新technologies are constantly emerging to assist those organizations struggling to support the increasing needs associated with producing high-resolution content in multiple formats. One in particular that has shown real promise in making a positive impact to supporting and accelerating production workflows is flash-based storage. However, these resources are both highly expensive and limited on capacity when compared to spinning disk.
鉴于存储技术的这种演变,最近有一个新的进步,这是对该存储介质增加了更高的效率和成本效益。在许多方面,完成了闪光始终打算的承诺。它被称为NVME,或非易失性存储器 - 从地面构建的传输协议,以将主机连接到存储子系统,并将速度为2x至7倍,而不是SATA SSDS。然而,即使使用这种新的协议,很重要的是要理解它可以最好地利用,以及如何在多个用户之间共享。
- NVME如何使您的工作流程更快,更高效,提高成本
- 什么行业适用于NVME解决方案
- 为什么现在是采用nvme的完美时间