

Dxi Solution On The Money For Financial Services Organization
为了支持可持续增长,Celero希望改善其现有的数据备份和灾难恢复过程。基于加拿大的信息技术服务提供商选择了Quantum的DXI®磁盘备份和重复数据删除平台。The result:Simplified and accelerated backup, restore, and disaster recovery while at the same time reducing costs.
Challenge: Consolidation and Scalability
Ten years ago, Celero was created by five co-operative organizations with a clear mandate: Take advantage of the economies of scale and deliver reliable, innovative, and cost-effective IT solutions to its owner organizations.
“当它最初形成时,五个父母组织每个组织都有自己独特的保护数据方式,并使用了您可以姓名的每种类型的备份策略,”Celero的Storage Architical Saltion Architic说。“这种做法非常低效,是公司增长计划的明显障碍。”亚搏官网app登录入口
Kubas went looking for technology that would support both consolidation and scalability. His challenge was to identify a reliable, efficient, and intuitive data protection solution that would support four data centers in geographically dispersed locations.
“Our first step was to assess the tape systems that were in place and investigate how deduplication and replication between data centers could support our existing processes,” adds Kubas. “We needed a simple, cost-effective way to back up and protect client data and a scalable solution that would grow with us.”
在Quantum和Data域的并排产品评估之后,该公司决定了两个36TB DXI电器。亚搏官网app登录入口
Over the succeeding years, Celero worked with Quantum to upgrade its systems as new DXi generations were introduced. Today, the company has two 200TB DXi8500 solutions and two 40TB DXi6700 Series appliances.
Benefits: Speed and Reliability
For Celero, Quantum’s DXi solutions have simplified and accelerated backup, restore, and disaster recovery, all while reducing IT costs.
Overall, it’s been Quantum’s commitment—not only to its customer partnership but also to continued product improvement—that has been critical.
“Quantum’s commitment to continually improving these systems has been a key factor in our long relationship,” Kubas notes. “We’ve seen constant improvement in replication and data ingestion; right now it’s excellent, and it just keeps getting better. That’s Quantum in a nutshell.”