Treehouse Interactive

Dedupe Plus Tape Cuts Backup In Half, Admin Time By 75%
树屋互动is a well-established, growing provider of cutting-edge partner relationship management (PRM) and marketing automation platform (MAP) solutions. The company’s applications are delivered through a Software-as-a-Service model (SaaS), meaning that IT reliability and data protection are paramount. So slow backups quickly became a significant problem.
“Our backup times were incredibly slow,” says Kory Willis, IT Support Manager at TreeHouse Interactive. “We didn’t have enough time in a day to run a full backup, and even when we’d stagger backups it would degrade overall performance.” Willis found himself spending upwards of 40 percent of his time every week managing backups and tweaking the system in search of more speed. At one point, the company repurposed an old Quantum SuperLoader® to help and was pleased to discover that, although it was over ten years old, it was totally reliable and 3-4 times faster than the disk array they’d been using. That got the TreeHouse IT team thinking.
Rock-Solid Reliability, Year After Year
树房子已经熟悉了Quantum在数据存储中的领导地位,并且随着团队做得更多的研究,显然,量子分层存储解决方案可能是答案。“我们使用量子的决定结果是一个简单的,因为旧超级塑料工作得很好,”威利斯说。该团队在Salt Lake City的生产数据中心和两个Scalar®I40磁带库中的一个8TB Quantum DXI6700重复数据删除设备,其中一个在数据中心,第二个单位,在公司的拉斯维加斯开发中心。亚搏官网app登录入口安装和设置顺利进行。
“Quantum technicians got on the line with us as part of the deployment,” recalls Willis. “It made the whole process straightforward and easy.”
“我们不能更加高兴,”威利斯报道。“DXI®设备快速迅速,标量I40只尖叫。And an added selling point has been the scalability...the Quantum solution can just grow with us...It's given the system even more capacity and I’m looking forward to how much bandwidth it will save when we eventually deploy a second appliance for replication.”
With the DXi, backup times have been cut in half. TreeHouse is now able to easily complete incremental backups each day, as well as full backups every weekend. Fulls are transferred to tape on the Scalar i40s for long-term storage and disaster protection.
量子solutions lived up to expectations in terms of reliability, and perhaps most importantly, the tiered solution has given back a precious commodity to the team: time. Backup administration time has been reduced more than 75%.
“I’ve been really impressed with the Quantum organization and products. The whole experience has been so stellar I just can’t recommend the company highly enough.”