信息代理声明[X]由注册人以外的一方提交[]勾选相应方框:[]初步代理声明[]机密,仅供[X]最终代理声明委员会使用(经[]最终附加材料规则14a-6(e)(2)允许][]根据规则14a-11(c)或规则14a-12 Quantum Corporation征集材料--------------------------------------------------------(其章程中规定的注册人姓名)-------------------------------------------------------------------(人员姓名)提交委托书,如果不是注册人)提交费的支付(勾选适当的方框):[X]无需任何费用。[]根据《交易法》第14a-6(i)(4)条和第0-11条的规定在下表中计算的费用。(1)交易适用的每类证券的名称:-------------------------------------------------------------(2)交易适用的证券总数:-------------------------------------------------------------(3)根据《交易法》第0-11条规定计算的交易单价或其他基础价值(列明计算申请费的金额并说明其确定方式):-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(4)交易的拟议最大总价值:-----------------------------------------------------------------------(5)支付的总费用:------------------------------------------------------------------------[]先前与初步材料一起支付的费用。------------------------------------------------------------------------[]如果根据《交易法》第0-11(a)(2)条规定抵消了费用的任何部分,请勾选该复选框并确定之前已支付抵消费的申请。通过注册声明编号或表格或附表及其申请日期来确定之前的申请。(1)之前支付的金额:------------------------------------------------------------------(2)表格、附表或注册声明编号:------------------------------------------------------------------(3)提交方:-----------------------------------------------------------------------(4)提交日期:----------------------------------------------------------------[Quantum徽标]QUANTUM CORPORATION--------------------股东年会通知1998年9月15日致股东:特此通知QUANTUM CORPORATION(以下简称“公司”或“QUANTUM”)股东年会,特拉华州一家公司,将于当地时间1998年9月15日星期二下午3:00在Quantum corporation公司总部举行,地址:加利福尼亚州米尔皮塔斯麦卡锡大道500号,邮编:95035,目的如下:1.选举六名董事,任期至下一次股东年会或其继任者当选为止,q确认;2.批准任命安永会计师事务所为公司截至1999年3月31日财政年度的独立审计师;3.处理会议或任何延期会议前可能适当处理的其他事务。上述事务在本编号只有在1998年7月20日营业结束时登记在册的股东才有权收到会议通知并在会议上投票。我们诚邀所有股东亲自出席会议。但是,为了确保您在会议上的代表性,我们敦促您在会议上尽快投票、签名、注明日期并返还随附的委托书随信附上预付邮资的信封。任何出席会议的股东都可以亲自投票,即使他或她之前交了一份委托书。诚挚地,/s/Richard L.Clemmer--------------------Richard L.Clemmer执行副总裁、财务和首席财务官Milpitas,California 1998年8月14日TUM公司--------------委托书-关于征求和表决权的信息随附委托书代表Quantum公司(“公司”或“Quantum”)征求,以供1998年9月15日星期二下午3:00召开的股东年会或其任何延期会议(“年会”)使用或“会议”),用于本协议和随附的股东年会通知中规定的目的。年会将在位于加利福尼亚州米尔皮塔斯麦卡锡大道500号的公司总部举行,地址为95035。公司电话号码为(408)这些委托书征集材料于1998年8月14日左右邮寄给所有有权在会议上投票的股东。记录日期;未送达亚搏官网app登录入口ing Shares Stockholders of record at the close of business on July 20, 1998 (the "Record Date") are entitled to notice of and to vote at the Meeting. At the Record Date, 151,401,814 shares of the Company's Common Stock, $0.01 par value, were issued and outstanding. The closing price of the Company's Common Stock on the Record Date, as reported by Nasdaq, was $19.9375 per share. Revocability of Proxies Any proxy given pursuant to this solicitation may be revoked by the person giving it at any time before its use by delivering to the Company or its transfer agent a written notice of revocation or a duly executed proxy bearing a later date or by attending the Meeting and voting in person. Voting and Solicitation On all matters other than the election of directors, each share has one vote. See "ELECTION OF DIRECTORS--REQUIRED VOTE." The cost of soliciting proxies will be borne by the Company. The Company has retained the services of Corporate Investor Communications, Inc. (the "Solicitor") to aid in the solicitation of proxies. The Company estimates that it will pay the Solicitor a fee not to exceed $6,000 for its services and will reimburse the Solicitor for reasonable out-of-pocket expenses. In addition, the Company may reimburse brokerage firms and other persons representing beneficial owners of shares for their expenses in forwarding solicitation material to such beneficial owners. Proxies may also be solicited by certain of the Company's directors, officers and regular employees, without additional compensation, personally or by telephone, telegram, telefax or otherwise. Deadline for Receipt of Stockholder Proposals Proposals of stockholders of the Company which are intended to be presented by such stockholders at the Company's 1999 Annual Meeting must be received by the Company no later than April 12, 1999 in order that they may be considered for possible inclusion in the proxy statement and form of proxy relating to that meeting. Quorum; Abstentions; Broker Non-Votes The required quorum for the transaction of business at the Annual Meeting is a majority of the votes eligible to be cast by holders of shares of Common Stock issued and outstanding on the Record Date. Shares that are voted "FOR", "AGAINST" or "ABSTAIN" on a matter are treated as being present at the meeting for purposes of establishing a quorum and are also treated as shares entitled to vote (the "Votes Cast") at the Annual Meeting with respect to such matter. 