Codex Digital

Our systems get pulled into some pretty rugged environments when crews are shooting on remote location, and it’s great to have the rocksolid reliability of Quantum LTO and the simplicity of Quantum LTFS to rely on, whether we’re deployed in the field or back at the main office. There’s a reason that Quantum is our de facto tape storage choice.

Blockbuster Movies的重磅爆炸性能
Codex Safeguards Blockbuster Films with Quantum Technology
Digital acquisition is fast becoming the norm in the movie industry, with many of the biggest blockbusters never actually touching film. Getting that media off digital cameras and safely recorded, transported, and stored for editing is the job of Codex, which relies on Quantum’s LTO tape drives and LTFS software.The result:The utmost in efficiency and data protection.
Storage Capacity, Accessibility Limits
“A typical shoot costs $100,000 to $200,000 per day and generates 3TB-5TB of content,” says Ben Perry, Operations Manager at Codex. “So it makes us quite nervous when we hear people say ‘oh, we’ll just put it on the hard drive.’ It’s our job to get that data protected on LTO tape as soon as possible.”
To address these issues, Codex has embraced Quantum’s Linear Tape File System (LTFS) technology solution. LTFS allows the use of tape almost as if it were a hard disk. Files can be accessed directly using a simple point and click.
通过LTFS,Codex能够提供多项重点效益。第一个在摄入过程中出现,其中LTF可以随时使用简单的文件传输随时容易地附加素材-1.,内容 - 到任何磁带。
量子’s LTFS products also help Codex customers during the editing process by making it possible to easily grab individual clips without the need to restore an entire archive to an attached storage area network. That further lowers costs and speeds up editing—an important consideration as digital production gets more complex.