Capture, disseminate and preserve valuable satellite and intelligence data.
Increases in the resolution of video, rapid advances in sensor technologies, the democratization of satellite imagery with small sats, and innovations in data fusion—all add up to opportunity. But these technology advances have introduced storage challenges as organizations struggle to keep pace with the massive influx of imagery.
StorNext’s reliable and proven high-performance technology lies at the center of some of the most demanding workflows in the geospatial world. StorNext specializes in large files—up to 10 billion of these large files per StorNext cluster—and with its high-speed capture, has become an integral part of high-performance GIS workflows.

High-Speed Capture

Shared Access for All

Big Scale—Petascale
数据增长是生命的事实,特别是与地理空间数据 - 更多SAT,更多的传感器,更多文件和更大的文件。今天的地理空间团队需要存储解决方案,规模大而更大 - 并且可以实惠。

Cost-effective Tiering
To manage today’s data growth, you don’t just need scale—you need affordable scale. With tiered storage from Quantum, you get cost-effective tiering and access to files stored on SSD, disk, object storage, tape or cloud.

建for the Challenges of Today’s Geospatial Archives
The long-term value of geospatial data often lies in its power to be exploited in the future—not just when first collected. Which is why it’s important to preserve mission critical data for future analysis with a scalable storage solution that optimally balances performance, access, and economy. The ability to match the right storage technology to the right data at the right time provides powerful economic benefits in the face of today’s massive data growth.
当您管理PetaScale Archives并需要确保保留数据时,以便它可以连接到一些将来的事件 - 正确的横向横向存储解决方案非常宝贵。
Collaboration is a top priority for geospatial analysts. Andxinyabo体育 is designed to enable high-performance shared access to files—across different network topologies, across different client operating systems, and across different file sharing protocols.
这并不罕见StorNext文件系统由数百名用户共享 - 和Lattus Object Storage,现在可以使用云和HTTP REST协议共享StorDext数据。没有其他存储平台提供斯大哥可以的协作级别。


Customer Success
黄磊当我们看看NASMG的需求时,我们知道他们的高速工作流的最佳系统将是来自量子的集成Stornext Scaleout存储解决方案。
Danial Thomas重复数据删除是我们想要做的关键技术,我们知道Quantum是这项技术的先驱,并具有极其强大的重复数据删除解决方案。
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