1 While there is no definitive statutory or case law authority in Delaware as to the proper treatment of abstentions, the Company believes that abstentions should be counted for purposes of determining both (i) the presence or absence of a quorum for the transaction of business and (ii) the total number of Votes Cast with respect to a matter (other than the election of directors). In the absence of controlling precedent to the contrary, the Company intends to treat abstentions in this manner. Accordingly, with the exception of the proposal for the election of directors, abstentions will have the same effect as a vote against the proposal. Because directors are elected by a plurality vote, abstentions in the election of directors have no impact once a quorum exists. In a 1988 Delaware case, Berlin v. Emerald Partners, the Delaware Supreme Court held that, while broker non-votes may be counted for purposes of determining the presence or absence of a quorum for the transaction of business, broker non-votes should not be counted for purposes of determining the number of Votes Cast with respect to the particular proposal on which the broker has expressly not voted. Broker non-votes with respect to proposals set forth in this Proxy Statement will therefore be counted only for purposes of determining the presence or absence of a quorum and will not be considered Votes Cast. Accordingly, broker non-votes will not affect the determination as to whether the requisite majority of Votes Cast has been obtained with respect to a particular matter. Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act requires the Company's executive officers, directors and persons who own more than 10% of a registered class of the Company's equity securities to file reports of ownership and changes in ownership with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"). Such executive officers, directors and ten-percent stockholders are also required by SEC rules to furnish the Company with copies of all forms that they file pursuant to Section 16(a). Based solely on its review of the copies of such reports received by the Company, or on written representations from certain reporting persons that no other reports were required for such persons, the Company believes that, during the fiscal year ended March 31, 1998, all Section 16(a) filing requirements applicable to its executive officers, directors and ten-percent stockholders were complied with. 2 PROPOSAL ONE ELECTION OF DIRECTORS Nominees A board of six (6) directors is to be elected at the Annual Meeting. Unless otherwise instructed, the proxy holders will vote the proxies received by them for management's nominees named below. Each nominee has consented to be named a nominee in the proxy statement and to continue to serve as a director if elected. In the event that any management nominee becomes unable or declines to serve as a director, the proxies will be voted for any nominee who shall be designated by the present Board of Directors to fill the vacancy. In the event that additional persons be nominated at the time of the Annual Meeting, the proxy holders intend to vote all proxies received by them in such a manner (in accordance with cumulative voting) as will ensure the election of as many of the nominees listed below as possible (or, if new nominees have been designated by the Board of Directors, in such a manner as to elect such nominees). In such event, the specific nominees for whom such votes will be cumulated will be determined by the proxy holders. The Company is not aware of any reason that any nominee will be unable or will decline to serve as a director. The term of office of each person elected as a director will continue until the next Annual Meeting of Stockholders or until a successor has been elected and qualified. There are no arrangements or understandings between any director or executive officer and any other person pursuant to which he is or was to be selected as a director or officer of the Company. The Board of Directors' key roles include, but are not limited to, selection and evaluation of the Chief Executive Officer and other members of senior management, advising the Chief Executive Officer and the management team on strategic goals and directions for the Company, approval of material acquisitions or strategic partnerships that support the Company's goals and providing general guidance and counsel to senior management. The criteria used by the Company in nominating directors include: a nominee's knowledge and familiarity with high technology companies, a nominee's prior board experience and a nominee's personal characteristics, including objectivity, integrity and independence of judgment. The Company believes its current board members meet each of these criteria.
