Agencies are under pressure to modernize storage infrastructure to meet today’s data management challenges. Whether it’s converging backup and archive, consolidating data centers, taking advantage of new cloud technologies, or delivering high-performance shared storage to support mission-critical ISR workflows, Quantum storage solutions fit the bill while helping government agencies meet stringent compliance mandates.
Budgets are under pressure, especially in government. At Quantum, we leverage every technology in our arsenal to deliver reliable storage that lowers costs, so you can deliver on the mission at hand.
Lovell Hopper.我们的新备份组合允许我们通过以更轻松和速度备份数据来掌握我们的虚拟和物理基础架构。
Corey Dunn.One of the coolest things about this project is that it let us expand an existing resource rather than having to start from scratch.
Steve Sakamoto.。。。量子did a great job in training our team to help them understand how the system worked and how to get the most out of replication. It really helped us, and it made the transition easy. Now, we can take care of all our backup and DR on these two DXi systems. It’s fast and we spend zero time managing DR. They both also give us really easy scalability so we know we’ll be able to add capacity when our data set gets bigger in the future.
For the past few years, cloud computing and infrastructure has created a lot of buzz in the federal IT community. Many agency IT managers have either already adopted or are currently considering a move to cloud-based infrastructure. The cloud offers many solutions to the IT challenges facing federal agencies today, from helping with data protection and management, to improving resource allocation and infrastructure costs.
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