
The Veeam-Quantum combination was far and away the best option that we saw, both in terms of technology and economics…our total ownership costs were one-half to one-third of the alternative.

空客国防和空间修复虚拟机备份问题Veeam and Quantum DXi
When traditional backup couldn’t keep up, Airbus Defence and Space’s Toulouse Satellite Operations Center looked for something better. The answer from Veeam and Quantum boosted performance, reduced impact on operations, provided more granular recovery—at a price less than one-half of the competition.
Managing more than 60 satellites for scores of customers relies on iron-clad storage and protection of terabytes of irreplaceable data, a task that the company’s use of virtualization made more complex. “Until recently, we had been using VMware’s Data Recovery capability,” explains Pascal Garcia, TSOC Infrastructure and System Engineer, “and it was a weak point for us.”
该团队难以完成备份 - 事实上,实际上没有备份了几个VM,并且他们并不喜欢VMware备份在用于虚拟化基础架构的同一SAN上存储其数据。“我们觉得特别是,如果我们的主要环境有任何问题,Garcia说,尤其认为需要一个真正的备用数据,这将使它保持更好的保护,这将更好地保护它,”Garcia说。
Not only is the telemetry data mission-crucial, it is also transmitted non-stop 24 hours a day, so there is never a time to carry out traditional backup. “Even though we perform telemetry backup at night, the data download is an always-on activity, so we needed to make sure that we could complete the backup and have as little effect on the telemetry collection process as possible,” says Garcia. The team also wanted a system that could back up all the VMs and provide quick and reliable recovery of both data and individual VMs.
明确的赢家 - 不到比赛成本的一半
该团队研究了用于虚拟化环境的几种替代系统,包括来自Veeam和量子的组合解决方案。“我最初有点不愿意考虑一个涉及两个不同供应商的解决方案,”Garcia说:“但Veeam-Quantum组合很远,我们在技术和经济学方面的最佳选择 - 感谢先进support for Active Directory restore and the Veeam’s agents' availability for our legacy systems.”
“By putting together Veeam software and the DXi® appliances, our total ownership costs were one-half to one-third of the alternative,” Garcia explains, “and the coordination between Veeam and Quantum has been flawless, both on technical and commercial matters. The two companies answered our questions together and presented a unified pricing proposal. They both have experienced local team members, and everything came together easily, both before and after the sale.”
veeam和quantum dxi无缝工作,解决备份问题
新解决方案符合所有TSOC要求。“Veeam-DXI备份是快速的 - 仅在16分钟内完成所有遥测数据的更新备份,它会如此顺畅地发生,很难看到任何对操作的影响,”Garcia解释说。“我们现在备份所有VM和 - 感谢Veeam的Active Directory支持 - 我们快速,对象级别恢复两种数据和任何单个VM从DXI。”
Tsoc在重复数据删除时印象深刻。“即使使用遥测数据,DXI也为我们提供了近90%的数据减少率,这意味着我们使用较少的磁盘空间,并可以保留更多备份,”Garcia说。“并且veeam和dxi非常令人印象深刻地 - 当我们想要管理或从DXI恢复数据时,我们可以直接从Veeam接口做任何事情。”DXI的按需能力可扩展性也是一个优势,使TSOC能够在将来轻松增加容量。