董事候选人的名字年龄自主要职业 - --------------------------------- ----- ---------- ---------------------------------------------------
史蒂芬·m·伯克利..............54 1987年,SMB Associates总裁,1992年,David A. Brown ..................53 1988退休管理顾问,多家高科技公司Michael A. Brown(1) .............1995年担任Quantum公司的总裁兼首席执行官;Robert J. Casale*+ ..............59 1993年,自动数据处理公司经纪信息服务集团总裁,1988年,Edward M. Esber, Jr.*+ ..........46 1988年担任solpoint, Inc.的董事会主席,1998年Steven C. Wheelwright*+ .........54 1989哈佛大学工商管理研究生院管理学教授和高级副院长,1989年
- ------------(1)布朗先生于1998年5月28日被选为董事会主席。*审计委员会成员。+薪酬委员会成员。
3除下文所述外,每位被提名人在过去五年中均从事上述主要职业。本公司任何董事或执行官之间均无家庭关系。Stephen M.Berkley先生于1981年10月加入公司,担任营销副总裁。1983年10月,他成为Plus Development Corporation的创始总裁和首席执行官。Plus Development Corporation以前是该公司(“Plus”)的全资子公司,他一直担任该公司的创始总裁和首席执行官,直至1988年7亚搏官网app登录入口月。1987年5月至1992年3月,他担任Quantum董事会主席和首席执行官。1992年4月至1993年7月,Berkley先生担任Quantum和Plus的董事会主席和首席执行官。1992年4月至1993年8月,以及1995年8月至1998年5月,Berkley先生担任Quantum董事会主席。Berkley先生于1993年2月至1993年6月期间担任计算机网络公司Coactive Computer Corporation(“Coactive”)的董事会主席和首席执行官,1993年6月至1994年7月期间,他仅担任Coactive公司董事会主席。自1992年5月以来,伯克利先生一直担任多家高科技公司的顾问。伯克利先生也是Edify公司董事会成员。公司创始人David A.Brown先生自1980年2月公司成立以来一直在公司工作。最初,布朗先生担任该公司工程副总裁。1983年,他与人共同创立了Plus,并成为其运营执行副总裁。1986年9月,他回到Quantum,领导工程组织并指导Quantum在3 1/2英寸磁盘驱动器市场的工作。1987年5月至1990年4月,布朗先生担任公司总裁,1990年4月至1992年2月,他担任公司董事会副主席和首席运营官。1993年6月至1993年12月,布朗先生担任通信公司Visioneer Communications的首席执行官。自1992年2月以来,布朗先生还担任多家高科技公司的管理顾问和董事会成员。Michael A.Brown先生于1995年9月被任命为Quantum Corporation总裁兼首席执行官,自1998年5月起担任Quantum董事会主席。从1993年8月到1995年9月,布朗先生担任该公司台式机和便携式存储集团的总裁。布朗先生于1992年2月至1993年8月担任公司执行副总裁,并于1990年6月至1992年2月担任市场副总裁。从1986年2月到1990年6月,布朗先生在公司担任各种营销职务。Robert J.Casale先生自1988年2月起担任信息服务公司Automatic Data Processing,Inc.经纪信息服务集团的集团总裁。Casale先生还在1986年至1988年2月期间担任Automatic Data Processing,Inc.的董事。他是Kidder Peabody and Company,Inc.的常务董事。他是压缩实验室和Tricord Systems董事会的前成员。Casale先生目前是BISYS Group,Inc.董事会成员。Edward M.Esber先生自1998年3月起担任个人通信管理产品公司Solopoint,Inc.董事会主席。1993年10月至1998年3月期间,他担任索洛蓬公司董事,并于1995年10月至1998年3月期间担任索洛蓬公司总裁和首席执行官。1994年3月至1995年6月,他担任计算机玩具公司Creative Insights,Inc.的主席、总裁和首席执行官。1993年5月至1994年5月,他担任多媒体公司Creative Labs,Inc.的总裁兼首席运营官。1991年2月至1993年5月,他担任咨询公司Esber Group的总裁。Esber先生还是Borealis Corporation、Integrated Circuit Systems,Inc.和Socket Communications Inc.的董事会成员。Steven C.Wheelwright先生曾担任工商管理研究生院的管理学教授和高级副院长,哈佛大学于1988年8月成立,自1989年3月起担任Quantum董事。1985年8月至1986年8月,惠勒莱特先生还在哈佛大学担任同样的职务。1986年8月至1988年8月,惠勒莱特先生在斯坦福大学担任教授。Wheelwright先生还是T.J.International Corporation、Franklin Covey Co.和Heartport,Inc.的董事会成员。4次董事会会议和委员会在截至1998年3月31日的财年内,公司董事会共召开了四(4)次会议。在截至1998年3月31日的财政年度内,董事出席董事会会议或委员会会议(如有)的比例均不低于75%ector served. The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors, which was formed in March 1983, currently consists of Mr. Esber, Chairman of the Committee, Mr. Wheelwright and Mr. Casale. The Audit Committee, which generally meets prior to quarterly earnings releases, recommends engagement of the Company's independent auditors and is primarily responsible for approving the services performed by the Company's independent auditors and for reviewing and evaluating the Company's accounting principles and its systems of internal accounting controls. The Audit Committee held a total of four (4) meetings during the fiscal year ended March 31, 1998. The Compensation Committee, which was formed in November 1988, is currently composed of Mr. Wheelwright, Chairman of the Committee, Mr. Esber and Mr. Casale. The Compensation Committee, which generally meets in conjunction with Board meetings and as deemed necessary by the Board of Directors, reviews and approves the Company's executive compensation policy and makes recommendations concerning the Company's employee benefit policies. The Compensation Committee held a total of five (5) meetings during the fiscal year ended March 31, 1998. The Board of Directors does not have a nominating committee nor any committee performing such function. Director Compensation During the year ended March 31, 1998, each director who was not an employee ("Outside Director") received an annual retainer of $34,000 per year and the Chairman of the Board received an annual retainer of $60,000 per year. Certain directors were paid an additional $4,000 per year for