
通过Stornext,我们知道我们可以达到我们的直接需求,在未来十年内获得扩展到几个Petabytes的能力,同时储存400 TB的卫星数据。

Acri-St.Advances the Understanding of Earth With Satellite Data And StorNext Scale-out Storage
Enabling Cutting-Edge Scientific Research
Acri-St使全球的研究人员能够从20多年的信息中绘制,提供数据处理服务,以帮助简化研究。“以原始卫星数据开始,研究人员将非常耗时,”acri-st的Cio Gilbert Barrot说。“在进行分析之前,他们需要排序大量的大图像。”相反,Acri-ST服务器处理了一个感兴趣区域的原始图像,并直接提供研究人员需要的数据。
Preparing for Petascale Data Growth
为了为新的ESA卫星进行准备,Sentinel-3,Acri-ST团队需要一个新的存储环境 - 一个可以处理PB的数据,而不是早期项目的典型典型的数十岁。“我们需要一个解决方案,该解决方案将适应我们的直接需求,并将成本高效 - 随着我们收集的越来越多的卫星数据,”贝拉托斯说。与此同时,Acri-ST团队必须确保内部科学家和外部研究人员易于访问数据。
acri-st团队选择了量子StorNext分层存储解决方案to archive satellite data, enable access for researchers, and support the ACRI-ST value-added workflows. StorNext offers a tiered environment that provides an optimal combination of scale and high-speed access, and it supports both Linux and Windows environments.
“单个环境中的磁带和磁盘的混合使我们最好的两个世界,”Barrot说。“我们可以在磁盘上立即可用的数据缓存,同时在更经济的磁带上存储大多数存储库。通过Stornext,我们知道我们可以立即满足我们的立即储存400 TB的卫星数据,同时获得在未来十年内扩展到几个Petabytes的能力。“
扩大档案 already capitalizing on the StorNext platform’s scalability. In 2016, the organization won a bid to support ESA’s Earth Observation Data Archiving Service (EODAS), which archives all satellite data for past and current ESA missions (except the Sentinel satellites). ACRI-ST needed to provide 6 PB for historical data plus 2 PB for live missions.
To meet the new requirements, the ACRI-ST team expanded its Quantum archive. “ESA wanted a robust archive that could provide bulk data retrieval and distribution. The Quantum archive solution was perfect,” says Barrot. “We added capacity easily and inexpensively while still maintaining a small data-center footprint.” ACRI-ST also built a nearly identical environment in Luxembourg, through its subsidiary adwaïsEO, to serve as the main archive. Data is ingested in Luxembourg and copies are shipped to the French site for off-site protection.
Protecting Valuable Satellite Data for the Long Term
The ACRI-ST archive takes advantage of the StorNext Active Vault capability to fully automate media handling, and data on the tapes are protected by the archive’s Extended Data Life Management (EDLM) capabilities. EDLM detects early signs of media wear and automatically moves files to new tapes to preserve them over long periods of time. The archive’s support of the Linear Tape File System (LTFS) allows researchers to read data directly without requiring that they use Quantum solutions, and its support for the cloud provides flexible choices for the future.