The Open University
我们对新的网络存储平台进行了一些雄心勃勃的要求,并且Quantum QXS混合储存系列符合所有这些。价格频段内没有其他解决方案可以提供其2.5“脱迹系统的性能和存储密度。
Knowledge Media Institute Relies On QXS Hybrid Storage For Storage Demands
“我们现有的SAN难以扩大,”KMI的IT服务Maul Alexander,System和Development Manager解释说明。“除容量限制外,我们还面临许可证费用,以将每个配置扩展到其他jBods。我们需要找到一个新的平台,可以轻松扩展加上存储密度高性能,因为数据中心空间始终处于数据中心优质的。”
“The ability to freely mix drive types to create a tiered architecture was also important,” explains Alexander. “We knew that our storage system requirements were ambitious, and we really didn’t expect to meet all of our parameters within our budget. However, we contacted our long-standing storage and virtualization partner, NCE, who proposed the Quantum hybrid storage series as the ideal candidate.”
Paul evaluated the Quantum QXS-324, an 8GB FC networked RAID array based on 2.5-inch drive technology.
“We didn’t realize that a 24-drive 2U chassis using 2.5-inch small form factor drives were available in the general IT channel market until we met theQuantum QXS混合储存系列,“亚历山大召回。“使用3TB SATA驱动器自由混合驱动类型和扩展到288TB的能力确实使这是未来防伪我们的SAN的理想平台。”
The data workload characteristics at KMi vary considerably between projects, so the QXS storage’s ability to mix drive types, including SAS, SATA, and SSD, has proved invaluable to the team.
KMi also has the option of expanding each configuration using 3.5-inch drives, which will support the largest capacity SATA drives.
“The massive flexibility of the QXS hybrid storage systems is a great asset. We can mix drive types and sizes and the modular design of the systems means that we can upgrade our RAID controllers in the future, but maintain access to all of our existing data with maximum reuse of our investments. Many competitive offerings we considered called for a completely new infrastructure when moving up the chain in terms of performance or features,” says Alexander.
Accommodating a Vast Range of Workloads
“我们广泛使用QXS-324阵列,以便我们的HPC项目,并且存储基础架构从未成为瓶颈。我们的SAN是4GB FC立即 - 但是当我们这样移动到8GB时,QXS混合存储系统将准备好利用增加的带宽。在频谱的另一端,我们只需要使用灯流量或开发工具访问Web服务器的客户端。在这里,我们通过虚拟化最大化我们的硬件利用率,“亚历山大解释。
“Quantum QXS hybrid storage has been a winner for us on many fronts and will hopefully accommodate our data needs as we continue to expand.”