
With all the content available in digital format, thousands of hours of video footage is now available for editing and browsing at all times. Not having to search through physical video tapes means specific content can be retrieved faster – and that is vital for any media organization that wants to stay ahead of the competition.

Stornext需要24x7挑战 - 而且获胜!
Quantum Stornext与印度广播公司的24×7要求保持速度
The success of a media house lies in how quickly it can access video footage, audio files, high-resolution images, and other content to beat the competition. However, the huge volume of digital content becomes an immense challenge to back up, retrieve, and archive efficiently. To meet that challenge, B.A.G. Films & Media adopted a StorNext® solution.结果:与现有基础设施的无缝集成,减少空气时间。
Manually Managing Videos Too Slow
With 5 to 7 terabytes of video footage data being generated every day, this was becoming a significant challenge at News 24, particularly given that the large repository of video tapes had to be managed manually. In addition, there was no way to search for specific content by browser – which made identifying a particular segment of footage slow and difficult.
After evaluating various solution options, B.A.G. Films & Media chose to implement a Quantum solution consisting of the StorNext File System, StorNext Storage Manager, and a Scalar® i500 tape library.
“We were experiencing a number of business problems, like slow speed of workflow, high recurring costs, and the periodic demand for increases in library capacity,” says Suraj Pal, VP Technology, B.A.G. Films & Media.
为什么量子?一个关键销售点是StorNext如何适合已经到位的广播基础架构,包括与Apple Xsan环境的本地集成,与最终切割服务器媒体资产管理软件的无缝连接,以及OS级别的文件系统驱动程序集成。
量子’s approach to customer support – a local presence not available from other vendors – also played a role in winning the business.
The deployment of StorNext took only four days and the solution fits smoothly into B.A.G. Films & Media’s existing workflow.
基于StorNext的归档功能允许该公司本身归档其整个内容 - 即,在任何阶段都没有存档内容的任何转码亚搏官网app登录入口。这使得StorDext成为公司全部档案需求的首选系统。亚搏官网app登录入口
现在,公司归档并亚搏官网app登录入口通过源内容和源文件检索整个最终切割专业项目。StorNext将在Quantum Scalar I500磁带库上自动归档数据,其中包含LTO磁带驱动器。通过将数据文件存储在这些可靠的磁带驱动器上而不是主磁盘上,该公司可节省储存成本以及电力和冷却。亚搏官网app登录入口
“With all the content available in digital format, thousands of hours of video footage is now available for editing and browsing at all times,” says Pal. “Not having to search through physical video tapes means specific content can be retrieved faster – and that is vital for any media organization that wants to stay ahead of the competition.”