
We used to spend an entire day of work each week just tending to the backup and this new solution has reduced that time to almost nothing. In fact, it proactively tells me that everything is happy, so now my team can rest easy and concentrate on new projects...All thanks to Quantum.

在富兰克林皮尔斯大学的IT团队决定取代其遗产备份基础设施之后,团队接受了Quantum的DXI®重复数据删除设备提供的福利的教育 - 所以他们采用了DXI解决方案。The result:备份性能加倍,恢复时间从小时到分钟切割,管理时间减少了近20%。
Aging Infrastructure, Limited Budget
托马斯拉姆, Senior Systems Administrator for Franklin Pierce, says he recognized the need to replace the University’s backup system on the day he joined the IT Department. With multiple campuses, dozens of servers, and a range of mission-critical applications, the New Hampshire-based liberal arts school needed a solid IT backup infrastructure to support its 350 faculty and 2,500 students. But the existing backup system was barely hanging on.
“我们每晚都拿孩子备份,”Rup说。“每周花6到8个小时交换磁带并响应失败是一个小型IT团队的资源杀手。旧系统并没有跟上我们不断增长的数据 - 备份正在花费这么长的时间,即某些应用程序没有足够的窗口完成。“
With a limited budget, Rup reviewed backup options from different companies. He zeroed in on server-to-disk-to-tape as the right approach. Rup quickly saw two key opportunities in Quantum’s DXi-Series backup and deduplication appliances. The first was speed and accessibility for both data backup and restore. The second was how Quantum’s deduplication technology could elegantly integrate with tape backup to address both near-term storage and offsite archiving. Rup decided on two 4TB DXi4000 Series appliances in the University’s main data center and a Quantum Scalar® i40 tape library at a remote facility.
The University uses the DXi systems for onsite incremental and weekly backups to disk. Then the disk image is periodically backed up to the tape library for compliance with state and federal regulations on long-term retention. With the DXi systems in place, Franklin Pierce is seeing a 50 percent reduction in backup times across the board, with previous 11-hour incremental backups now taking 5 to 6 hours, and 48-hour full backups cut to 24 hours.
Restores have also been dramatically simplified. In most cases data still resides on the DXi appliances, making a restore seamless and almost instantaneous. On those rare instances where a file needs to be pulled from a tape backup, Rup says it’s a simple five-minute process to “remote in” to the server, locate the file and set the tape library to restore it. The biggest benefit by far has been improvement in productivity, resulting in peace of mind for the IT team, according to Rup.
“We used to spend an entire day of work each week just tending to the backup, and this new solution has reduced that time to almost nothing,” he says. “In fact, it proactively tells me that everything is happy, so now my team can rest easy and concentrate on new projects. That’s more than two months per year of IT time we’ve recaptured, all thanks to Quantum.”