The Rebel Fleet


To meet the studio’s expectations, The Rebel Fleet had to upgrade its storage. A new solution had to deliver the performance and collaborative capabilities required for onset processing of raw, high-resolution media. It also had to be dense, so it could be incorporated into a mobile rig that could be carted to remote locations.
为广播和后期制作工作室设计数字工作流解决方案的阶乘公司推荐了量子存储系统,以满足崎岖的移动环境的军事级存储能力。叛军舰队选择Quantum Xcellis®工作流存储+Quantum QXS™ 用于在线和近线存储的混合存储系统。
来自叛军舰队、保理和量子的团队共同努力,快速组装和部署一台移动钻机,该平台还使用多台Apple Mac Pro计算机来摄取数据、计算校验和、归档到LTO磁带和颜色分级。钻机十天内就准备好了。
Delivering High Performance for Real-time Color Grading and Fast Rendering
高性能存储based on the StorNext® file system helped significantly accelerate workflows. “With the Quantum solution, we were able to crank out 150 frames of footage per second in three different formats while also supporting real-time color grading,” says Michael Urban, founder and managing director of The Rebel Fleet. “Overall, this online environment delivered 6 GB per second of throughput. It was very impressive, and it helped us meet tight turnaround times.”
StorNext平台使因子团队能够将摄取量从200 TB扩展到400 TB,同时不会中断拍摄计划。在生产过程中,Factorial团队能够在远程位置扩展系统,先前摄取的数据仍然驻留在环境中。“StorNext在现实世界中的表现完全和广告一样,真正让我们无缝地扩展系统,”保理公司的主任兼技术传道者TimBenson说。“反叛舰队队和电影制作队都很开心。”
The Quantum storage systems offered the capacity for a large volume of high-resolution footage in a very dense environment. “In all, the environment processed nearly 900 TB over the course of the shoot,” says Benson. “And we managed to provide all that capacity in a rig that was the size of a deep refrigerator.”
The rig’s mobility enabled The Rebel Fleet team to set up temporary on-location review environments in very remote locations. The director, director of photography, and others could review footage, and evaluate color grades and lighting, just minutes after calling “cut.” That immediate feedback allowed the production team to make critical creative decisions and maximize on-set productivity.