Supplier Diversity
量子supports and encourages opportunities for diverse suppliers and service providers in its supply chain and infrastructure management. Small, disadvantaged, or minority-owned business that are interested in working with Quantum should contactcompliance@quantum.com.for further information.
Section 508 Compliance
Buy American Act Compliance
量子supports the directive of the Buy American Act to encourage purchases of American-made goods by the federal government. Qualification of Quantum products relative to BAA generally falls under the BAA “Waiver for Commercial IT Products”. Information about a product’s BAA status is available in a form template根据要求.
The Trade Agreements Act requires products listed on a GSA schedule contract to be manufactured or substantially transformed in the United States or another designated country. As a supplier to GSA contract holders, Quantum utilizes a substantial transformation analysis in determining product status under TAA. If applicable, a certification letter is available根据要求.