Now we can pull content from previous shoots and do it quickly using CatDV and Quantum. Having an advanced storage architecture powered by StorNext has really allowed us to collaborate like never before, and it’s made our training videos the talk of the industry.

When international automotive aftermarket giant MPA found their video training team stuck in the slow lane, they turned to Quantum Xcellis® Workflow Storage and CatDV Media Asset Management software. The result was turbo-charged production, agile collaboration, and lightning-fast automated archiving and retrieval.
With a focus on manufacturing and remanufacturing a broad range of products for cars and trucks, Motorcar Parts of America (MPA) is an international leader in the automotive aftermarket. MPA distributes its products across the U.S. and Canada under its own brands and those of its private-label partners.
“One of the keys to MPA’s continued success,” says Joe Micallef, the company’s multimedia production manager, “is that we recognized very early that we needed an innovative approach to training, service and support, along with our world-class manufacturing and quality.” Part of that program included an early emphasis on video training, so MPA took on the task of creating and editing its own training content to help both professional mechanics and DIYers install and maintain the company’s products.
The MPA team decided to upgrade its production and editing systems and sought help from Sunset Studios—an integrator that specializes in helping clients set up production facilities to meet their media workflow requirements. The Sunset Studios team helped MPA create and modernize a full-blown studio that includes four-camera recording in a two-bay garage facility that is now supported by a high-performance data sharing and archiving storage capability.
John Edwards,Sunset Studio Principal,解释说:“我们这个项目的第二阶段概述了具有媒体资产管理软件的光纤通道网络,以及需要现代和全功能的生产存储和存档解决方案。在我们的评估结束时,我们选择了量子和Catdv。“
为MPA安装的日落工作室的系统是基于Quantum的Xcellis Scale-Out工作流程存储和来自方框系统的CatDV媒体资产管理。Quantum的StorNext®PoctRedXcellis存储设备是一个可扩展的解决方案,旨在提供媒体生产团队的高速共享访问关键数据,以提高协作,简化管理和加速生产时间表。
Automated Hi-Res Builds and Web-Based Collaboration Features
新设施和先进的视频pture, editing, storage and archiving systems helped the company launch its own YouTube Channel in 2016, and allows the team to more rapidly create even better content, and keep up more effectively with product changes and new customers. “Basically, everything that we do now is going to YouTube,” says Micallef, “because most installers, especially do-it-yourselfers, are going to YouTube to find a solution.”