
Quantum doesn’t just provide the ability to do basic tape backup—it is the flexibility of the architecture and tools in the Scalar tape library that allow us to meet regulatory, encryption, and compliance requirements.

Expanding The Data Center, Reducing Risk
数据中心运算符Redit Crafts自定义云服务以满足特定的客户端需求。单独证明磁盘备份不足,已安装Quantum Scalar I500智能磁带库。结果:更好地支持客户的个人备份,安全性,隐私,归档和合规性要求。
Flexibility Beyond Disk-Only Solutions
redIT支持全球IT community with private cloud services and data centers in the southwestern U.S. and Latin America. The company provides clients, such as Oracle, McDonald’s, and Bloomberg, customized IT strategies for private cloud, security, connectivity, disaster recovery, and colocation.
By addressing the risks associated with large public clouds, redIT gives its clients a level of comfort to take advantage of the flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness cloud storage can provide. That requires a highly individualized process of designing customer services and systems, according to Matt Stamper, redIT’s Vice President of Managed & Professional Services and a Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA).
“Using proven brand names is important to maintain our reputation as a best-of-breed provider,” says Stamper. “Quantum is a well-recognized IT company, so there was not a lot of risk for us.”
REDIT购买了Quantum Scalar I500智能中频磁带库,并选择了LTO-5磁带驱动器,可以从额外的容量和更快的吞吐量中受益。LTO-5还配有基于硬件的AES(256位)加密技术,并允许操作员分区磁带,提供更大的文件控制并允许近线应用程序索引磁带上的数据,从而更容易访问和存档数据。
“Its flexibility means that organizations are able to scale up quickly and dramatically to deal with business challenges,” says Stamper, “and often scale right back down when that short-term need has passed.”
“Quantum has domain expertise around tape, archiving, and backup, and has tools to help us complement our service offering,” says Stamper. “Instead of trying to fit a square peg into a round hole, the Scalar tape library allows our backup services to be tuned to the specific needs of clients.”