我们部署了Quantum QXS SSD存储。它能够维持高达八个实时4K流。这意味着我的设施可能是世界上最有效的设施,而是在喂养艺术家的实时4K。

工作流的量子StorNext和扩展网络age Enable 100% 4K Operation at Leading Hollywood Post-Production Facility
“Post-production and dailies services for episodic television create unusual workflow and storage challenges,” explains John Stevens, MTI Film CTO. “We bring enormous amounts of data into our system. A typical project generates six to eight terabytes per day per project—and we normally have more than half a dozen series going at once. Our challenge is making all of that content available immediately for producers to view, and storing it in a location that allows the post-production team to access it as needed. Speed is critical. So is shared access to the files. So is raw capacity. And all the problems are becoming compounded as we do more projects, as resolution moves toward full 4K, and as we have to support different formats and platforms.”
Collaborative Workflow Platform Needs to Extend Online Storage
MTI电影has used Quantum’s StorNext platform for its shared workflow since the company launched its digital post-production services in 2009. But as MTI Film began to hit the limits of its existing storage system, it became increasingly apparent that constantly adding more RAID was not practical, especially considering the difficultly of maintaining reliable RAID volumes over a petabyte. What they really needed was storage that could scale into many petabytes without the limitations of RAID, but that still offered fast access to easily shared stored content. After looking at alternatives, MTI chose to deploy Quantum object storage Extended Online based on object storage technology.
亚搏电竞app下载Object Storage扩展在线使用经过验证的对象存储方法,其优于RAID。它从100TB到数百个PECABYTES缩放,并使用自我修复技术保护来自设备故障或站点丢失的数据,并跨多个系统和站点传播数据。该分布创造了远高于RAID的可靠性水平,并且可以比磁带或公共云更快地访问内容。而且,越来越多的对象存储容亚搏电竞app下载量是快速且无缝的。
在MTI电影中,对象存储扩亚搏电竞app下载展在线存储将通过StorNext Storage Manager集成到工作流程中,该存储管理器根据团队集的策略自动将内容从在线存储移动到对象存储。
Greater Capacity and Greater Revenue Potential
“Extending our online storage with object storage and using StorNext Storage Manager to manage it makes perfect sense for us," says Stevens. "We get massive storage capacity that is off our SAN, but that [still] gives us very fast access to the files—we’ve been seeing performance of 350MB to 370MB a second—through our standard StorNext file system interface. Best of all, we can add capacity quickly and easily for a specific job and tie the costs directly to the project. It’s like having our own private cloud, except that the access times are much faster.”
Because object storage is an extension of MTI’s online storage, MTI can employ all of the StorNext APIs and management techniques to develop additional services for its clients, including giving clients direct access to stored files.
StorNext -Upgrade到下一代工作流程存储平台
作为项目的一部分,MTI电影还使用双重冗余StorNext Metadata设备升级到下一代Stornext平台。StorNext可以每卷存档高达50亿个文件,提高最多10倍的性能,增强了大卷的稳定性。
“升级到StorNext给了我们一个实质性的性能提升,特别是当我们搬下目录树时,”史蒂文斯说。“现在,我们在整个数据集中看到相同的速度。我们在一个周末进行过渡,当球队周一早上来的时候,他们没有改变任何东西 - 这对所有应用程序都是透明的。“
The MTI team selected other Quantum solutions to enhance other workflow stages. QXS storage with SSD-based flash provides performance for full-resolution 4K workflow. Quantum also supplied NetApp E-Series Storage for the best price-performance and highest reliability RAID for daily work-in-process. StorNext with StorNext Storage Manager ensures that content flows through all stages of the production pipeline seamlessly.
“Quantum Stordext及其分层的存储管理方法已经在M&E工作流程中工作多年,”销售综合媒体技术(IMT)竞技队的副总裁Jason Kranitz说。“我们很自豪地参与MTI的设计和整合努力Film’s deployment of the complete Quantum portfolio of offerings, includingStorNext, multiple tiers of disk, and Object Storage.”