On a daily basis, the speed enabled by this new edit workflow makes it possible for MNCTV, RCTI TV, and Global TV to get content to air more quickly.
Indonesian Media Giant Accelerates Workflow With StorNext
The MNC group owns and operates three television stations that together hold the highest free-broadcast market share in Indonesia. Recently, the company’s IT and production teams decided to carry out a major system upgrade, driven by several different factors, including the demands created by high-definition formats.
At the same time, the teams decided to consolidate all editing and post-production operations into a single, 120-seat system to facilitate sharing and getting content on the air more quickly. Using a single system meant providing support for all the different platforms and formats in use, including both Macs and PCs. The new solution would also have to be compatible with the company’s existing Brocade storage area network (SAN) and Xsan file system, and leverage its existing tape libraries for archiving. Ideally, they also wanted a system that would allow them to write their own Media Asset Management (MAM) tool.
The MNC team compared different solutions based on several factors, including how well they met the overall requirements, how easily they could scale in the future, the level of technical support available locally, and overall cost. The final selection was a combination ofQuantum的Stornext.软件和qx - 1200 RAID阵列操作在反对junction with MXFserver software.
Solution Combines StorNext Software, QXS RAID, and MXFserver
StorNext软件提供高性能,基于SAN的工作流程,允许所有编辑器轻松协作,甚至允许多个编辑器同时在同一文件上工作。StorNext还提供了一个集成的开放系统存档功能,可自动将文件从活动磁盘从活动磁盘移动到磁带,使用该公司的旧库。亚搏官网app登录入口通过与主动工作相同的接口查看存档中的内容,使得可以轻松使用现有的新编程内容。高速QXS RAID阵列支持大量的并行流,使系统易于同时进行多个操作。StorNext还提供明确定义的API,这将允许MNC组创建自己的MAM。
During the selection process, the IT team placed a premium on finding an open-system approach that would provide maximum flexibility in the future. StorNext allows users to scale capacity and performance independently, is fully compatible with Xsan, supports different archive libraries, and works with the MXFserver file management system. The StorNext system is also used worldwide and has a global service team to support its customers.
After several months in operation, the new StorNext-based workflow system has reduced the time required to prepare content, saved money by using its existing libraries to archive, and the team can begin creating its own MAM using the StorNext API.
“Quantum和MXFServer团队密切合作,了解我们的需求,设计和测试该系统,并最终确保我们能够在所有编辑系统中成功建立有效的媒体共享,”IT播放的集成媒体媒体总部负责人Kuswandi Aslan说。“每天都是如此,这个新的编辑工作流使能的速度使MNCTV,RCTI电视和全球电视能够更快地获得内容。”
“As we look ahead to the future of post-production for MNC Group stations, we appreciate that we can scale our StorNext system very simply and easily as our operations demand,” adds Aslan. “In the meantime, we plan to leverage this new storage infrastructure to facilitate the migration of our extensive SD content library to an HD format.”