City Of Calgary Police Service

卡尔加里警方使用Stornext Petabyte级存储系统管理监视视频的涌入
面对管理新的身体相机计划的管理内容,卡尔加里警察局支撑了巨大的新监控视频涌入。该部门发现了一个创造性解决方案,利用了其现有的量子LTO图书馆,该库刚刚用于备份。通过添加StorNext略微缩放存储,他们能够分区他们的库,并为高容量,经济和高度可扩展的监视解决方案添加自动化分层 - 所有在扩展其现有磁盘的价格的一半。
Body-camera Archive Stores Petabyte of Video Surveillance at Half the Cost of Disk
When the IT department of the Calgary Police Service learned about a new program for body-worn video cameras—that would start with 50 cameras and then grow to over 1,500—it realized its current storage system wouldn’t be able to keep up. The new cameras generated 2.3 gigabytes per hour, or 18.4 gigabytes per shift, meaning the IT team would need to build a new solution to handle the almost one petabyte of video content the department would soon be managing.
“One of the coolest things about this project is that it let us expand an existing resource rather than having to start from scratch,” explains Dunn.
卡尔加里警察局升级为企业Scalar® i6000库并将其分区以支持多个应用程序。一个虚拟库持有部门的备份 - 第二个是视频存档。
Developing Simple, Cost-Effective Video Storage
Automating Management of Data Across Tiers
Stornext.allows users to view any files through a single, file-system interface, whether they are on disk or tape, and it will allow the department to manage nearly a petabyte of data with only 240TB of disk.
“StorNext’s ability to let us use a small amount of disk …was just what we needed to keep this project’s costs under control. It also gives us protection and long-term retention, something that was a real headache with disk-only systems.”
The new system is half the cost of a disk-only approach.
The Scalar i6000 scales easily using capacity-on-demand, and it can be partitioned to support multiple applications. Optional dual robotics provide redundancy and keep performance high. Military-grade tape encryption and key management provide security. And its Extended Data Life Management proactively ensures that data is readable.
Future-Proof Flexibility
“We know that the recording technology will change and that we need to avoid being locked into one vendor,” says Dunn. “Because it provides a file-system interface, StorNext will work with many different camera systems—that gives us a choice.”