South Pasadena Unified School District


学区为DXI系统提供A +备份
IT environments can face daunting backup complexity, especially when protecting virtual servers enters the equation. The South Pasadena Unified School District chose Quantum’s DXi® solution to tame its tough backups.结果:消除了失败的集中备份。
Virtual Servers Up Complexity
后退up can be complicated, particularly when the job combines different data types, applications, backup systems, and retention requirements. For many IT departments, the addition of high levels of virtualization can push them to the breaking point. That was the situation facing Gen Naydo, the director of technology for the South Pasadena Unified School District. The IT team is responsible for protecting almost a terabyte of data, encompassing critical student records and administrative files spanning five schools, 4,000 students, and more than 500 employees—data that the State of California requires the district to maintain.
After assessing the problem, Naydo decided deduplication would be important for load reduction. He originally explored the idea of using the deduplication feature in his backup applications. However, the team at reseller ICC had a different recommendation. They explained that outcomes were unpredictable with software deduplication, especially in virtual environments, but that they had seen consistent success with Quantum DXi deduplication appliances. Naydo opted for the Quantum solution.
“我们曾经拥有一个月的多个失败,因为我们安装了DXI,它已经很大 - 备份并没有失败一次,”他报告。此外,由于DXI的速度及其极其高效的数据重复数据删除,该区域能够超出以前的更多数据和系统。
“Having our backup on one central DXi appliance makes it much more manageable,” he says. “And it’s proven so flexible that I’m confident even if we switch servers, applications or even change our virtualization strategy, the DXi will still always hold the data. You can never have enough good backups, and now thanks to Quantum I feel much more comfortable with what we’ve got in place.”