chairing the Audit Committee of the Board and $10,000 per year for chairing the Compensation Committee of the Board. In addition, each Outside Director was paid $1,250 per day for any Board meeting attended. Outside Directors serving on Board committees receive $1,000 per committee meeting for meetings held on days when there was no regularly scheduled Board meeting. Outside Directors may also receive consulting fees for projects completed at the request of management. Employee directors are not compensated for their service on the Board of Directors or on committees of the Board. Options may be granted to Outside Directors under the Company's 1996 Board of Directors Stock Option Plan ("Director Plan"), which was approved by the Company's stockholders at the 1996 Annual Meeting of Stockholders. The Board, in its discretion, selects Outside Directors to whom options may be granted, the time or times at which such options may be granted, the number of shares subject to each grant and the period over which such options become exercisable. All options granted to Outside Directors under the Director Plan contain the following provisions: the exercise price per share of Common Stock is 100% of the fair market value of the Company's Common Stock on the date the option is granted; the term of the option may be no more than ten years from the date of grant; and the option may be exercised only while the Outside Director remains a director or within ninety days after the date he or she ceases to be a director of the Company; upon a proposed liquidation or dissolution of the Company, the options will terminate immediately prior to such action; and in the event of a merger or sale of substantially all of the Company's assets, each option may be assumed or an equivalent option substituted by the successor corporation. The Board may at any time amend, alter, suspend or discontinue the Director Plan, subject to stockholder approval in certain circumstances. During fiscal 1998, the Company's Outside Directors, Mr. David Brown, Mr. Casale, Mr. Esber and Mr. Wheelwright each received an option to purchase 12,500 shares of Common Stock and Mr. Berkley received an option to purchase 17,500 shares of Common Stock at an exercise price of $26.875 per share. 5 Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation The members of the Company's Compensation Committee are Steven C. Wheelwright, Chairman of the Committee, Edward M. Esber, Jr. and Robert J. Casale. None of the members of the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors is currently or has been, at any time since the formation of the Company, an officer or employee of the Company. During fiscal year 1998, no executive officer of the Company (i) served as a member of the compensation committee (or other board committee performing similar functions or, in the absence of any such committee, the board of directors) of another entity, one of whose executive officers served on the Company's Compensation Committee, (ii) served as a director of another entity, one of whose executive officers served on the Company's Compensation Committee, or (iii) served as a member of the compensation committee (or other board committee performing similar functions or, in the absence of any such committee, the board of directors) of another entity, one of whose executive officers served as a director of the Company. REQUIRED VOTE Each stockholder voting for the election of directors may cumulate such stockholder's votes and give one candidate a number of votes equal to the number of directors to be elected multiplied by the number of votes to which the stockholder's shares are entitled. Alternatively, a stockholder may distribute the stockholder's votes on the same principle among as many candidates as the stockholder thinks fit, provided that votes cannot be cast for more than six candidates. However, no stockholder shall be entitled to cumulate votes for a candidate unless such candidate's name has been properly placed in nomination according to the Company's Bylaws and notice of the intention to cumulate votes is given to the Company and other stockholders at least twenty (20), and