White Papers
As part of our ongoing commitment to inform, educate and enlighten our current and prospective customers, Quantum regularly covers the topics that are most relevant to the industries we serve. Browse our library of published white papers and check often for the latest updates.

Enterprise Backup & Archive
Ending the vicious ransomware cycle requires a change in behavior.

Redefining TCO for the Cloud
Enterprise Backup & Archive
Quantum ATFS delivers business value and aligns “total cost” of ownership with financial objectives through data insights and automation.
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Ingesting, Protecting, and Preserving Data
Media and Entertainment
StorNext File System delivers end-to-end lifecycle management for unstructured data.
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Ransomware Brief
Enterprise Backup & Archive
The best Ransomware protection comes with a physical barrier.
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5 guys named Moe Case Study
Enterprise Backup & Archive
Where data insights meet storage for 5 guys named Moe.
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The Hormel Institute Case Study
Enterprise Backup & Archive
The Hormel Institute, University of MN, deploys Quantum ATFS to accelerate cancer research.
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Accessing StorNext Self-Describing Objects
Enterprise Backup & Archive
Want to run a cloud-based application against data that the StorNext® File System has stored in the cloud? Now you can. Need access to that data from other sites or looking to share files with business partners via the cloud? Now it’s possible. Even if you just want insurance that you can always get your data back from the cloud, through disaster or technology. obsolescence, it’s here.
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Canal Extremadura Case Study
Media & Entertainment
Canal Extremadura supports a large-scale multimedia transformation with a scalable Quantum StorNext archive solution.
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British Antarctic Survey Case Study
Enterprise Backup & Archive
Safeguarding research at sea: British Antarctic Survey backs up scientific data with Quantum Scalar Tape Systems.
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ViON Case Study
Enterprise Backup & Archive
ViON chooses Quantum StorNext File System and Tape Storage for Archive Service.
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Scale-out NAS Data Protection
Enterprise Backup & Archive
Bring efficiency to Scale-out NAS backup and restore, reduce costs by over 50%.
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The IT Manager’s Guidebook
Enterprise Backup & Archive
Essential strategies for data protection and business continuity in times of crisis.

Evaluating Adobe Productions Using a StorNext Shared Storage Environment
Media and Entertainment
The concept of shared storage has been around for years. During the evolution of shared storage concepts, Quantum has been a pivotal key player in the transformation, from dedicated storage. to shared architecture.

Quantum StorNext Scale-out File System - Architecture, Features, and Differentiators
Enterprise Backup & Archive
Storing larger and larger files, capturing and serving them faster and faster, has always been a challenge for data storage systems. StorNext® was created over 20 years ago in response to this challenge—specifically capturing, managing and sharing high-resolution digital video and other performance and latency-sensitive data.

IDC InfoBrief
Enterprise Backup & Archive
Storage System Considerations in the Digital Era.
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IDC Vendor Spotlight
Enterprise Backup & Archive
Managing Unstructured Data Growth Requires a Fresh Approach.
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StorNext®: The Modern File System that Can Supercharge Your Media Workflows
Media and Entertainment
As files sizes, bottlenecks, and pipelines increase, it’s important to identify potential new requirements for storing your media content. In order to allow team members to execute to the maximum potential, workflows must be optimized for flexibility, balance, scale, cost and performance.
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Defining Storage Requirements for Color Correction
Media and Entertainment
Whether your post-production studio is helping to create feature-length films or 30-second commercials, color correction is a vital part of your workflow. We understand the demands to deliver amazing content under tight deadlines.
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Five Best Practices for Preparing In-House IT for Corporate Video Workflows
Media and Entertainment
Corporate video use case that provides the 5 best practices for preparing in-house IT for corporate video workflows.
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Why Invest In LTO?
Enterprise Backup & Archive
Technical details of LTO tape drives, design, performance metrics and reliability statistics.

Your Backups Won’t Be Affected by Ransomware with This Last Line of Defense
Enterprise Backup & Archive
Ransomware is just one of many threats that can impact your business data. With a 5X increase in attacks and 6X in new variants, prepare yourself with a solid backup strategy to protect your environment to limit any incident or vulnerabilities.