律师的权力通过这些礼物,缺点在此构成和任命每个Linda Andrade,Jennifer Carter Elizabeth Gaubeka和Shawn Hall,单独签署,签名的真实和合法的律师 - 事实:(1)执行和代表签字人,签字人作为普通公司(“公司”),形式3,4和5的官员和/或董事,根据1934年证券交易所的第16(a)条和亚搏官网app登录入口那条规则;(2)执行并代表签名的签订和执行任何行为,并履行可能是必要或可取的任何此类表单3,4或5,填写和执行任何修正案或修订,以及及时申请与美国证券交易委员会和任何证券交易所或类似机构的形式;(3)采取任何其他行动与上述情况有关,在此类律师的意见中,可能有利于签名或合法要求的,签名的,据了解这一点根据授权书的签名签发的签名事实执行的文件应符合此类形式,并应包含此类律师的条款和条件,以此事实可能批准的律师 - 事实上的自由裁量权。特此授予每位律师的律师,才能完成,并执行任何和每一项行为,并在行使中的任何权利和权力方面进行任何必要的,必要或适当的行为,如完全涉及所有意图和目的,因为如果个人出席或者可以在替代或撤销的完全权力,在此批准并确认所有这些律师的替代方案,或此类律师的替代品或替代品通过律师的这种权力和理所当然地做出合法的或致力于理所当然的。 The undersigned acknowledges that the foregoing attorneys-in-fact, in serving in such capacity at the request of the undersigned, are not assuming, nor is the Company assuming, any of the undersigned's responsibilities to comply with Section 16 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. This Power of Attorney shall remain in full force and effect until the undersigned is no longer required to file Forms 3, 4, and 5 with respect to the undersigned's holdings of and transactions in securities issued by the Company, unless earlier revoked by the undersigned in a signed writing delivered to the foregoing attorneys-in-fact. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has caused this Power of Attorney to be executed as of this 6th day of June 2005. By: /s/ Howard Matthews Name: Howard L. Matthews III