no more than sixty (60), days prior to the Annual Meeting. The proxy holders may exercise discretionary authority to cumulate votes and to allocate such votes among management's nominees in the event that additional persons are nominated at the Annual Meeting for election of directors. If a quorum is present and voting, the six nominees for director receiving the highest number of votes will be elected to the Board of Directors. Votes withheld from any director are counted for purposes of determining the presence or absence of a quorum, but have no other legal effect under Delaware law. See "INFORMATION CONCERNING SOLICITATION AND VOTING--Quorum; Abstentions; Broker Non-Votes." MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDS A VOTE "FOR" EACH OF THE NOMINEES LISTED ABOVE. PROPOSAL TWO RATIFICATION OF APPOINTMENT OF INDEPENDENT AUDITORS In June 1998, the Board of Directors of the Company adopted a resolution whereby Ernst & Young LLP was selected as the Company's independent auditors to audit the financial statements of the Company for the fiscal year ending March 31, 1999. The Board of Directors recommends that stockholders vote for ratification of such appointment. In the event of a negative vote or ratification, the Board of Directors will reconsider its selection. A representative of Ernst & Young LLP is expected to be available at the Annual Meeting with the opportunity to make a statement if such representative desires to do so, and is expected to be available to respond to appropriate questions. MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDS A VOTE "FOR" THE RATIFICATION OF THE APPOINTMENT OF ERNST & YOUNG LLP AS THE INDEPENDENT AUDITORS FOR THE 1999 FISCAL YEAR. 6 EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION Summary Compensation The following table shows, as to any person serving as Chief Executive Officer during fiscal 1998 and each of the four other most highly compensated executive officers whose salary plus bonus exceeded $100,000 (the "Named Executive Officers"), information concerning compensation paid for services to the Company in all capacities during the fiscal year ended March 31, 1998, as well as the total compensation paid to each such individual for the Company's previous two fiscal years.
年度薪酬长期薪酬(1)其他证券所有年度限制性基本其他薪酬-股票期权/薪酬-姓名和主要职位年薪($)奖金($)(2)奖励($)(3)SARs(#)奖励($)(4) --------------------------- ---- --------- -------- ------------ ------------ ------- ----------
Michael A. Brown(5) .....................1997年644,540 633,813 0 200,000 2,466执行官和1996年452,846 00 720,000 4,071董事会主席Richard L. Clemmer(6) ...................1998 46,5083 112,799 00 40,000 4,782执行副总裁,1997 245,773 202,931 00 315,000 1,558财务和首席财务官Kenneth Lee .............................1998年410,888 65,000 00 100,000 2,303执行副总裁和1997年381,938 378,861 00 80,000 1,066首席技术官1996年363,385 00 262,200 110,000 2,496 Young K. Sohn ...........................1998 342,785 125,000 00 120,000 1,291总裁,企业和1997 282,574 270,237 144,259(7)0 20,000 1,917个人存储集团1996 214,462 0 69,696(8)0 80,000 2,113 Peter van Cuylenburg(9) .................1997年,存储产品集团总裁,专门产品
- ------------(1)本公司未授予亚搏官网app登录入口任何股票增值权利,也没有任何长期激励计划,该期限在美国证券交易委员会颁布的法规中定义。如该等薪酬总额较该等行政主任申报的年薪及奖金总额的10%或50,000元较低,则该等行政主任可忽略证券或财产。(3)李先生在1996财年授予的限制性股票包括30,000股,授予方式如下:1996年11月1日授予7500股,1997年11月1日授予7500股,1998年11月1日授予15000股。van Cuylenburg先生在1997财年授予的限制性股票包括30,000股,授予如下:1997年10月1日授予的6,000股,1998年10月1日授予的9,000股,1999年10月1日授予的15,000股。截至1998年3月31日,已授予15,000股Lee先生的赠款和6,000股van Cuylenburg先生的赠款。根据委员会的规定,Lee先生和van Cuylenburg先生在1998年3月31日所持有的限制性股票的既得股票和未得股票的总价值为639,075美元。合计价值是根据每股21.3125美元计算的,这是截至1998年3月31日本公司普通股的公平市场价值。亚搏官网app登录入口当公司董事会宣布时,受限股票有权获得量子普通股的股息。亚搏官网app登录入口量子普通股没有支付现金股息。(4)代表公司对根据《国内收入法》第401(k)节批准的固定收益贡献计划(“401(亚搏官网app登录入口k)计划”)的贡献金额,该计划由公司为每位高管维护,另有明确说明的除外。 (5) Mr. Brown was elected Chairman of the Board on May 28, 1998. 7 (6) Mr. Clemmer joined Quantum on August 29, 1996. (7) Represents reimbursement for taxes associated with Mr. Sohn's foreign assignment. (8) Represents reimbursement for expenses associated with Mr. Sohn's relocation to the United States upon the termination of his foreign assignment. (9) Mr. van Cuylenburg joined Quantum on September 23, 1996.
