Biola University

当你不仅看每千兆字节的成本时,但更难以测量冷却和电力成本,磁带的价格优势是引人注目的。Add to that the scalability of Quantum libraries and the ability to better control what data goes on disk and what is archived or backed up on tape, and you’ll understand why we’re excited about all the things we can do with Quantum’s Scalar LTFS.

Making The Grade With Video Archive
Scalar LTFS Provides Cost-Effective Backup for University’s Growing Video Library
Online courses, distance learning, and other video initiatives were swallowing more disk storage than Biola University’s IT budget could support. Looking for a more affordable option, the IT team graduated to tape archiving using Quantum’s Scalar® LTFS appliance.结果:Cost-effective storage made easy.
Too Much Data, Too High a Cost
Biola University is a private college serving more than 6,000 students in Southern California. To reach an even broader audience, Biola offers free content, extended courses, distance learning opportunities, and more. This outreach initiative has meant video. Lots and lots of video–5TB to 10TB of raw footage with an additional 5TB of edited files every semester.
根据系统管理主任Ben Wright的说法,储存所产生的视频量不仅变得正常成为行政头痛,而且是预算巴斯特。Biola需要一个容纳增长的存储解决方案,以及集中解决方案,因此营销部门可以自动管理存储,保护内容,并跟踪单个文件。
Benefits: Simple Use, Lower Cost
在查看其他供应商后,Biola将Quantum Scrarar LTFS设备作为视频制作存储过程的Linchpin。LTFS将磁带存储作为另一个文件共享的能力显着简化了存储环境。IT组不必阶段数据;不需要特殊的客户软件;个人团体可以自我管理其存储需求。
In addition, Quantum’s Scalar LTFS appliance allows the university to leverage the overall IT infrastructure already in place. The LTFS appliance sits in front of Biola’s existing tape library, a Quantum Scalar i500, and enables individual drives to be assigned to remote LTFS access or traditional data backup.