BBC Sport.

BBC Sport.went from its mix of systems to a unified environment with a guaranteed performance and a single point of administration.

BBC Sport.calls its rich library of sports content, dating back more than 75 years, its “production archive”, because it needs to be available to all its staff for use at a moment’s notice. It is a vital part of everyday production and critical to leveraging their history and brand.
Bringing it Together
当BBC Sport决定于2014年迁至2014年新的数字档案时,随后是竞争招标过程,由普通伙伴电车与媒体庄园,广播和生产工作流程的专家合作赢得。
In addition to a winning price-performance combination, the solution blended production and archive storage.
“他们设置一些目标性能指标,we comfortably met them,” says Warren Peel, Managing Director of Trams. “Our proposed architecture dug deep into their workflow requirements so that we could meet their real needs as a true production library, not a simple archive.”
During the design phase, it became clear that a four-tier solution based on StorNext 5 was most appropriate. StorNext 5 is a complete end-to-end solution providing content production, distribution, and archiving with the performance necessary for live production.
第1层存储是高性能QD6000磁盘,提供173TB的可用容量,其中用户主要通过资产管理系统访问内容,并且维护所有代理存储以提供对整个存档的访问。转码引擎之间的传输增加了整体所需的带宽,因此Tier 1架构以2.4GB / s的带宽实现。
Tier 2存储是336TB后面的缓冲存储,后面1. StorNext QD6000磁盘提供存储,但容量较大,速度更低(7200rpm,而不是Tier 1的10,000rpm)。为确保没有瓶颈,整个系统的数据传输容量为6.4gb / s。
Tier 3是一种具有双机器人和18个双向LTO-6驱动器的StorNext Ael6000档案,以及两个扩展数据寿命管理(EDLM)驱动器,该驱动器连续检查媒体以确保数据完整性。在存档中,所有文件都存储在两个单独的磁带中以进行弹性,并且系统旨在通过集成下一代LTO-7驱动器来扩展其有效容量到超过10个PECABYTES。
Whenever content is written into the archive, a third copy is made on tape, which is ejected from the device. This off-site, vaulted data forms the tier 4 storage.
“结果是一个拥有大量马力的系统,”媒体庄园董事总经理的Deplan Wood解释道。“磁盘上的内容确实非常快速地交付,内部我们可以迅速且安全地构建和巩固磁盘,因为一切都是安全和复制磁带上的。”
该系统于2015年1月播出,并不断使用。“BBC Sport从它的系统混合到一个统一的环境,具有保证性能和单一的管理点,”木头说。
“The system works well, and requires zero touch for support,” he concludes. “From the reseller point of view, and I am sure from an end user point of view, too, that is a very good thing. We demonstrated through our system design that the Quantum solution was the most appropriate technical solution, and so it has been proved in practice.”