潜在变现价值假设年利率为个人授予期权股价升值的术语(2 ) ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ 证券总数量的百分比选项基本授予行使期权价格过期的员工名字授予(#)(1)财政年度(美元/分享)日期5%(美元)10 % ($) - ----------------------------------- ---------------- -------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------
迈克尔·布朗..................Richard L. Clemmer,总裁、首席执行官兼董事会主席................4万0.66% 17.875 4/25/07 449,660 1,139,526财务执行副总裁兼财务总监Kenneth Lee .......................1.65% 17.875 4/25/07 1,124,149 2,848,815执行副总裁兼首席技术官Young K. Sohn .....................12万1.98% 17.875 4/25/07 1,348,979 3,418,578企业和个人存储集团总裁Peter van Cuylenburg ..............40000 0.66% 17.875 4/25/07 449,660 1,139,526总裁,专业存储40000 0.66% 19.4375 5/30/07 488,966 1,239,135产品集团
- ------------(1)每项期权的行权价格由董事会薪酬委员会决定,且在1998年在授予之日不低于普通股公平市价的100%。期权有效期自授予之日起不超过10年,且只能在期权持有人向本公司提供服务时或在授予时赔偿委员会确定的服务终止后的时间内行使。亚搏官网app登录入口授予布朗、李、克莱默、索恩和范库伦伯格的期权授予方式如下:从1997年4月1日起,每个月授予期权所授股份的1/48。(2)潜在可变现价值是基于一个假设,即从授予之日起至10年期权期限结束,普通股的股价按所示的年增长率(每年复利)增值。这些数字是根据美国证券交易委员会(SEC)发布的规定计算出来的,该规定是基于任意假设的市场价格减去行权价格后,从期权授予之日起至期权期限结束的年化复合升值率为5%和10%。行使期权的实际收益(如果有的话)取决于公司普通股的未来表现。亚搏官网app登录入口
(2)名称行权(#)已实现行权($)(1)可行权不可行权- ----------------------------------- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------- --------------
迈克尔·布朗..................Richard L. Clemmer,总裁,首席执行官,董事会主席................12030 140601 115260 227710 1404050 2654247财务执行副总裁兼首席财务官Kenneth Lee .......................151474 3251806 374994 155006 5204236 1203889执行副总裁兼首席技术官Young K. Sohn .....................66,828 1,366,735 49,166 136,672 378,812 868,771企业和个人存储集团总裁Peter van Cuylenburg ..............-- -- 89,163 190,837 936,295 1,782,455特种存储产品集团总裁
------(1)实现的总价值根据行权日营业结束时公司普通股的公平市场价值减去行权价格计算。(2) 未行使期权的总价值基于公司普通股在1998年3月31日营业结束时的公平市场价亚搏官网app登录入口值21.3125美元,减去行使价格。
雇佣条款、雇佣终止和控制权变更协议公司已与某些高级职员(包括薪酬汇总表中指定的高级职员)签订协议(“协议”),协议中定义的公司“控制权变更”包括:,除其他事项外,公司亚搏官网app登录入口资产的合并或出售或公司董事会的重组、授予高管的所有基于股票的薪酬奖励的可行使性和归属应加快。根据协议,一旦控制权发生变更,高级职员持有的50%未授予股份或购买股份的期权可行权,剩余50%未授予股份或购买股份的期权可在控制权变更一周年之日或高级职员“非自愿终止”之日(以较早者为准)行权控制权变更后。根据协议,“非自愿终止”的定义包括,除其他事项外,公司在未经员工明确书面同意或大幅减少或增加员工职责的情况下,无“理由”终止员工。此外,这些官员在离职期间还可获得十二(12)个月的遣散费以及持续的健康和医疗福利。协议的目的是通过向这些个人提供与其他公司竞争的某些薪酬安排,确保公司的高级管理人员能够持续奉献,以充分激励这些个人留在公司,增强他们的财务安全,以及在控制权发生变化时保护他们免受无理终止。薪酬委员会报告简介董事会薪酬委员会(“委员会”)由公司外部董事组成。委员会通常在财政年度开始时根据全包奖金计划(“AIB计划”)确定公司高管的基本工资水平和目标。每年,委员会根据与业内其他公司的比较,评估公司的薪酬做法和股权计划,并在确定薪酬计划时,将公司业绩与一组同行公司进行比较。9薪酬理念公司高管薪酬政策旨在吸引和留住对公司成功至关重要的经验丰富且合格的高管,并为此类人员提供激励,以最大限度地提高公司业绩和战略目标。考虑到公司绩效和个人成就,执行官薪酬总额的目标水平旨在在平均绩效年中处于第50个百分位,当公司绩效高于公司所在行业高管的平均绩效时,则高于平均水平。关于《公司法》第162(m)条(该条规定,除非满足某些条件,否则每位员工每年可扣除的高管薪酬不得超过100万美元),公司已将其首席执行官的AIB计划和1993年长期激励计划纳入第162(m)条的豁免范围。公司将继续根据第162(m)节评估其其他薪酬计划,尽管目前没有计划使其任何其他薪酬计划获得豁免。薪酬计划高管薪酬的主要组成部分如下所述:基本薪酬。委员会与首席执行官协商后,在考虑竞争环境、经验水平、职位和责任、公司业绩和个人总体贡献水平等因素后,确定了执行官的基本工资。本公司从竞争类似管理人才的同行公司的独立调查来源获得具有竞争力的薪酬信息,其中包括本公司的直接竞争对手以及具有类似规模和业绩的其他高科技行业公司。这些调查中包括的大多数公司也包括在Hambrecht&Quist技术指数中(见绩效图)。然后,独立顾问和公司对调查数据进行分析,以向委员会提供必要的信息。全包奖金计划。AIB计划规定向公司所有员工支付现金奖金,前提是公司在财年初达到委员会设定的某些绩效目标。