
We chose Quantum partly for technical reasons—the products were just what we needed—but also because the Quantum team understands the video production environment like no one else we talked to.

费尔法克斯媒体, a leading Australasian media company, has been rapidly expanding its web and online delivery systems. So when the team realised that its legacy partner, Apple, was changing its approach to media solutions, they needed a change.
系统内置Apple Xsan和Xserve
遗留系统是Core-Xserve RAID存储,XSAN和MAC编辑站运行Final Cut Pro的Apple。
“The system served us well and got us to a production schedule that could sustain production of 300 video clips a week,” says David McMillan, Head of Production. “But we knew we were going to need more. So when Apple announced the end-of-life plans for Xserve and changes to the roadmap for Final Cut Pro, we realised we needed to rethink our approach and look for additional partners with a firm, long-term commitment to supporting video production.”
After looking at all the options, Fairfax chose an appliance-based Quantum StorNext solution, including StorNext Q-Series high performance disk storage and a StorNext metadata appliance for file sharing and serving as the underlying file system.
“我们部分地选择了Quantum,因为技术原因是我们所需要的 - 而且还因为量子团队理解视频生产环境,就像我们谈过的其他人一样,”McMillan解释道。“我们还在我们领域的大量Quantum客户检查,并仅听到正面评论。”
安装了smoothly-the整个implementation stage was completed on a four-week time line, and the final roll-out took place over one weekend. “The Quantum team was terrific to work with,” explains Laura Dowd, Account Manager at integrator Computers Now. “They really knew what they were doing and finished the job quickly.”
“We’ve increased the number of clips we can publish per week by about 40% with a very small staff increase,” says McMillan.Fairfax has already begun to plan the next phase of its system, taking advantage of StorNext’s flexible, open approach to platform support (the team recently installed its first Adobe editing suites, with plans to expand in the future).
“我们真的很喜欢添加Stornext归档能力,包括Quantum的LTO的Stornext Ael Archives,”麦克米兰继续。“这将让我们自动在磁带上抄送我们的内容,无论是保护它并存档它,还要让我们快速访问它以重复使用。”