
Fueling The Discovery of Oil with StorNext
石油研究巨型大庆油田石油勘探开发研究所(Edri)的主要目标之一是在中国大庆油田中增加石油和天然气勘探的步伐。但是这样做需要能够处理更大量的地震数据。EDRI选择了Quantum的StorNext来解决其文件系统限制。The result:去除性能瓶颈和数据处理的加速度。
然而,随着地震数据计算和磁盘空间的指数增长,传统的单节点NFS服务器无法满足进一步数据处理的需求。当作为I / O服务器运行时,在许多计算节点中导出文件系统时,会导致性能瓶颈。此外,文件系统架构已打开到单点故障。
问题的解决方案是Quantum Stornext文件系统,StorNext分布式LAN客户端(DLC),StorNext Storage Manager归档系统和量子标量磁带库的组合。
GSC quickly found that the Quantum solution provides better equipment optimization, improved resource utilization, and greater overall cluster efficiency. In particular, the deployment of shared file systems and rational usage of disk storage space meets the Institute’s needs for shared access to seismic data.
Through the implementation of StorNext, GSC created a large-scale seismic processing systemconsisting of 698 servers, 1,444 CPUs, 10Gbps of new network technology, 576 Ethernet ports, a 400TB fibre channel network disk array, and a 600 terabyte (TB) Quantum Scalar tape library. Each server in the cluster runs the StorNext file system software, which allows each server to directly access the shared FC disk at a speed of more than 100MBps.
In addition to supporting data processing, StorNext performs seismic data archival, retrieval, data protection, and vaulting through the Scalar tape library. Data can be migrated from the online RAID systems to tape, thereby releasing disk space for other jobs. Archived files can be retrieved automatically from tape back to disk. Final data can be replicated to the tape library to allow offsite vaulting for disaster recovery.