AIB计划的目的是(i)将薪酬与绩效指标的实现挂钩,以在本财年提供总资本的最佳回报(ii)drive long-term stockholder value creation and (iii) ensure that payments are targeted to provide a competitive level of compensation, taking into account the Company's performance against its peers in the disk drive and related industries. In fiscal year 1998, the Company's performance for return on total capital was below the AIB Plan target level. The approved pool available for bonuses was set at the target level determined by the AIB Plan. Long-Term Incentive Compensation. Another component of the total compensation package for the Company's executive officers is in the form of stock option awards. The Company's 1993 Long-Term Incentive Plan provides for long-term incentive compensation for employees of the Company, including executive officers. An important objective of the 1993 Long-Term Incentive Plan is to align the interest of executive officers with those of stockholders by providing an equity interest in the Company, thereby providing incentive for such executive officers to maximize stockholder value. Option awards directly tie executive compensation to the performance of the Company's stock. The Committee is responsible for determining, subject to the terms of such Plan, the individuals to whom grants should be made, the timing of grants, the exercise or purchase price per share and the number of shares subject to each grant. Grants are determined based on the individual's position in the Company, comparative market data, and the number of unvested shares already held by each officer. The option program also utilizes vesting periods to encourage retention of executive officers and reward long-term commitment to the Company. 10 Company Performance and Chief Executive Officer Compensation The process of determining the compensation for the Company's Chief Executive Officer and the factors taken into consideration in such determination are generally the same as the process and factors used in determining the compensation of all of the Company's executive officers. During 1998, the Company increased the Chief Executive Officer's base salary based on an analysis of salaries paid by peer companies and the Chief Executive Officer's individual performance. In fiscal year 1998, payments made to the Chief Executive Officer from the Chief Executive Officer's AIB Plan were based on the actual level of Company performance. MEMBERS OF THE COMPENSATION COMMITTEE Steven C. Wheelwright Edward M. Esber, Jr. Robert J. Casale THE FOREGOING COMPENSATION COMMITTEE REPORT SHALL NOT BE DEEMED TO BE "SOLICITING MATERIAL" OR TO BE FILED WITH THE SEC, NOR SHALL SUCH INFORMATION BE INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE INTO ANY PAST OR FUTURE FILING UNDER THE SECURITIES ACT OR THE EXCHANGE ACT, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THE COMPANY SPECIFICALLY INCORPORATES IT BY REFERENCE INTO SUCH FILING. 