Oxford Martin School

Oxford Martin School Upgrades Storage Infrastructure With Quantum QXS Arrays
Oxford University is not only the oldest university in the English-speaking world, but also one of the most influential—to date, more than 50 Nobel Laureates and 50 world leaders have been directly associated with it. The most recent addition to Oxford’s independently governed colleges is the Oxford Martin School, founded in 2005. The Oxford Martin School provides a unique environment to fund projects that combine disciplines to address the most significant problems facing the world’s future. Today, approximately 250 researchers are engaged in more than 20 active programs, ranging from innovations in food sciences and healthcare to methods for geo-engineering and ways to advance human rights.
协作研究团队需要一种动态和灵活的方法。“Above all, we need to remain flexible and adaptive to the sometimes rapidly changing needs of the research teams,” explains Andrew Foulsham, IT manager at Oxford Martin School, “and we need to be certain that we keep the teams’ data safe and continuously available.” Initially the school used direct-attached arrays, but found management was time-consuming, and data availability was an issue.
Moving to Shared Storage, Virtualization, and Quantum QXS Arrays
新安装大致为十几个服务器虚拟化,并连接到24 TB的QXS RAID。除了使其更容易设置共享并提高数据可用性,系统将更快。“在我们的第一天,我们的一个Web开发人员使用该系统,他注意到它具有他所谓的”疯狂更快的性能“,我们也看到了其他应用程序的大量收益,”Foulsham补充道。“新系统还为学校提供了大量的储蓄。我们将在未来几年内将我们将省数万英镑用于牛津马丁。“
Exemplary Reliability and Path to SSDs in the Future
qx、混合存储阵列也考虑到team the option of easily adding SSDs to its storage mix. The Oxford Martin team wanted the performance of flash, but using SSDs for all the storage was too expensive. Quantum’s hybrid arrays offer the alternative of adding a layer of SSDs to the spinning disk and using Quantum Q-Tier™ to move the most active files to the flash tier. “We believe that the QXS arrays will give us the performance advantages of solid-state drives while keeping costs low. We already have the migration software [Q-Tier] in place.”