ViON Corporation

We discovered that by using Quantum tape libraries with the Quantum StorNext File System, we could provide a public cloud–like archiving experience, but on premises—and at a lower cost than public clouds.

Cloud services offer enticing options for long-term retention of growing data volumes. But many government agencies and other public sector organizations are hesitant to move citizen information and other highly regulated data to offsite clouds. Adhering to strict data privacy rules is critical.
企业解决方案提供商VION一直在为政府机构提供40年,了解云模型的优势以及公共部门组织的独特需求。2019年,该公司的领导团亚搏官网app登录入口队决定将其云的“AS-Service”产品展开,与ViON Enterprise Cloud,一个混合多云管理解决方案一起扩展。该团队希望为归档和超控平台和对象存储创建服务。亚搏电竞app下载
对于归档服务和其他产品,VION管理决定尝试一种可以加速客户时间价值的新方法。“我们可以为服务提供任何服务,”Michael Lamb,Solution基础设施,Vion说。“但是设计完全定制的解决方案可能需要一个非常长的交付时间。我们想创建预定义的,预先成架和预售和预售的解决方案,可以缩短我们的客户的设计流程和速度部署。“
构建带有Quantum Stornext和磁带的存档服务
VION团队的呼吁昆腾可能会促进档案的档案提供。“我们发现,通过使用Quantum Stordext文件系统提供支持的量子磁带库,我们可以提供公共云的归档经验,但在房屋 - 比公共云的成本更低,”leamb说。
Working together, teams from ViON and Quantum established the best sizing for the base solution, which uses the Quantum StorNext File System to provide either a file or object interface to store data, and Quantum tape storage as the low-cost, long-term storage technology. ViON adds the right mix of professional services to help deploy and support the offering.
Accelerating Customer Time to Value
Simplifying Budgeting with Low, Predictable Monthly Costs
The new offering enables organizations to reduce costs compared with cloud services. “Our customers have a low, predetermined monthly fee per gigabyte used—nothing extra,” says Lamb. There are no network upgrades required or extra fees to restore data.
Building on the Quantum platform gives ViON the flexibility to tailor the archiving service for specific customer requirements. “Because we’ve started with well-tested Quantum technology as our foundation, we can still provide a customized archive solution in far less time than before,” says Lamb.