11 PERFORMANCE GRAPH The following graph compares the cumulative total return to stockholders of the Company's Common Stock at March 31, 1998 since March 31, 1993 to the cumulative total return over such period of (i) Standard & Poors 500 Index, and (ii) the Hambrecht & Quist Technology Index. The graph assumes the investment of $100 on March 31, 1993 in the Company's Common Stock and each of such indices and reflects the change in the market price of the Company's Common Stock relative to the noted indices at March 31, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 and 1998. The performance shown is not necessarily indicative of future price performance. [The following descriptive data is supplied in accordance with Rule 304(d) of Regulation S-T] QNTM CUMULATIVE TOTAL RETURN 3/93 3/94 3/95 3/96 3/97 3/98 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Quantum Corporation 100 128 117 141 303 334 Hambrecht & Quist Technology 100 115 149 202 235 350 S & P 500 100 101 117 155 186 275 THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THE STOCK PERFORMANCE GRAPH SHALL NOT BE DEEMED TO BE "SOLICITING MATERIAL" OR TO BE FILED WITH THE SEC, NOR SHALL SUCH INFORMATION BE INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE INTO ANY FUTURE FILING UNDER THE SECURITIES ACT OR THE EXCHANGE ACT, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THE COMPANY SPECIFICALLY INCORPORATES IT BY REFERENCE INTO SUCH FILING. 12 SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF CERTAIN BENEFICIAL OWNERS AND MANAGEMENT
FMR集团 . ............................................................17536345(3) 11.5%德文郡街82号波士顿,MA 02109 - 3014 Sanford c . Bernstein & Co . ...........................................13178661(3) 8.7% 767年纽约第五大道,纽约10153年高盛(Goldman Sachs) & Co . .................................................布罗德大街85 9016820(3)5.9%,纽约,纽约10004年迈克尔·a·布朗 .....................................................774160(4) *斯蒂芬·m·伯克利 ...................................................490550(5) *肯尼斯·李 ..........................................................343886(6) *理查德·l·克莱梅尔 ...................................................172393 (7) * Peter van Cuylenburg .................................................152452(8) *年轻孙k ........................................................94809(9) *罗伯特·j·萨莱 ..................................................... 73,750 (10) * Steven C. Wheelwright ................................................ 41,000 (10) * Edward M. Esber, Jr. ................................................. 45,000 (11) * David A. Brown ....................................................... 43,750 (10) * All directors and executive officers as a group (16 persons) ......... 2,564,765 (12) 1.7%
----------小于1%。(1) 除非根据适用的社区财产法或本表脚注所示,据本公司所知,本表中确定的每位股东对该股东实益拥有的所有普通股拥有唯一投票权和投资权。(2) 基于截至1998年7月1日已发行普通股152318103股的适用所有权百分比,以及该股东的适用期权。实益所有权是根据亚搏官网app登录入口美国证券交易委员会的规则,基于包括投票权和股票投资权在内的因素确定的。受当前可行使的或1998年7月1日后60天内可行使的期权约束的普通股股份在计算任何其他人的所有权百分比时不被视为流通股。(3) 基于截至1998年7月14日公司可获得的最新公开信息。(4) 包括在1998年7月1日或之后六十(60)天内可行使的731847股股票期权。(5) 包括在1998年7月1日或之后六十(60)天内可行使的482500股股票期权。(6) 包括截至1998年7月1日或其后六十(60)天内可行使的251844股股票期权。(7) 包括在1998年7月1日或其后六十(60)天内可行使的157239股股票期权。(8) 包括截至1998年7月1日或其后六十(60)天内可行使的124578股股票期权。(9) 包括截至1998年7月1日或其后六十(60)天内可行使的78958股股票期权。13(10)代表在1998年7月1日或其后六十(60)天内可行使的受股票期权约束的股份。(11) 包括在1998年7月1日或其后六十(60)天内可行使的5000股股票期权。(12) 包括截至1998年7月1日或其后六十(60)天内可行使的2207606股由董事和高级管理人员持有的股票期权。